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Posts posted by november222

  1. well i also think it is one of those things such as cigarettes or alcohol that is habit forming. if a young man cannot have sex with a girl unless they marry, he is likely to form the habit of using prostitutes at an early age and it will shape his mental psyche and approach towards women. if he is capable of having consensual sex without marriage then perhaps the way he views sex will be more romantic and emotional based as opposed to transactional.

    from this perspective, i do feel that young thai men are becoming more what some people here call Westernized in their relationships with women.

    yesterday you made this comment in the neighbours topic post #33

    "ps ---- i am study muay thai many year and very good "

    i think you have had a crash course in english as well. nice one.

  2. I agree but if there was no or little moderation then the serious weirdo's would come out. :ermm:

    yes, and dont forget theres always loads of em on temporary bans. imagine if they were all let loose. the lunatics would take over the asylum.

    that could be fun, and ratings would certainly go up.

  3. The business that has always amazed me here is Sizzlers. We tend to go for the salad bar, and if I am pushed to have a main course will have the fish and chips which is not bad. But the food as a whole is rubbish and not cheap. Without alchohol it is around 300 Baht a head, but both restaurants are nearly allways full of Thais. You can sometimes see a queue outside on weekends or holidays.

    Is it a franchise as well?


    it is a franchise. why is it you go there? the little womans idea no doubt. good man.

    • Like 1
  4. Obviously none of the posters here including the OP and me, feel that they are an idiot, it`s always the other poster.

    Please understand that Thai visa is like a book. If you think the content is rubbish, all you need to do is put it aside and read another story. Much simpler then trying to rewrite the book and change the original content. This goes for threads, posts and the complete outfit.

    I can assure everyone that running a forum like this in Thailand is no easy task. There are always those who believe they can do better, that is the same in all businesses, but like the farm girl said to the loud mouth yob trying to chat her up; if your dick is as big as your mouth is? I'll see you later on.

    But these people rarely can live up to what they say they can do or like to do, that includes having the knowledge, brain power and know how to create a forum in Thailand.

    if you dont like tvisa no need to make your own forum. try teekdoor thats were those that leave tvisa go. no idiots there.

    • Like 1
  5. Another good result tonight for Chiang Mai winning 1-0 at Phetchabun. Chainat could only draw 0-0 with Phayao, so Chiang Mai are 6 points clear with 2 games left. A point at Chiang Rai at the weekend makes them Champions. Should make it a good away day.

    Is the kick-off at 6pm or 4pm? kevins worried about having to get up before noon to drive up there. a few seats left for those wanting to come along. champs on sunday. nice one.

  6. 8 topics closed on page 2 of general forum and this guy wants more moderation. nice one.

    no foul language here (george aside) like you see on most forums so what are you complaining about, the guys that dont take it all seriously?

    good luck with the new forum.

    expect the usual 'this topic has run its course' any minute now.

  7. hi pikey your bike business must be doing well if youve got a few quid to invest. nice one, good to hear of a success story.

    any chance of a short-term loan. pm me if u can help.

    Have PM'd you with a reply to your request, though you may not like the answer...... ;)



    its not your money? nice one. not only won't you help me you added me as a friend! some friend.

    anyone know how to remove unwanted friends?

  8. 800 replies, 17,000 views! i know some of you lads are from england where you dont know what the weather will be from one minute to the next, but here in thailand its pretty easy. just the three seasons cool season, hot season and rainy season. in the cool season it doesnt rain and its not so hot, the hot season is bloody hot, and the in the rainy season it pisses it down . sorted. subject closed.

    • Like 1
  9. Anyone know how we can get on the 7-11 Gravy Train?

    I've heard a couple of conflicting rumours - franchises are only 500,000THB and all CM 7-11s are owned by the same family that's behind Rimping.

    Can anyone separate truth from fiction as over the years, whilst driving about, I've said to Mrs Pikey "that'd be a good place for a 7-11" and sure enough, one has sprouted up and although to the western eye, the market seems to be saturated, particularly in the city, this is obviously not the case.



    hi pikey your bike business must be doing well if youve got a few quid to invest. nice one, good to hear of a success story.

    any chance of a short-term loan. pm me if u can help.

  10. Can we take it that you and Nancy are not close?

    ive never met him! poor, greek and gay?

    Urban dictionary

    'Bio break - Neo-geek terminology for visiting the bathroom'

    What is your problem? First of all, I don't know why you think "he" is gay. I am assuming by the name Nancy that this person is a she, but even if I'm wrong, there's no reason to think that Nancy is gay. And even if he/she IS gay, you're obviously saying it in a derragatory manner, which is completely rude and uncalled for.

    And you think he's Greek? Is that supposed to be an insult too? Oh wait....maybe you just can't type and you meant to say "geek." :D

    its all in urban dictionary

    "Nancy Boy - an effeminate man; what gay men were called back in the days when gay meant happy."

    nothing wrong with being gay . just saying i don't know a poor, gay geek (correction)

    nothing wrong with being poor as well, before you start ..

    geeks i can live without though, so youve got me there

  11. I agree that the hotel location isn't all that important. Just get something within walking distance of Thapae Gate and the park, which actually is in the SW corner of the old city, so something near Chiang Mai gate would be good.

    Think about the need for "bio breaks" when selecting your viewing location. The parade is long, long, long -- over three hours. Now we live very close to Thapae Rd, so I think we'll just set up on the sidewalk and I'll dash back home when nature calls. That will save the cost of the over-priced coffee at Starbuck's, but the view won't be as good.

    And oh, this parade is definitely good. It could get a bit tiresome year after year, but it's a real experience if you've never seen it before.

    last time you sat in the air-con and at starbucks to see the long long long parade buying nothing but one coffee and this year your going to set up on the sidewalk to save the cost of an over-priced coffee! how much is an over-priced coffe at starbucks? not everyone is poor you know.

    what is 'bio-break', muesli or something like that, and why is it so important .

    you say your going to have to dash home when 'nature calls' - what's that the budgie squaking cos he wants feeding?.

    one problem of being on the sidewalk which you didnt mention is what to do if you need to take a piss.

  12. the aggi fair at maejo is not flower festivaland parade but an agricultural and flower show.both are good but the op wants to know about the flower festival in february. i would say stay somewhere off tapae or moon muang but really it doesnt make much difference as the parade goes from the river down tapae to the park at the nw side of the moat. easy to get to from most places. the floats are displayed after the parade at the park and there is a flower show at the park. hotel location doesnt make a big difference but anywhere night bazaar, tapae or old city is easier than out of town.

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    post-47242-043432700 1283974461_thumb.jp

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  13. If anyone knows "Tony" and if he is getting out of the business, I wouldn't mind buying some his equipment

    youre the guy in the next bed aren't you?

    sorry sir, the bad news is you've been in an accident and we had to amputate your legs. the good news is the guy in the next bed wants to buy your slippers.

  14. Thailand 2 biggest tourist market are......???? drum roll.....Backpackers & sex tourist, you can't polish a turd. Thailand is what it is. A consequence of a strong currency will be a drop in tourists. Nothing anyone can do about it. Just the same as people on here moaning their currency is worth jack <deleted>

    the laws of economics dont apply to anything addictive. as prices increase demand stays the same. sex is addictive. sex tourists will still cum.

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