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Everything posted by poppysdad

  1. A couple of weeks ago I received from the UK some documents to sign, cost according to stamp on envelope was a little over £10, approx 450 Thai baht and took just 6 days from day of posting to my house here. I signed the documents and returned them but it cost 1050 baht for exactly the same documents, almost 2.5 times the price. Today I received another document to sign, this time the cost from the uk was £7.50 or approximately 330 baht and again received in 6 days. I returned the signed documents a short while ago and once again it was 1050 from here so over 3 times the cost of receiving. I have no complaints as being legal documents speedy and safe receipt and delivery is most important but why such a difference in the costs. And yes I also think that 6 days on each occasion is excellent.
  2. I’ve been with Santander for years and use online banking here on my iPhone and I do receive OTP passwords sometimes but not always as mine is set up for Face ID which works flawlessly.
  3. Girlfriend wanted to visit home village to check on her rice fields and sort out some other issues so off we set on a 7 hour drive. Arrived at the nearby small town and wanted some food to take to house but Tesco lotus apparently closed for 3 days due to covid, rest of town seemed open and operating normally so she shopped elsewhere. Then we drove off to her village, quite a large village but little in it. Driving through the village and just about 100 yards to her house she owns here the road is partially blocked with big signs which she translated to me saying road closed due to covid etc. No problem she says we go another way and round so is that we’re built before cars were invented and 5 minutes later we are at her house from a different direction. Now to me where is the logic in closing just this one Soi, half way down when all the other great many sons are fully open and you can go wherever you want. And this blockage which was obviously just to stop cars as motorcycles pedestrians etc can just go through with no problem. I can only assume that those in charge are of the opinion that it’s only cars that transfer covid and all other methods…..well don’t. The following morning it seemed business as usual in her Soi judging by the traffic and this morning on leaving to come back to our house here her Soi is fully open but they’ve moved that same sign to another Soi. Totally pointless as you simply take another route to get to where you want to go.
  4. Many of the replies here I actually find quite insulting. Firstly I totally trust her. She is at this moment shopping without me and she has my wallet and total access to whatever is in it and I don’t count the money before and after or check the receipts. Secondly I have 2 wills one for Thailand and 1 for the uk and she gets the lot when I die. I also have her covered with accident insurance and limited medical cover and help with her support of her daughter studying at university. And she has almost instant access to around 150,000 baht of my money if suddenly needed. I was simply asking how others do what I was asking as it occurred to me that there were certain things I have never got around to. Absolutely nothing to do with not trusting her which I do totally, nothing to do with being mean on the contrary I’m very generous to her. I could go on but no doubt some of you will twist it around like you do for many a genuine inquiry.
  5. This morning in the shower having just got myself nicely soaped I leant against the wall and shut my eyes for a moments relaxation and suddenly felt my feet uncontrollably slipping away from me and unable to stop I fell with a bang onto the tiled floor. It must have been a bit of a bang because my Thai lady downstairs called out to me and not getting a reply rushed up the stairs and into the bathroom to find me laying motionless on the floor. Anyway thankfully after a few moments I came around and a quick check over there was neither blood or anything broken but just left with a stiff neck and shoulder. Having got me downstairs and in a comfy chair she still crying her eyes out asked what was a really valid point as to what should she do had it been a lot worse, she has no access to my phone to contact my friends or family or bank account if she needs to get money to pay for meds and treatment etc. Nor is she really aware that I have both accident and health insurance or how to contact them. So my thinking is to put a letter in a sealed envelope with the strictest instructions to only open in an emergency containing all the info she would require in case I am unable to do so for myself. What do others have?
  6. My Toyota CHR is now 3.5 years old and just under 70,000 kms on the clock. My delightful wisdom of all knowledge lady says I should replace my tyres, the front ones were replaced over a year ago more due to uneven wear than anything else which also resulted in the tracking being adjusted. However the rear 2 are still the originals and still have plenty of tread depth and no visible signs of fatigue etc. So should I listen to the other half or just continue with them until any problems may or may not appear.
  7. Around mid morning received a phone call from a number starting with the above code which not recognising i didn’t answer suspecting a spam or scam call. However curiosity got the better of me and a Google search revealed it as being an East Asia international code but unassigned. I suspect it was one of these robotic marketing calls and have blocked the number anyway but any ideas on who or what.
  8. 2 weeks ago we visited 3 national parks in one day. I think all related as only paid in the first and then just handed the tickets over at the next 2, as per usual it was 40 baht for my lady, 30 baht for the car and 200 baht for me. Anyway, I wind down the car window at all the entrance kiosks with no face mask at all 3 and not a single word of complaint from anyone. At one my Thai lady had to get out of the car and register and take a temperature check but no request for me to do the same nor were we asked to take any other sort of test although signs above the kiosks in both Thai and English said we should. On walking around inside the parks I was always the only falang and all were quite busy and I would say that 75%+ of all the visitors were maskless including 3 monks on a sightseeing trip and enjoying their day out. And I for one who does have breathing difficulties with wearing one was totally relieved at being able to walk around without one and actually enjoy myself.
  9. 15 years in Hua Hin and a Google printout was always accepted since Google was available.
  10. Sometimes i get amused or frustrated at the Thai's misuse of English words, for example my Thai lady speaks very good English and we can chat away all day in it although there are occasions when I'm left a little confused. One word that crops up regularly is why do you want to "fight"with me, now to me a fight is some aggressive contact with another person but we only have to have a slight disagreement and she asks me why do you want to fight with me, and i regularly hear other Thai's using the same word in a similar way. Another regular is why are you "angry" again and all i did was make a comment on the latest narrow escape on the road or she'll say mind that dog, i reply yes honey i can see it to which the response is why are you angry with me. A few weeks ago she was telling me which way to gl to a particular place and said turn by the "big car", i said what big car, a mini is a small car so i assumed she meant something like a Fortuna but I could not see any but she started to get angry when i kept repeating what big car. I eventually stopped behind a parked Lorry and asked her what she was talking about to which she replies were here. Then the penny dropped, a big car to her is a lorry or truck and on asking a few Thai people what they called them and i was surprised to find it was quite common to call them that. I'm sure there are many other instances both amusing or frustrating.
  11. The other week I asked my Thai lady to order something from Lazada and 30 minutes later I asked if she had done it but she said no because there was no feedback on that site so she was looking elsewhere for me. I replied just order it for me but she flatly refused to do so because no feedback. In the end I ordered it myself and it arrived 2 days later exactly as described, but she insisted I had taken a great risk. In many other instances in life I rarely read reviews because I’m of the opinion it so easy for anyone to over or understate something often purposely and on the odd occasion I do maybe for a hotel why do nine out of ten praise it but one runs it down badly. How can one persons experience be so different to everyone else, perhaps genuine but perhaps not and so it goes on with everything. What’s your opinion of opinions?
  12. I’m beginning to wonder if Kamphaeng Phet immigration are awkward for the sake of it or have I been very lucky in 15 years at Hua Hin. Today off to do my first 90 day report here as I believe that first time it has to be done in person rather than online. Filled up the tm47 although not done one for at least the past 2 years in Hua Hin simply hand over passport and 2 minutes later all done. So officer looks at my completed form then my passport and looks puzzled and then asks where’s all the copies. Copies of what I enquired. Copies of all pages in your passport. I replied you need many copies for 90 day report to which he says yes. Off goes the girlfriend to get it done and eventually comes back to which he then tells her she’s missed one so go get it. While she’s away I try my hardest not to look annoyed at all this and in friendly voice ask him if I need all this for future 90 day reporting to which he replies yes. Meanwhile while girlfriend away he does all the needed and even had the printed slip ready to insert in my passport for when she returned with it. Is this normal all around the country? He also told my girlfriend that I will need some certificate from the hospital when I go to do my annual extension but no idea what it’s about. Anyone have any idea on what that is all about.
  13. Just had notification from Wise that they’ve now received my money so quite happy but it’s taken around 6 hours to do so. Girlfriend will be happy again.
  14. I understand and accept most of the replies but I have not changed my method of transfer in years. No matter what day or what time of the day the transfer from Santander to Wise was literally seconds. I did notice this morning though that the Santander transfer setup was quite different to in the past but still only took a couple of minutes from entering the site to get the message of successful transfer.
  15. I hope its not just me but last month i made a transfer from Wise to Bangkok Bank but it took a couple of hours for my transfer from Santander to Wise to happen. This used to happen almost immediately. This morning i Transferred from Santander to Wise nearly 5 hours ago and Wise still say waiting for my money. It does worry me sometimes when i really have no idea where my money is with one saying its gone and another saying still waiting for it. Is this delay becoming more common or is it a case of these days transfers only happen in normal business hours so my transfer wont happen until Santander staff open up the bank to transfer it to Wise.
  16. Why do you people come on here and state the obvious when you really know what is being talked about. Have you nothing better to do and if you read what I wrote I never mentioned anything about a visa and just quoting what the officer said to me.
  17. While at KP immi yesterday waiting for tm30 to be sorted a female officer asked me what extension am I on to which I replied OA. She replied you don't want that to which I agreed but said I cannot leave the country to change it. She then spoke extensively to my girlfriend in Thai but then started trying to explain to me about what to do at next extension which seemed contradictory to my many years of extending. However on getting home I realised she had given me 4 sheets/forms of paper, one the TM.7 no problem with that, another un-numbered all in Thai but obvious that it’s something I fill in, another one un-numbered but obviously me declaring I understand penalties for overstay etc and then an STM.2 which on reading a few times seems to be about changing visa/extension type. So putting 2 and 2 together is she saying I can change from OA to just O without leaving the country?. If so then are there any complications I should be aware of?
  18. Arrived in Kamphaeng Phet last night and all our worldly goods arrived this morning. Duly filled in the tm30, copied all the relevant pages from passport and the lease, had a copy of the owners ID card along with a copy of the house book and fully expected it to be troublefree and off we went to the Immi office just 10 minutes from the house. There was a man outside who inspected everything about 10 times and in the end told me paperwork all fine but who signed the tm30 to which I replied as the possessor it was me. No he says, not your responsibility the owner has to sign it. But the owner is working and cannot come to which the reply was he has to so my girlfriend phones him to tell him he has to come to which he says he cannot until late afternoon which he did but he was with the officer some considerable time. Last time I did it in Hua Hin I think I simply handed over my passport and a copy of the lease and 10 minutes later I’m on my way out. However some lady officer was talking to my girlfriend and then called me over to her desk to explain about my annual extension. Now having done it 15 times before and know all the hoops to jump through she explains I only need to have my 800,000 for 2 months plus 3 after and I only need to have a bank statement for the first 2 months. But I will also have to go to the government hospital to get various medical certificates. Never heard of that one at all before plus Hua Hin I need 12 months bank statements against her 2 months So am I confused or is she. I would add that all were friendly and helpful and seemingly laid back and in the hours that we were there only one other falang appeared so they do seem to have an easy life. Nor I add did I ever sense that money was being asked for but it does seem a world away from my 15 years Hua Hin experience.
  19. It might just be me but usual painkiller of choice is ibuprofen 400 and my preferred brand is Neurofen liquid capsules which I find work quickly and effectively and long lasting, but many pharmacies only stock the Mega brand of Gofen which I find less effective. On studying both I find that the Neurofen is a smaller capsule making me wonder if it’s more concentrated and a different colour to the Gofen implying different ingredients. Anyone have reasons as to why there would be these differences in what are supposed to be the same medication.
  20. Many thanks one and all. Now crystal clear to me.
  21. Many thanks mtls2005. Yes I will be self reporting mainly because the owner is absent and a friend of theirs is looking after things and they have never let to an alien before and really have no idea of the rules and regulations. Bit like my girlfriend who thinks I make a lot of it up.
  22. Well 50% helpful and the other from another moron with nothing better to do. When you consider that this is supposed to be done within 24 hours of arriving at my new address and probably not even unpacked at, my present address is still possibly the one one I have just come from as that is the one I’m registered at until it is changed. Perhaps if they changed the wording from present to new it would then be easy.
  23. Shortly moving to a new home in a new province and fully aware of Tm30 requirements. I’ve downloaded the form but cannot fathom out what info goes into certain lines. I have searched but it seems I’m not the only one with the problem. eg. Have no problem with the first few lines but when come to present address is this the new address I’m staying at or the one I have just come from. And then further down it comes to to stay temporarily in the kingdom has stayed as which sounds more like my old address should be entered in those following lines. Thanks in anticipation of a helpful reply.
  24. Just tried it and got registered and a password instantly sent which i then used to attempt (not due for a couple of weeks) to do my 90 day report and all worked perfectly. Just to experiment i tried first with my VPN which got me nowhere but instant connection when i closed my VPN.
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