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Posts posted by tmd5855

  1. Before the wife became the 'ex' she wanted me out of her hair, plus the house, her life and her bed.

    Company had openings worldwide, took one in Indonesia, wife was happy (extremely so) that I done the 90 day, tax rule for non-residence.

    Only problem were?? Where to live in Asia? Lots of guys were already in Thailand, so ended coming here after some travels.

    Cost of living, weather and the lovely women if one has to be honest.

    Also, it was a pleasure to get back to nature (sort off) working on farms and rural homes, fitting pressurised water systems, lights, power circuits and overhauling lots of little diesels.

    Okay being eaten alive by many things, suffering headaches from heat and dehydration. But in return I had found a country and people I could relax and enjoy my life with.

    Not for all ex-pats though, living quite rough and eating Thai food in a rural enviroment is not for the majority, but the boy scout in me took to it.

    Have now built my retirement home, with all mods and cons, intend calling it quits no later than Aug 2015.

    Back in the UK my ex is angry (cheesy.gif ) and bitter that I have prospered without her, cannot get my dosh that is in the bank, and incandesant with rage that I am happier now than when married (angry.png ).

    My son is happy for me and been out visiting a few times. Wishes me the best, say's never seen me so happy and relaxed.

    So why did I come to live in Thailand??

    1) Found a niche in life that convinced me, this was my place (happiness and contentment).

    2) Earnings tax free.

    3) Weather/climate.

    4) The beautiful women (should of been placed 1st)

    • Like 2
  2. Spare a thought or two for Jock Stein.

    Born on this day (5th October) in 1922.

    One of the greats of the game.


    Yes, a great.

    Why he never got a knighthood, in being the first british manager to win the European cup. Yet the second British manager to do so, recieved a knighthood.

    Strange and unfair

  3. It was a wet the baby head day.

    The guys are all ex pat's and friendly with the management and owners of Champagne.

    It were not "Pink" (God forbid) shirts but a bluey/purple shade.

    Allan the owner of "18 coins" was the proud father. They were not drunk and they are all 45-55 year old well heeled gents.

    Not a sandle or Changi singlet amongst them.

    pink/purple was the color of the shirts and they looked pretty drunk when I spotted them in Buhakao rolleyes.gif

    They were neither pretty, nor were they drunk.

    They were extremely tired and emotional and needed a rest whistling.gif

  4. It was a wet the baby head day.

    The guys are all ex pat's and friendly with the management and owners of Champagne.

    It were not "Pink" (God forbid) shirts but a bluey/purple shade.

    Allan the owner of "18 coins" was the proud father. They were not drunk and they are all 45-55 year old well heeled gents.

    Not a sandle or Changi singlet amongst them.

  5. You are saying that as a poor American, people from rich American families are even bigger snobs and wouldn't even talk to you.

    There are plenty bad apples (like those on Wall Street) but plenty too whom have dedicated themselves to charity like Gates and Buffet and numerous others.

    But you miss the point. Class is celebrated in Thailand throughout all classes. It is not in the USA. There are plenty of snobs sure but we aren't very impressed by them. Remember, we were a bunch of rednecks who threw the King and his well dressed tea sipping "soldiers" out of the country and have not looked back.

    No "Tea sipping soldiers" you colonials threw your own tea into Boston harbour during a 'party', saying "No taxation without representation" (Might be wrong since I was not around when it happened)

    The rednecks, "ye bud, we know"

  6. Some of the most caring, helpful females I have met in my 8 years living here "Work Bar" .

    As Jesus said, "He without sin cast the first stone"

    Look in the mirror and ask yourself what you would do to support your loved ones/Family

    • Like 1
  7. The other day I had quite a serious accident that meant me suffering bodily injury and the loss of some possessions including my mobile phone. The local rescue people took me to a hospital somewhere in the 'outback' to be cared for by the doctors and nurses.

    In this small hospital hardly anyone spoke English at all and what English they could speak was limited. When they were getting stumped as to how to get an understanding of what was needed, I asked them to phone an ex g/f who I have known for 3 years and seen once in the last year, as hers is the only number I can remember off by heart.

    She took the call and sorted everything out over the phone so all could understand what was going on and what needed to be done. She then had a word with her boss and dropped everything at work in Bangkok and got someone to drive her down to find me. When we finally met up after some mix ups due to me not having a phone until I got a lift home to use my spare phone, she stayed 2 days to ensure everything was OK. Then she went back to BKK. She phones 3 times a day to make sure I am doing okay. She is willing to be there at the other end of the phone to help in an instant.

    There are good Thai people out there, even ex g/f's.

    As an aside, if I'd had my phone, there are several other Thai people I could have phoned and they would have helped too, but I doubt they would have / could have dropped what they were doing at work instantly to come to me, stay with me at the hospital and then take me home, clean up, tend to all sorts of little things and make sure I was as best I could be before having to return to work.

    Don't believe all bad things about all Thai people. There are good and bad people the world over as there are good and bad Thai people and I for one am grateful i have some numbers of really good Thai people.

    I had similar occur to me. Never went out with the girl but we had always exchanged pleasantries. Fell ill, she heard all about and came to see me. Took me in her car to hospital, she had gathered all the documents needed and "Took care" Later she would take nothing from me.................. There are some remarkable ladies out there who will make any man their King.

    I can only speak good of Thai ladies, because they have never done bad to me.

    • Like 1
  8. Ha, so whats your opinion that l did all that's necessary but lost most cos my wife wanted to tour the world with another guy and took most of my financial and home building in the settlement.

    Some here are blind to individual cases. fuc_k, l get angry with some snotty nosed do gooders.


    We are the same in some way then??

    2004 my wife wanted rid of me, so took an overseas posting to Indonesia while she went to the lawyers.

    2007, lawyers drew up the papers, she kept a 4 bed house 48 miles from London heathrow. All the money in the bank, shares and the 3 cars.

    I had two suitcases, zero money in the bank but kept my Merchant navy officers pension.

    Worked all the extra days possible, done freelancing and by 2010 had got back on my feet.

    August 2011 started building my retiement home (No GF, land etc protected).

    Pictures belowpost-47908-0-80174500-1330006712_thumb.jpost-47908-0-32129700-1330006654_thumb.jpost-47908-0-90998800-1330006601_thumb.jpost-47908-0-80682600-1330006514_thumb.j

    Reason why I did this??

    My ex thought she had crippled and broke me, little did she realise that with no more access to a joint bank account she was depleting her bank balance as I were building mine. When she became assest rich but cash poor, I were now cash rich mak mak. It made my day to see the look on her face when after telling her tales of woe and needed money, my reply was "No" the look was was priceless.

    Took me 5 years to get everything back, why don't you do the same

  9. Brits between the ages of 50 and 70 (that's the old gits whinging about pensions) have been raised in a welfare state, left school at a time of full employment, had free higher education if they had payed enough attention in school to pass selection, alternatively had access to apprenticeships, lived through decades of increasing personal wealth, rising house prices, had access to jobs with defined benefit pensions...basically this demographic group have had oportunity and wealth handed them on a plate.

    If you're a Brit coming up to retirement and the only pension daving you have is the state pension then you must have ducked, ignored or squandered the multitude of oportunities handed to you over decades.

    Now you want us to listen to "it's 'snot fair"

    I am 56, 57 this year, product of a single parent family from a large council estate nearby Glasgow.

    Father died when mother had just turned 38. She was too young to recieve a widows pension so had to work like hell. Full-time job during the day, part-time at night and a job on a Saturday.

    Were the youngest, had an elder brother and sister, we have all done well by ourselves. Not by having a welfare state to support us, rather by seeing that you had to take care of yourself and not rely on others. Joining the Merchant navy at 22yr then going offshore 40yrs has allowed me to plan my retirement outwith any government handout. Only 18 months left and its tend the fields, fish and fruit.

  10. Thanks to all of you who have posted replies/comments. It has opened up many possible scenarios and conversations.

    Up Barmet Narong looking at the preparations and have pointed out to my mate (Might be wrong on this)

    If his wife, her mother and daughter were all to pass away in an accident?? Her two brothers would inherit everything. That had his wife jumping up and down so she wants to go down the same route as me to protect him?

    Funny old world??

    Thanks again to all for advise, being here 7+years now seen many guys loose the shirts on their backs.

    But there seems to be some decent/non-mercenary Thai females.

  11. I've personally lost friends to that drug, it's evil and should be stopped!

    Ditto. Agree.

    I would go further. They were doing this for personal gain.

    In their head they had already spent their wages, without a pico second thought to the carnage their cargo would bring to individuals, their families and the wider society that has to cope with addicts.

    I suffered with my youngest son on drugs, sadly he is no longer in this world so have zero tolerance tolerance now.

    It is never "A bit of fun", "its harmless". It is a dirty, soul destroying activity to families.

    They are not worth a passing thought

  12. The average expat here I think spends 60-70k a month from what I've read. Some poorer members may not report due to shame, some richer guys may report due to bragging. :rolleyes:

    Some guys simply lie. :ph34r:

    That's a stupid statement if ever I've seen one. 60/70k a month maybe easily in BKK if you live the high life, slightly less in other major cities. Much less out in the sticks! Shame/bragging??

    Showing ignorance there Chops, sry.

    It is not a stupid statement.

    I am at least a 100k+ a month person. I am out every day/night and have a great time living here in Pattaya these past 7 odd years?

  13. Whats happening to phuket it really is becoming very dangerous for farangs now, tourists and expats alike. The thais , (tuk tuk drivers , jet ski operators , shifty bargirls , corrupt police ) are scaring their breadwinners away.I know thai people cannot alway think straight , but you think someone in the government should realize the damage being done and try to do something about it. :)

    I moved to Thailand in 2003, choose Phuket since I knew and worked with some guys living there. Did not know any better, but have to admit I never felt at ease, comfortable with all the scams etc going on. After the Tsumnami many airlines were pulling out and I could not always get a suitable flight from Phuket to catch my connection in Singapore. Started having to fly to Bangkok, where I would end up speaking to guy who lived "down the road" in Pattaya. Met up with some a few months later and was shocked (Pleasantly). Taxis cheaper, rented villas vastly cheaper, bars etc all cheaper so moved to Pattaya late 2005.

    Have been back Phuket a few times to see former work colleagues but the whole attitude from many 'Phuket' Thai's appear downright hostile when compared how the Thai's in Pattaya potray themselves in their dealings with you.

    Reading the increasing post's from BM's on the day to day happenings in Phuket, it no longer comes across as an idealistic place one would wish, to retire too anymore.

  14. does the recognition of a Palestinian state by the UN kill, maim or hurt anybody? stopping aid "if" is just more evidence what kind of power the zionist blackmailers in the Greatest Nation on Earth™and its 51st state Eretz Yisrael wield in Washington.


    Bit confused with comment/viewpoint above...

    Could you stop sitting on the fence and beating around the bush............

    Just say where your evenhanded and balanced sympathies lie, or what side of the fence are you shouting from ?

  15. Been living here 7+years, working offshore China.

    Are the girls worth it??

    In my opinion yes. Just as any woman will respond kindly being treated kindly, with good manners and respect. It just seems to me that Asian (Thai) females appreciate it and respond in kind with more affection than those that believe it should be the norm without any reciprical behavior.

    Had one relationship with a wonderful Thai lady, when we split, she asked for motorbike, I let her keep it.

    She did nothing wrong except want marriage and a baby.

    The weather, the food, the standard of living and you are centrally placed in Asia, makes Thailand (For me) ideal.

    I intend retiring retiring here, this country despite many faults still ticks more postive than negative!

    As for the previous post.

    Are the girls back home worth staying there for?

    My answer............ sadly it is a BIG NO

  16. Halfway through building a house up Chaiyapum.

    Firstly there is no Thai girlfriend involved, it is my friends wife who has everything in her name.

    Been family friends for 7+years and my mate who I work with has been married to her for 11 years.

    She is helping me to build my retirement home (I am 56). She is has a local lawyer who will transfer title of land and house to any Thai Lady I may meet. But she is scared that Thai GF will not have the most honest of motives, so wants me to get independent legal advise.

    Sunbelt will be contacted when I come home on leave. At present working offshore, China.

    Can someone advise me please on the following and anything else that may spring to mind???

    1) Told that if I marry, I can get a lease from my wife for 15 x 2 years to stay in the property, but if we divorce that lease agreement is void, this correct??

    2) Also the lease can be sold to a 3rd party.

    Is that correct?

    3) The person that gives me a lease...... That person dies..... her family inherit the property and can evict me??

    This correct

    4) Heard that the Thai person who owns the land can sign a document at the land registry giving up rights to the land/house for the duration of my life. (This is more interesting)

    Is this correct.

    All advise comments welcomed. Realise I will need to take legal advise (Sunbelt?) only wish to know options, pitfalls and questions I will need to have answered.

    Thanks in advance.


  17. Maybe it is simply a heartwarming tale of true love that withstood the test of time; about a couple who overcame great odds to be reunited. And they triumphed over Japanese bureaucracy, Thai immigration, prejudices about Thai women, stereotypes about Japanese men and the jaded opinions of thaivisa members. :rolleyes:

    Had to laugh at at your last 5 words. 555 555 555

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