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Posts posted by tmd5855

  1. Speeding, is that all and 3,500.00bt. No way matey, you were up to something or said something wrong or acted the big shot (I can do what I want).

    Me I am always getting stopped on thre airport to Pattaya M/way, for speeding (140-160k) and not keeping to the left hand lane.

    Always speak nicely, if my Scottish dulcet toned accented Thai is not understood. Apologise in Thai and speak English.

    Never paid more than 200bhat.

    Except one time near Sa Kheao, the army/police road block wanted 1000bt or I go jail??

    Smiles and pleading got it down to 500bt.

    No matey you were picked out and hard done to.

    Why........................ Maybe the cheap house you stole...... your personal dealings....... Your Karma?

    Som nom na

  2. Gosh, its really hard to explain....

    Thai women pretend they 'love you too much' - Western women don't.....

    Incredible shock for farangs to come here and realise they were so 'hansum' - not something they expienced in their home country. :rolleyes:

    Jeez?? Unbelievable.

    My ex told me she had won the pools when she met me. (pre lottery days) Should of seen all the little things.

    Sold my own home (no mortgage) she changed literary overnight??

    Bought a house in joint names, atmosphere became so bad, told her I would not marry her unless the previous person she were came back?? She changed?

    Married it was daylight vanished. Only dark moods.

    Farang women can lie through their teeth, listening to her group getting pissed on their regular Thursday afternoon meetings were more of an eye opener than I have ever heard from Thai BG's (I can speak and understand Thai)

    Farang women do not have a halo over their heads nor the moral high ground. You have all the frailities and vices as other human beings. The thai girls call farangs "Hansum man" We know they are telling fibs, just as you know, when we say we love you, so are we.

    We are all pots and keetles

  3. Why do I like Thai women?

    Ex merchant Navy, now work in the oil/offshore industry.

    When my loveless marriage of 21 years came to an end, lost the house, cars and all my shares etc.

    Since I only paid for a large home, yet worked abroad, judge (female) said in court "Not really your home since you spend 7-8 months of the year out of the country/home". "Your home is your work". Kept my pension, luckily??

    She kept £450,000 worth of assests (2003 valuation) When I met her, she was already seperated from her first husband. Working at putting bacon into plastic bags and living in a one room studio flat (Bedsit).

    Her standard of life changed overnight (Farang/Thai spring to mind)

    Decided to take position offered by the company, in Indonesia. Thought I would now do the 90 day, UK, tax rule. Looked around at KL, Singapore, Miri, Jakarta and Thailand. Thailand ticked all the boxes for tax, communications, infrastructure etc. Women............. Hated them all at the time, not interested.

    Started going out and were attracted to the femeninity of Thai women. Pleasantly suprised at how caring they were, even to strangers. Then 2007 BOOM? caught the eye of lady, a widow. Been together ever since, cannot fault her, makes me feel special, loved and appreciatted. Her circle of female friends has me shaking my head in disbelief when thinking back how my ex, her circle of friends behaved?

    Lived in Taiwan 1979, spent most of my Navy time out in the Far East.

    Prefer dark eyed, dark hair, golden/olive skin so much my UK ex could pass as an Italian/Spanish female with a slight tan.

    Thai females are a cut above the norm, in my eyes at least? Cannot fault my partner, she puts up with a hole host of things like a saint?

    Maybe it is just her and her race has nothing to do with it??

  4. Let me make some comparisons and tell me if I didn't pay for a woman's company when I was married.

    When Maria came into my life it was second marriage for both of us. She had a job when we first met, but the government shut it down a short time later. After that she did not work except for a dozen small businesses that I financed for her. Before any of the businesses became successful she quit and started another. They varied from hair stylist, to doing nails, to selling jewelry, to selling Amway goods, and then running a day care for children. In each case I paid for the start up costs and kept things going, including doing the accounting. I know what the costs were. I put up with the constant career changes because I understand that not all careers suit everyong equally. One of her friends had a successful day care business and Maria though she would like that. It looked like a smart idea because I knew her friend was making a good income from her day care business. But, we needed a larger home than the nice little one I already owned and that was perfect for just two people.

    So, I sold the small home and took out a big morthgage for a larger home in a better location, specifically so she could run the day care. The business was a success from the start and the location was great. But, Just before the day care started making money she turned it over to her daughter who only lasted another year with it before she also quit. Then, I was stuck with a big house we didn't need with a mortgage I didn't want and no income to pay for it. The whole thing cost me a lot of money. During that time, I also helped out her two adult children in trying to get them careers. I also bought Maria two new cars that her son prompted destroyed. Fortunately, the insurance (which I paid for) covered most of the damage costs.

    When her adult son got into the drug scene I was naive in thinking I could help. I had to buy him out of a rental home that he destroyed, and he moved in with us. !0 months after he moved in she moved out and left her son with me. A short time after that I had to get the police to get her son out of my home because he was smashing it in fits of rage. A couple months after that she filed for divorce and wanted half of everything. Over the 7 years we were together she had contributed nothing other than her body and her company. When we finally parted she walked away with half of what I had worked all my life for. We probably had sex about 3 or 4 times a week... about what I get now when I'm in Thailand. I don't want to hear all the usual feminazi claptrap about looking after the home for me. I did all the cooking and the clean up afterwards when we were together, and I did all the yard work. She contributed by doing the laundry and the lnterior house cleaning. I could have paid Molly-Maid house cleaning for that.

    I put up with all that because I truly was in love with the lady and would have done anything for her. Ienjoyed her company and we had some great times together, but If I were to divide all the times we made love together into what it cost me financially it would come to far more than I've ever paid for prostitutes. Yes, the sex was mostly better (but not always) and for the good times we had together it was worth it to me. But, don't tell me I didn't pay for her company. And, it wasn't a lot different than the few special ladies that visit me now on a regular basis.

    Very sobering and thought provoking message.

    Had an experience along similar grounds.

    Met a divorcee who lived in a single room, her work was putting sliced bacon into plastic bags.

    Sold my house in Edinburgh (Scotland) and bought one in joint names in Bristol, England. She to work, Work HA! 2 hours a day, 3 days a week. To "work" needed her own car. Cost of petrol, insurance etc were greater tahan her wage, but it was the image she wanted.

    After 12 years managed to secure an exceptionaly high paid post. Then the demands for all the trappings for success came in. Cost me a fortune. One night when drunk she attacked me while I were sleeping, ambulance was called and I stayed in hospital for 3 days. arriving back home told her she now had what she wanted ...Divorce?

    She tried to cripple me with debts. I agreed to let her keep everything in the UK. 4 bed house with ensuite. 43 miles from Terminal 1 Heathrow. Sex, poor and cold for all those years. Will never marry again. All her friends are divorced seperated and see themselves as victims not to blame for the braek up.

    iving in Thailand 6 years now. never been happier. Pay for sex, sure a small price to pay for female company. Ex took £450,000 in house, assets, cars and shares. Now moaning since it takes a lot of money to maintain that style, money she does not have.

    The company of women is a lot cheaper here. Feel a lot better.

    Pom song satang

  5. Overstay will cost him 20,000 baht.. Pay at airport. Just hope he does not get caught by police before he leaves. he could spend a few nights in jail. The overstay after he pays is not a big thing.

    Thank you for replying. How much is it a day, is 20,000 the max??

    Thanks again

    500 per day to 20,000 max.

    Many thanks will pass it on.


  6. A friend of mine works 21 day on off in the oil industry. He decided to take 2 trips off and now finds himself in Thailand 15 weeks before he leaves. Now realises he has done overstay. Bit worried what can happen to him when he arrives Swampy to fly Singapore.

    Any advise on how much he will pay or should he go to an immigration centre. He lives up Dan Kun Thot, so Korat may be the closest.

    Thanks for any advise

  7. The best and in my view the only way to stay legit is to follow the tax man advise.

    Do the 90 day rule, have done so for 6-7 years while living in thailand the past 6.

    Advised by the tax man that to obtain my NT coding had to satisfy him on a number of issuses. This I complied with.

    Work offshore in Asia doing 4 weeks on/off and in live Pattaya.

    Return to the UK for 5 nights during my 4 weeks off. Maintain a property 48miles from Heathrow. which is shared ownership (UK wife, but seperated).

    Have salary deposited in a bank outside the UK, demonstrate own accomodation outside the UK along with normal domestic expenses.

    Show work visa's for asian countries and the proverbial type "O" visa for Thailand.

    Would imagine that the majority of ex-pats would be similar? Only those that do not do full disclosure or trying to lie low (scam) would need to worry.

  8. Done the electrics on the GF parents house. You buy an earth stake (copper) fit it (Hammer it down) into moist soil. Run a 2.5mm single core/stranded cable preferably coloured green direct from the stake to the washmacine earth tag, usually at the rear of the machine

  9. It is not 18 months he will serve. Good conduct inside, keeping below the warders and Governors radar he will be up for parole after doing 1/3 of his sentence.

    He will be avilable on or just before 1st May. Remaining sentense will hang over him as a suspended. Keep his nose clean (unlike his victim) he will be whistling May 2011.

  10. After reading Thaskin prose and Steveromagnino prose. I sit on the fence, both say enough to support each argument.


    Who did the majority of the voters vote for and was Thaskin removed from power by the same ballot box.

    I look at politicians worldwide, I see in the UK, the late Edward Heath (ex PM) died with a couple of million, yet been in public office or service most of his life. John Major now a millionaire, Tony Blair a kick in the butt off being a millionaire.

    If they accumulated riches it was/were by using their public office and connections. Same as Italy's Beresconni (sic) et al.

    Still, never seen enough reason or deeds to merit deposing him by a coup de tat. Except for others personal reasons.

    I await the flames of righteous indignation!?!?

  11. Been living in Pattaya 5+years. Had conversations with people on the subject of drugs in Pattaya and elsewhere in the Kingdom.

    But...............Never been offered any drugs at all. Yet I go down many soi's and GoGo bars.

    Maybe it is how you look, act and the company you keep that attracts pushers to you

  12. Perfect reason why folks shouldn't get wed here.

    Most men who come to live in Thailand have failed at relationships all their lives, then think all will be well when they met a Thai lass who fits their sterotype.

    When they realise its not all roses, off they go shagging owt that 1000 Baht will get them.

    Simple rule. Don't get married.

    Agree some (most maybe) men come here looking for a Thai Lass that fits them. But, there is a lot of us who have been sent out to work by our companies and end up in Thailand. I took an offer to work off Indonesia in 2004. Did not fancy Jakarta, let alone Singapore or KL. My marriage was over when I arrived in Phuket. Tourist numbers plummeted after the Tsunami and I found myself flying to Bangkok to get a flight to Singapore, so moved to Pattaya 2005.

    In late 2006 met a Thai woman so some/most ex-pats that come here to work are not the dark socks with leather sandals brigade with a 1000bt note in their sweaty palm (So a mate told me)

  13. Perhaps more relevant, I Expect the UK retail price Index to rapidly increase from

    Oct 09 to March 2010, then dropping back slightly. Question is will the Bank of England respond with interest rate increases? Or will they rely on removal of the 2.5% VAT reduction instead? (as substitution of one or two rate increases) I think they will have to move the rates up before March 09. So I would look for 60 baht to the pound by April 2009.

    Shurely a typo error old chap.

    Rates rise March 09 and the baht at 60 by April 09. Shurely, Sir you mean 2010.


  14. I am no expert,but it seems to me,that you have got one zero too many in the pricetag.At least....

    That is what I would think, but, it was what he said? That is why I added the "comment" after that sentence

  15. Hope some BM's can help me, searched and cannot find anything of use?

    Lived here in Thailand for 6+years, work offshore on a 4 weeks on/off basis.

    Been in a steady, relationship for the past 3 years??

    Stay up at the girlfriend, parents house every leave and never had a problem.

    Want to take the relationship further, purchase (Her name, but with protection) some land in her parents village, of 10 houses.

    Village is between Si Kui and Dun Khun Thot on road 201. Nearest named place is Kut Noi?

    Village is surrounded by farm land, it is 250 metres down a dirt track from the main 201 road. Water is provided from a well and pumped to each house. Sewage is normal into ground. Full mains electric on hand.

    After all the ramblings now reached my question???

    What price per rai could/should be expected. Figures from low to high welcomed. There are no Europeans in the area, nearest is at Dun Khun Thot, he bought land, just off the road and that was 300,000 for a rai????? Not too sure how to take that one.

    Have ballpark figures for building a house. Just an early thanks to any/all that can advise me.

  16. Yes, if things are so terrible, why is Pattaya full of bald, tattoed scumbags drinking from 6 AM - 6 AM in low, low season ...

    Unemployed Euro hooligans on the dole and living rough and cheap in Thailand?

    Do agree, however, that they are most undesirable...and if we have to depend on them to keep Patters humming we are truly <deleted>@d :)

    Most of my friends that live here in Pattaya, like I do are not even expats?

    More tax exiles, we certainly are not (Very) fat, tattooed, scumbags drinking 24/7.

  17. I think the most useful (and insightful) comment on this thread so far was from the Thai lady who noted "When you are dealing with Thais, you are dealing with children". This seems very astute to me with one possible caveat. Thai women are often by far more sensible and pragmatic (mature even) that Thai men, which possibly helps to explain why western men are so popular with Thai women. After all, in my experience, it's the women who still have to feed the kids when the useless Thai husband has quit his job again or spent the money on drink and fags and playing the alpha/beta game with his mates.

    You may have a point there?


    Food for thought, will ask the TGF?

  18. Some posters on here have the right idea about their life here. (To me) They like the country/people and their lifestyle.

    They do not go into fits of rage at Thai politicians, Thai drivers, Thai price structures etc et al.

    Take my hat off to them, you are happy and content with yourself and life, well done.

    Others who moan, bitch and flame the happier members are themselves to blame for their own plight, see and keep my distance from them when happily going about Thailand.

    Others seem to be so unhappy/angry they must spend all day in front of a PC railing about life.

    Many have thousands of post's, yet been members for a short period.

    Moan about dogs barking, predatory in-laws and relations, etc etc. Stand up and take charge of your life, not let others dictate. Act like a Thai, when in Rome?

    Those who moan about Thai politicians appear impotent since their view counts for nothing to those same politicians.

    Yet, same posters would have fits of rage if foreigners criticise our own upstanding MP's or Senators

    Been living here for 6+ years, working for an international company who treat me well. Three to six years before retiring, everything is in place even now.

    Yet, many who have came here did so since it was cheap and their lifestyle were so superior to good old Blighty, they felt the jackpot had been won?

    Now exchange rates collapsing, falling income and rising prices have turned them against Thailand. Their own planning is to blame not Thailand.

    If you do not like a film you leave, same as a restuarant meal, not like, you leave. Not like your life/style in Thailand then leave.

    Expect now to be personally flamed as a rose (spec) tinted, thai lover for offering an opinion that many disagree with.

    Yet I have not singled out any members, only a group of depressives :)

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