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Posts posted by tmd5855

  1. Admittedly the boders were drawn up by the French in the days when elephants were the main means of transport, but these border disputes with Cambodia are spats engineered by the PAD and Yellow Shirts to divert attention from the real issue of povert and a lack of government spending to deal with it. . If Gen Prayuth is now using the issue as a 'shop window' to get more weapons, then one becomes even more suspicious about the motives for these border diputes. 1.5% of GDP is pretty standard for the region: The Phillipines spends 0.8%, Indonesia 1%, Cambodia, perhaps significantly spends1.1%, So 1.5% seems more than enough and of course the last time the Thai miiltary fired its weaponry in anger was at its own people, so maybe they have enough guns already

    Yellow shirts causing problems?? Wash your mouth out?

    No doubt the pro yellow TV members will say, "Not good Pad guys. It's those trouble making red's wearing yellow shirts, that is who they are"

    Agree with what you say. ditto

  2. Have spent a lot of time around Israelis, even working for them. They had all done their military training in/under various guises.

    TV posters should rememeber it is only colour and religion that seems to seperate people. But some posters are ant-semitic I feel and that is raciscim?

    The Israelis I worked for were not amongst the friendliest or warmest people I have ever met?

    But, they had a couple of "never again" attitudes, that I could understand.

    One, was that there would never be another exodus or Holacaust?? (Masada again??)

    Two, if we were being overun, all Muslim places of worship would be fields of glass beads. (Nuclear strikes??)

    Point two is maybe why the Saudis wanted Irans nuclear facilities "Taken care of"...... (Willeaks, internet cables)?

  3. Pom song satang?

    I work 4 weeks on/off ofshore so in and out of the airport (Swampy) regulary. During my 4wks off I go back to the UK for 6 nights.

    So think I can comment on visitors coming through immigration.

    They are down, year on year for the same period.

    You only need to look at the aircraft stands, 33-40% occupancy and how many are transit.

    One of my flights 'in' is from Hong Kong, continues to London. Other flight 'in' continues to Seoul?

    Save up my fastrack passes now since you can get through immigration in 15 minutes tops.

    No gangs of guys from UK, Europe ...Scandanavia??

    Year on year house rents asked for have risen but my offers (They get taken) get lower per se?

    4 years ago I would of been paying 45,000bt a month for my villa. Have just renewed the lease for another year, they agreed 24,000 per month straight away.

    There is not so much money going around, not so many westerners?

    The eyes do not lie. ............ I think

  4. The numerous painful shots that you refer to are history. Nowadays its an initial jab followed by a series of jabs (in the upper arm) every couple of weeks or so.

    Were bitten by a dog in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

    Had the tetanus in the arm but had 6 injections over the abdominal wall, one a day.

    The pain was in the bruising it left since the serum is injected as you withdraw the syringe. You could barely bend over to wipe your bum and your stomach was a patchwork of yellow, blue and brown bruising.

    Ahhhh the good old days. Wire brush and dettol

  5. Do not wish to multi quote but one item I have not seen raised/posted is the "Oslo Accords" signed by Rabin and Arafat.

    This gave Arafat 95% of his demands, these being:

    1) The return of refugees

    2) Freeing of selected political/criminal prisoners.

    3) Abandoning of settlements, freeze on building.

    4) Sharing of Jeruselem.

    5) withdrawl of all military forces from Gaza.

    6) Gaza and West bank self rule.

    7) International airport could in Gaza could re-open

    There were many, many others that Rabin signed up too, in doing so he signed his own death warrant. Later a right wing israeli shot and killed him.

    Arafat signed the accords in Oslo, offered his hand to Rabin (Rabin was uncomfortable, see TV footage) and shook his hand.

    Everyone thought it was peace at last.

    Saudi, Egypt and Jordan expressed their own satisfaction on the accords, Saudi offered aid on a large scale.

    Arafat went back to Gaza and for whatever his reasons changed his mind and launched the childrens Infinatda.

    This prompted the saying.

    "Peace"? "Arafat never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity"

    The rest we all know, Israel quoting Arafat turned their backs on the accords, but they still pulled their forces out of Gaza.

  6. Do not wish to multi quote but one item I have not seen raised/posted is the "Oslo Accords" signed by Rabin and Arafat.

    This gave Arafat 95% of his demands, these being:

    1) The return of refugees

    2) Freeing of selected political/criminal prisoners.

    3) Abandoning of settlements, freeze on building.

    4) Sharing of Jeruselem.

    5) withdrawl of all military forces from Gaza.

    6) Gaza and West bank self rule.

    7) International airport could in Gaza could re-open

    There were many, many others that Rabin signed up too, in doing so he signed his own death warrant. Later a right wing israeli shot and killed him.

    Arafat signed the accords in Oslo, offered his hand to Rabin (Rabin was uncomfortable, see TV footage) and shook his hand.

    Everyone thought it was peace at last.

    Saudi, Egypt and Jordan expressed their own satisfaction on the accords, Saudi offered aid on a large scale.

    Arafat went back to Gaza and for whatever his reasons changed his mind and launched the childrens Infinatda.

    This prompted the saying.

    "Peace"? "Arafat never misses the chance to miss an opportunity"

    The rest we all know, Israel quoting Arafat turned their backs on the accords, but they still pulled their forces out of Gaza.

  7. When you read the above. (If quoted and translated correctly) You realise the paranoia of Israel.

    Hezbolla is a partner in the lebanese coalition goverment.


    Speak of war as if they are goverment.

    Speak of no arrests of their members by the "goverment"

    Speak of cutting the hands (Okay silence)those that disagree with them or advocate other action/means?

    We cannot say that the arabs are crazy, just remember European history??

    Hiler was guilty of all three above.

    Stalin was guilty of the last.

    Worked with Israelis a number of years ago, found them a bit arrogant, very focused on the task and determined to succed/win.

    Always said if israel was going down in any war with the arabs, there would be no places of Islamic worship left in the Middle East. They would all be radioactive fields of glass.

    Where are the cries of condemation of these outpourings from the free world.

    If a coalition member in the Knesset spoke in the same manner, there would be ambassadors called to explain in capitals around the world.

    Double standards.

    Ok. Let's look at what you write and what you claim;

    Paranoia? Yes. I think the Israeli culture is distinguished by that. It is a product of being under attack 24/7. It is a product of a large part of its population being refugees from arab lands where they were persecuted, expelled, exploited etc. You see all those black people in Israel? You know where they come from? Ethiopia and Yemen. They were airlifted out after the jewish community raised the money to pay for their blood ransom. Do you think those Ethiopians hold happy memories? Do you think the Egyptian and Tunisians that had lived in their arab countries for centuries, think back with joy when they remember being given 24-72 hours to leave and having to give up all of their possessions.

    What do you expect people that would be going into war say? We hope that when we lose the victors will treat us nicely? We hope that when we are successful in defending our nation that we will then embrace the people that sought to kill us? Does anyone going into battle utter niceties? The difference with the Israeli forces is that despite their victories they have yet to go into major cities and turn them into glass. When they had surrounded the Egyptians in 1956 did they massacre them? No they allowed them to surrender and return to Egypt. When the arab attackers came close to over running Israel and defeating the country, did the Israelis turn Damascus, or Bahgdad or Amman to rubble? No they did not. Now contrast that to how the arabs have waged war. The Iraqis gassed the Iranians, When the Sysrians went to war with each other other amd massacred 35,000 of their own, they bulldozed the city. They lined up unarmed combatants and executed them. Look up the Hama massacre. To date the only people that have attempted to turn any country to glkass were the Iraqis when they fled Kuwait setting fire to the oil facilities causing an environmental catstrophe. They also looted everything they could. When the Jordanians expelled the arabs that call themselves Palestinians, they weren't too concerned with civil rights were they? What you heard from the Israelis was bravado to steel their nerves. That's all.

    If you read my post again you will see that I am a tacit supporter of Israel, can see the good, bad warts and all.

    Cannot understand why some posters are anti-semitic.

    If Israelis have no right to the land of there forebearers then the are entitled to it by force of arms.

    If that is not acceptable then the German/Polish/Russian borders need looking at and we better restore Prussia?? Then Californian and Texan inhabitants better brush up their spanish.

    It is not going to happen? Israel is a reality that has to be recognised by all in the Middle East.

    The palestinians are kept locked in Gaza just as much by the Egyptians (Remember the Egyptian wall blown up by Hamas) as Israelis.


    The ruling party/goverment is classed as a terrorist organisation that wants the destruction of Israel, also supports the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt. (They killed Pres' Sadat remember?) It is difficult to talk with someone who wants you, your family and nieghbours dead.

    It happened once before to the jews....... called the Holucaust.

    The Jews will do more than another Masada if it looks like happening again

  8. When you read the above. (If quoted and translated correctly) You realise the paranoia of Israel.

    Hezbolla is a partner in the lebanese coalition goverment.


    Speak of war as if they are goverment.

    Speak of no arrests of their members by the "goverment"

    Speak of cutting the hands (Okay silence)those that disagree with them or advocate other action/means?

    We cannot say that the arabs are crazy, just remember European history??

    Hiler was guilty of all three above.

    Stalin was guilty of the last.

    Worked with Israelis a number of years ago, found them a bit arrogant, very focused on the task and determined to succed/win.

    Always said if israel was going down in any war with the arabs, there would be no places of Islamic worship left in the Middle East. They would all be radioactive fields of glass.

    Where are the cries of condemation of these outpourings from the free world.

    If a coalition member in the Knesset spoke in the same manner, there would be ambassadors called to explain in capitals around the world.

    Double standards.

  9. To have taken part in WW1, you would need to be over 100 years old.

    To have taken part in WW2, you would have to be over 80 years old.

    The only living person I know of, who took part is the current Pope, a former member of the Hitler youth who participated by helping shoot down allied aircraft.

    Do we need to be reminded each year, how 'evil the Germans' were, how 'cruel the Japanese' were.

    How much longer will remembrance day continue?

    How relevant is it to a Thailand forum?

    Surely time to forgive and forget!

    What do German and Japanese members of TV think of this thread?

    Your post had me stuck for words?

    You have had many replies pointing out quite correctly the error of your post and why.

    You are a lucky person to have the freedom to question, nay ignore the sacrifice that others have given so you have the freedom to sit in comfort and question all things with "Why"

    Just consider who gave you the right to free speech, peaceful society to live among within a democracy.

    Sleep in your own bed without shouts outside your door because of your politics, religion or your colour.

    You can do so since many, many people who were terrified and wanted to be somewhere else put themselves in harms way. Just so you could continue living your life as you want.

    We are remembering these poor souls that never came home from harms way.

    Never came home to those that loved them.

    Instead they may have died a painful and lonely death in some godforsaken land.

    Please consider them for 1 minute. They gave their lifetime of minutes.

    Shame on you if you cannot give 60 seconds?

  10. For sure life has it's twists and turns, some can cope, some cannot, unless you have been there it is hard for some to understand. I always wondered how can anyone jump under a train or jump off a roof, l thought it was daft BUT when l lost my wife l learnt a big lesson and will NEVER talk a bad word about anyone who takes his own life..[/quote]

    Then you know what it is like when your thoughts start drifting to strange places.

    It is only when you come back to yourself that you realise the scary place you were going or just had been.

    I go to sleep now wanting to wake up. When I awake, thank my God he has given me another day of life on his/her earth.

  11. aplogies if this appears an unwelcome thread diversion but it is about depression and failing to cope.

    Many things go through my mind when reading a sad tale such as this.

    Were depressed back in the UK 12 years ago for about a year.

    Popping seroxat every day to keep the demons in my head that tried to take over me at bay.

    Problems inside family and wife pushed me to looking at the pill bottles and a large whisky on more than a few occasions.

    When I put my head on the pillow at night did not care if I woke in the morning. Just wanted all my worries to go away.

    Job kept me sane, now seperated from the ex, work out in Asia (Offshore) live thailand 6 years and have a dream of a partner.

    That poor guy will have woken up and said today is the day............. He was probaply smiling since his torment was over.

    3 years ago a friend from my old town came out here. Met a girl and married her. Bought a house then he was kicked out?

    H went back the UK, max'd the credit cards, took out bank loans from a load of banks/lenders. Came back out here and bought a bar. The rest we all know.

    Told a few of us he was going back the UK, He had lost the bar and ended up sleeping in one of the girls room, near walking street. He just vanished one day. Thought he had went back the UK, but his son had never seen him. To this day no one knows where he is?? Just vanished without trace??

  12. How pathetic that these retards use the most cowardly of all tactics to terrorise their fellow Thais and murder anyone within a yard of their stupidity.

    Stupidity is of course the trademark of the Red Shirt Movement, their leader, the craven Shinawatra reptile, the stupidist and most cowardly of them all.

    This most recently banal of threats undeniably bears the Shinawatra trademark.

    Take the reptile out.



    Thaksin is certainly not stupid.

    It is people like you who think he is, that end up underestimating him and his cohorts, look down at them and belittle their supporters/rank and file.

    That is what they like to see in their enemies, that is why him and his like are dangerous, cunning.

    You obviously think you are not stupid, think you are smarter than him.

    When the dust settles, it is usually those we underestimate that are sat in the top chair.

    Thaksin has support and he has money. If he thinks he can win?? He will spend all his wealth for once back in power like 99% of politicians he will have his hand in the till.

    I think Thaksin will be back.

    The old saying that "People get the goverment they deserve" could apply to him and his lackeys.

    A lot of old money can see that Thaksin is still around and has support, there will be overtures through 3rd parties to sound them out. You have to look at secret talks, IRA, Taleban, ETA. to name a few.

  13. Just 21?

    I can't say I blame them as they are surrounded and despised.

    Cannot blame them either.

    Surrounded by countries who harbour groups that want to eliminate Israel (Final solution again??)

    Worked with a couple of ex Israeli forces offshore. They admitted Israel could be overrun in an all out arab attack on all the fronts??

    "What about you nuclear weapons, I asked"

    "There would be no muslim sites of worship left"? "They would all be glass and radioactive"

    Here is hoping, that the listening stations can prevent that scenario??

  14. A few years back a friend of my wife was having difficulty with the payments for her son from her ex Swiss husband.

    She found out through the Swiss authorities that he was receiving the allowance for the kid, but he was not passing it onto the wife, he was just pocketing it.

    Now this guy is claiming disability, some mental issue and he is not suppose to be able to cope with the likes of driving, holding down a steady job ,life in general.

    However he can be seen regularly riding his motorbike around town or driving his pick-up and I managed to take a series of photos of him driving his pick-up.

    We then delivered the photos to his house and told him that we would submit them to the Swiss authorities if he did not come clean with the child benefit and after about 3 weeks the ex-wife received notice that the child benefit was to be paid into her bank account.

    I was still not satisfied so I let the guy know if he did not pay the back dated benefits then we would submit the damming evidence, his attitude was go ahead as that would mean his son would lose his benefit too, but we called his bluff, because he did not realise that the child benefit was a legitimate payment and had nothing to do with his disability payments, he duly paid up every penny.

    I see the guy now and again in town and he just hates my guts, but he is too chickenshit to do anything about it, but I would just love him to try.

    Well done. Would do the same.


    1) He has abandoned his son.

    2) He is stealing his sons money.

    3) He is living a lie.

    Yet he probaply thinks he is a smart cookie?

  15. Never knew I were having a mid life crisis.

    The ex in the UK had been asking for a divorce for years, kept saying wait till the children have left school, wait until they have work, wait until they leave home.

    Well one left home at the same time the company asked if I wanted a posting out in Indonesia?

    Wife at the time could only see "tax rebate", "foreign travel".

    Checked out HK, KL and Thailand. Phuket and Bangkok did not like, Pattaya got the nod.

    It was agreed that I would walk away from a 4 bed house, two cars and investments. I would keep my pension and not pay maintenance.

    Well after 3 years living here met a woman who 3 years later is still with me. Affection and care is showered upon me of a type and range I have never had nor ever seen. Makes me feel humble at times. Taught me to speak Thai and enjoy the thailand and it's countryside outside Pattaya.

    Will never leave, since there is nothing that would make me.

    The ex wants me back, apologises for her behaviour towards me, calls Thai females all sort of names.

    Tell her if a poloka dotted woman from mars treated me nice and kindly, I would still feel the same.

    It is not a mid life crisis, more coming to one senses and realising what you want and above all need is not there.

    Crisis, what crisis, it is enlightment................

  16. A landslide? You're dreaming. Look at the last election for an indicator.

    Should have made it clearer. A landslide, I doubt.

    The reds are not some homogeneous lower class ill educated bunch.

    There are thousands of middle aged Isaan people working down around the Eastern seaboard for MNC's or have their own companies, and I have been quite shocked about how vocal they are over a beer or on the golf course.

    However, a lot of the view that they have is that the rich of Bangkok have hoodwinked the country economically for decades and something needs to change.

    I can't argue with that, but the problem is if I tell them that Thaksin probably isn't the saviour they expect him to be, they take the view that he is the least worst option for the long term of the country outside Bangkok.

    Very well put. Cannot say better?

    I thought I were the only person on TV that can see support (Whether right or wrong) for Thaksin and the red shirts.

  17. It's like this.....

    Great Britain is the largest of the British Isles. The Island nation consists of three separate countries: England, Scotland and Wales. I am English, and I have a British passport.

    A Scotsman will also have a British passport but that does not make him English nor Welsh. Likewise with the Welsh. The British passport does refer to the three separate countries but does not specify which one in particular we are from.

    Just to re-iterate. I am English AND British.

    I could confuse matters further by mentioning The United Kingdom which includes the three countries mentioned already PLUS N. Ireland, but it's best to keep it simple for now methinks.

    Have to nitpick a little here.

    There are only two countries in the United Kingdom. They are England and Scotland.

    United Kingdom came into being when the Scottish King James VI, took the English crown in 1603.

    Uniting the Kingdoms as King James I. It was he that started the union flag of St George and St Andrew.

    Look at the coat of arms on your passport (UK) It shows the Unicorn of Scotland and the Lion of England.

    In England you will see on the coat the Harp of Ireland, Ramapant Lion of Scotland and the three Lions of England x 2.

    When flown in Scotland the Ramapant Lion is shown twice

    No Welsh dragon anywhere, since Wales was a principality of the English crown. That is why you have a Prince of Wales.

    Just a little query for some?

    What is the red saltire on a white background which is the third flag in the Union Flag, what is the Saint and country?

  18. In short you need to be the type of guy who can form normal happy committed relationships with women anywhere in the world. No reason for it to be different here.

    If you are already this type of guy you wont need me to tell you who you should fall for and who you should not bring home to meet your mother!

    Sorry double post??

  19. In short you need to be the type of guy who can form normal happy committed relationships with women anywhere in the world. No reason for it to be different here.

    If you are already this type of guy you wont need me to tell you who you should fall for and who you should not bring home to meet your mother!

    In short, you said the perfect quote. Simple!

  20. In short you need to be the type of guy who can form normal happy committed relationships with women anywhere in the world. No reason for it to be different here.

    If you are already this type of guy you wont need me to tell you who you should fall for and who you should not bring home to meet your mother!

    In short. Perfect, comment/statement

    Could not have condensed, abridged the above any better.

    Full of common sense and a look yourself in the mirror first.

  21. If you have the secret for a succesful marriage then please share. I will be on my way to billionaire status within months.

    Do not think there is any secret.

    We all change as we get older, my tastes and views are different now than 25 years ago.

    What I wanted then, not need, nor want now.

    My views.

    If you are a good guy you want a good woman.

    Neither of you must have a hidden agenda.


    Woman thinking she will change him to her thinking when married. Man thinking, that can stop after the wedding.

    Simplistic I know but so are many fatal arguments.

    You and she must be on the same intellectual level.

    Living miles away from civilisation, your best friend (wife) better have same views, interests and hopes/desires for the future.


    No one is top dog and his/her views are the only ones tolerated/accepted. Ability to listen to the other view point, no matter what.

    The ability to say "Okay we agree to disagree" is a must.

    You understand her culture and can put on the Thai glasses and thinking cap when needed.

    You are in their country so your culture to her will be taken care of, if she respects your feelings, senses and/or understands your moods and non-thai ways, but most importantly, gives you face.

    I am happy with my long term GF of 5 years now.

    She understands my past and why everything is slow and steady.

    Can see that what I say I will do does happen. She sits me down, tells me her problems and how she feels. I do same.

    Keep reminding myself she is not moaning but telling me how she feels. She sits and listens to me.

    Maybe it is my age and now being laid back more with my life. But could not and would not wish for any better or any other woman to be a part of my life.

    As for those guys who where ripped off. 90% of the cases, I could see it coming. They were both blind and faults were on both sides. Never talked, and the guy usually started the short time route.

    We all know what would happen with a cuacasian woman if a man behaved that way, why should an Asian female feel infidelity does not matter or not a concern. (FACE)

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  22. Live here and work offshore Far East, come and go on a 90 day type "O" visa which I renew during a return trip to the UK.

    Been in a relationship for 4 years, if I have a Thai wedding, can I change my visa to marriage???

    Or do I need to have a UK style/approved marriage to qualify.

    I have been seperated from my UK wife for 8 years. For her own reasons she will not agree to an amicable divorce.

    Reasons are inhieritence, insurance and her new found christian beliefs.

    Some people have told me I can apply for a divorce without her permission owing to the time seperated?? Have no idea, how genuine this is?

    Excuse the long winded questions.


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