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Everything posted by tomster

  1. Morning All, Just found this thread. I owned a large grow shop in the the UK from 2003 to 2017, I have a fair bit of knowledge on the products for growing cannabis and how to use them. I'm not great on the chemical analysis side of nutrients as we tended to sell ready made nutrients that just did the job without the end user needing any knowledge of how they worked, but I do have some good knowledge on what is available in Thailand in regards to cannabis specific nutrients. Lights, fans, filters, plant problems etc I can really help people out with any questions. So any questions please let me know, happy to help where I can (PM's are also fine). Cheers, Tom.
  2. So thanks for your non-input, hopefully that will be the last of it. ????
  3. So which type of non-liquid chlorine are you suggesting for manual dosing, which is what the thread is about?
  4. Thanks Guys, I'm really after some opinions on which type of chlorine tablets/powders to use, from people here using them rather than a dolly bird in a shop...
  5. Hi, I recently moved into a house that had an out of use swimming pool, I had a builder friend of mine regrout it, sort the filter and it's good to go. Pool volume is about 60,000 litres. I have been adding liquid chlorine and cyanuric acid that I have been buying from a local pool supplies company in Pattaya. where the house is located. Works fine but it's a bit of a pain to keep adding the chlorine every day. So, what are the other chlorine options here? I see quite a few types of chlorine in the pool shops but there is never anybody there to explain them, would rather get some up to date practical advice from users here on the forum. Thanks in advance.
  6. Could it be they know something you don't?
  7. Does anybody know what the Government rules are now for schools - are masks still compulsory or did that get dropped during the recent rules change? Thanks in advance.
  8. Do you "use" a beer, or drink a beer? Kinda weird way of phrasing it. Hydroponics is simply a way of providing nutrients to the roots - it does not directly affect the psychoactive properties of dried Cannabis, as far as I am aware. Whereas indoor weed grown by a grower that knows what they are doing is way stronger than outdoor weed because indoor grow lights are currently capable of pushing out 20 times the usable light than the sun at max strength produces and hemp is one of a handful of plants capable of using that much light (many plants simply don't have the ability to do so). It also depends on the strain of hemp grown, indoor types are generally strong than outdoor types. Nothing to do with hydroponics or not hydroponics though, as far as I know.
  9. Yeah, lot's of people don't understand the market dynamics, you obviously get it. Thailand was already due a bumper high season when the covid restrictions were finally dropped. Bring in legal weed and that puts the high season into overdrive. Outdoor weed is not a patch on indoor weed and people are not coming here for average weed - they will want premium quality when on holiday and will happily pay for it. There is Bob Hope, No Hope and and an Envelope that the Thai's will be able to produce enough quality indoor weed to service the demand this high season (sorry) so the price will rise as you say. But they will catch up and flood the market with indoor weed around Q2 next year, it will be all downhill from there. Interesting times.
  10. Are you sure there is a 6 plant rule for indoor growing - nothing in the Royal Gazette about so far? Just that you should not sell to people under 20. Seems to be open house on how many you can grow at home currently, I guess the bill that is on it's second reading in parliament will address it.
  11. Any recent info on this school - I'm thinking of putting my kids there in May (3 year old in the nursery and 6 year old in P1). It's less than 5 minutes drive from my house so the school run or lack of it is a massive plus, would be great to hear from any parents with kids there currently what they think of it. Thanks in advance.
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