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Everything posted by tomster

  1. Quick info post in case it helps anybody later. Just flew from UTP airport to CNX with a box full (24) cannabis cuttings. Was a strange experience but nothing was said, they didn't open the box to check but knew there were plants in there and they stank. Had to be checked in, can't take plants in carry on. Basically, as expected all was smooth but felt super weird after decades of having to hide the weed! Cheers.
  2. https://www.starbucks.co.th/delivery-in-app/
  3. What do you think of this? https://www.getmyhi.com
  4. These are what we are using and they work great, but are very expensive: https://shopee.co.th/Maxi-Gro--10-5-14----GHE--ปุ๋ยหลักทำใบ--i.87157335.7870762290 https://shopee.co.th/Maxi-Bloom-(5-15-14)-GHE-(ปุ๋ยหลักทำดอก)-i.87157335.4670787140?xptdk=2cc7d223-99b1-45d0-a3a8-22092e5745f5 https://www.lazada.co.th/products/calimagic-general-hydroponics-100200ml-1l-i3489512063-s12958066269.html? https://shopee.co.th/ARMOR-SI-by-generalhydroponics-อยากให้ต้นไม้ถึกทน-ตัวนี้เลย-i.87157335.8616202809 https://www.lazada.co.th/products/general-hydroponic-floralicious-plus-50ml100ml-250ml-usa-i3909583506-s15027760674.html? Plus a good Fulvic acid like this one but it's currently sold out: https://shopee.co.th/Fulvic-Plus-ฟลูวิค-ส่งเสริมการเจริญเติบโตของ-ราก-และ-ยอด-เพิ่มการงอกของเมล็ด-i.102269273.15983856050 Problem is the price, it's ridiculous. Locally made now there is: Nutra Hydro Wizard Nutrients (not sure the name of this one but will post when I see it next) Exotic energy (as above, first I have seen that but looks fine) To be honest buying liquid base nutrients is a waste of money, that is why I and most experienced growers use powdered wherever possible - when they make the mixes they put the powdered mix together first, then add water and charge you double or triple for doing it! There are others in production that are in testing that will be along in the next month or so.
  5. This should work fine, there are several companies selling them now. Personally I don't like three part nutrients as they are expensive and fiddly, but they grow decent plants.
  6. None of these have a ratio, they are organic style additives that you add to hot soil by the looks of it. Or spray on the plants.
  7. Yeah they have a very low induction and don't need a contactor to stop the timer from blowing - you can use pretty much any timer with them. I presume that Scaliwag is using HID hence the need for a timer that can turn the lights on and off without blowing the timer.
  8. What lights are you using - LED or HID?
  9. Best bet is to send it with EMS, any of the large couriers like FEDEX will bend you right over on the tax. If possible put the name of a Thai on there, that helps and expect them to deliver a card to your address asking you to go to the post office and pay the tax, good to have that Thai with you when you go (unless you speak good Thai and can haggle). Mine came in with 3 parabolic reflectors as well and tax was 1800 Baht for the lot, which is not too bad. I only needed one for 4 x 600W lights so just went with the plugin Maxigrow Heavy duty timer, works fine.
  10. Hi, I had to import mine after looking pretty hard. Will be interesting to see if anybody else has found one... ????
  11. Everybody is calling it a mess but I shudder to think what would happen if they had try to pass the law before doing what they did, I honestly can't even imagine that it even would have got through parliament at all! Backhanders would have been flying everywhere to block it. Now all they can do is try to reign it in a bit, establish sensible guidelines for it's use etc (which as we know will mostly be ignored...) ????
  12. I'm starting to think that nobodies favourite politician Anutin has actually played a blinder and done Thailand a massive favour with the way he has handled the legalization of cannabis. Can you imagine what the bill that is currently going through parliament would look like if they hadn't gone fully legal first? Big pharma and big business would be all over it in Parliment trying to lock in the profits and not let the people anywhere near growing it unless it came through them. By throwing the doors wide open and giving out a million plants they have basically made it impossible for the big companies to dominate the market - rather than being a mistake and a mess as everybody is saying I reckon they thought this through and saw this was the only way to get the law out there without big pharma/business locking it down. Once the bill is passed everybody will just ignore it anyway as it will be totally impossible to enforce with so many people growing now. I could of course be totally wrong but I'm starting to think that Mr Anutin is somewhat smarter than people give him credit for...!
  13. It's still legal to advertise and sell weed online. When the new laws make it through parliament (will be very soon from what I read) then things may change. I think linking to Bangkok Post is not allowed so link to Google: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ALiCzsaKVNFyKQeQ3ETtJ0daZ7IPkH22qQ:1661736165412&q=Thailand+cannabis+laws+bill+parliament&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjk7uXO8er5AhUT7jgGHfRmBKwQBSgAegQIARA2&biw=1920&bih=881&dpr=1
  14. Hi, I would like to get my tap water thoroughly tested in a lab, Google is not being kind to me when I try to find suitable companies.... Has anybody had a such a report done recently - if so could you please share the company details of the lab that did it? Can be anywhere in Thailand, I will send the water to them. Many thanks in advance.
  15. So basically there are plenty of ready mixed "Hot Soils" that seem popular here as guess it solves the problem of the nutrient selection being so bad - you just add water and some organic fertiliser and you're good to go. Examples of these products: https://www.tumdin.com/super-soil-5-packs https://www.lazada.co.th/products/5-kg-super-soil-by-cannadude-420-i3826304036-s14580701494.html https://www.lazada.co.th/products/labsoil-420-20-10kggrowganics-super-soil-i3413206428-s12623952838.html https://www.lazada.co.th/products/our-store-is-in-stock-t-rex-super-soil-22-65-10-i3979883041-s15409072270.html https://www.facebook.com/naturalfarmsoil/posts/pfbid0YY47Nt9oNvy3Xy283p6XRrV4kYPrEWgmwsNbC1fosxjpaXxCu4y42poqHWfGHum7l https://www.lazada.co.th/products/geisha-organic-supersoil-i2929332381-s10736464001.html And there are several others but you get the idea. The other option is to use a lightly fertilised peat based mix like this: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/bvb-substrate-medical-peatmoss-70-18-i3096982642-s11425823709.html This is basically a very low fertilised soil that you can add all your own nutes to and control the entire process, this is I think what the thread is about, finding a well priced nutrient works for this kind of substrate. I have literally an hour ago just received samples that I have had made that ticks all the boxes (as long as the lab tests check out next week) so hopefully that will be available in the next 2-3 weeks, I plan to give away the first batch for free to active members on this forum to test it, so will post when it's ready to go. ???? In the meantime it's based on this formula so this could be worth investing in as a grow feed if you don't want to go down the hotsoil route: https://shopee.co.th/Maxi-Gro--10-5-14----GHE--ปุ๋ยหลักทำใบ--i.87157335.7870762290 Just don't use that nutrient with a hotsoil - you will massively over fertilize the plants. Cheers.
  16. That is a very good question. I also used Fluro's for propagation but am now testing the blue/cloning spectrum LED tubes. I have one of each of these in place: https://masakigarden.com/shop/led-tube-2f-15w-set/ So far so good but very low powered - I need a bit more time to pass any judgement on them. I have just ordered one of these: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2518140955-s8939646926.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1 Should be here tomorrow. I have also ordered 10 of these for testing as the spectrum looks the best of all of the LED tubes: https://www.ledinpro.com/products/productdetailinfo/44 (I have the FS Clone spectrum version coming - will be here in about 3 weeks) The first thing that strikes me is they seem to be low powered in use. They seem to mostly come in 60cm or 120cm - these are about 9-18 watts. So they are very interesting but I worry that you will need a load of them to do any meaningful propagation that will produce growth - but likely that growth will be very good. However, they seem to be pretty durable and IP66 so I thing they could be a great way of adding some much needed blue spectrum to the powerful LED lights that are marketed as being "Full Spectrum" (many of these are really lacking blue spectrum for strong veg growth) - they could be cable tied to the down poles in grow tents for example. They may also work well over very young seedlings and quite possibly over the top of a propagator with freshly taken cuttings. A few possibilities, I will test them fully in the coming weeks. Hope that helps. Cheers.
  17. Hi Mate, In the photo I posted there were just 5 plants, now down to 4 as one of the plants was not producing desirable cuttings. The reflector is a 80cm Parabolic (vertical lamp) with 400w Phillips Metal Halide Master HPI-T lamp. I have now changed that to a 100cm Parabolic and the 80cm will be used a growing on light for cuttings that have just rooted before they go into their big pots. On the side walls I have 2 of these: The combination of the metal halide, which is basically pure blue, with some of the full spectrum from the LED's on the side walls produces an excellent spectrum for vegging plants - sure you could make a LED that would probably do just as well but generally the manufacturers don't as they want their lights to do both veg and flowering. Also the vertical lamp makes the plant reach up for the light which is perfect for mother plants. Grow tents are awesome inventions - I have sold thousands in the UK and used a fair few myself but for precise environmental control full room growing is in my opinion easier to control. I will get around to putting some Mylar up but in reality it won't make much difference for me so it's not high on the list of to-do jobs. ???? Cheers.
  18. OK, so the soil and the way you use it seem fine, it kind of depends on the nutrient level, if any, in the potting soil though. Are you actually having any problems with the grow currently or just looking around for different nutrient options? The Wesco 30-20-10 + TE is cheap as chips but here is the analysis: Total nitrogen (N) 30% Beneficial Phosphate (P2O5) 20% Soluble Photash (K2O) 10% Magnesium (Mgo) 0.03% Iron (Fe) 0.009% Manganese (Mn) 0.009% Copper (Cu) 0.009% Zinc (Zn) 0.009% Boron (B) 0.008% The trace elements are pretty low. I'm not seeing any calcium and almost no magnesium so if it was me I would probably use a Calmag product with it. As for the nutrient strength you really need to start using an EC Meter. You soil mix is semi-hot so it has some nutrients but is not fully loaded like many of the Thai mixes. I would personally keep a total EC of about 0.6 - 0.8 to start with and gradually work it up to about 1.2 - 1.4, but these numbers need to be driven by the way the plants looks and the amount they feed. Not a perfect answer sorry but we are where we are with the lack of nutrients - hopefully this will get sorted soon. Cheers.
  19. With the amount of cash hungry Thai's getting their first crops in in the coming weeks I can't see the top shelf prices holding personally, maybe in the tourist areas. Interesting times ahead. ????
  20. I haven't and won't as I am about to start testing a cannabis specific powered nutrient I have had made here - would be interested to get some feedback from others that have tried Nutra Hydro though. For me powered nutes are the way forward, the prices of good indoor weed will tumble soon and it's going to be all about having unique genetics for a desirable plant and keeping input costs low - powered nutes will be a big part of that. Cheers.
  21. Good advice and interesting on the indoor prices dropping - what are you seeing?
  22. Wouldn't a properly installed Safe-T-Cut remove this risk?
  23. Ah sorry, looks like you are making your own substrate/soil - what's going into it?
  24. Hi Rob, How are you measuring that DLI as it's very high and normally associated with supplemental Co2 - do you have a reliable PAR meter? Can you post the model number of the lights? For the nutrient strength it's all about the soil you are using, do you have a link to the product? Sorry to answer your question, with questions. ????
  25. Hi, Generally you won't need any upgrades to run that amount of LED lights, just check everything is earthed and fit a Safe-T-Cut. Cheers.
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