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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. However, I am watching, and when you start getting visits from another left-wing nut-job with no logic and no sense, that's when you can expect me to return. Obnoxious, time-wasting losers with no real lives to lead are my specialty! :D

    Did admin dump the dummy again, or is my presence required here tomorrow? :o

  2. where do I live? bluecat...yer gettin' a bit personal there pardner. Could you keep a secret of if told you?

    ahem...'where are you from?', 'where do you live?', 'why do you not reply?'...threads all initiated by bluecat. I am a bit anxious with visions of unsavory types with facial scars in monocles and long leather trenchcoats mumbling together in a central european language collating incriminating information...

    Today, I went to have a swim. There was a young muscular guy by the shower of the swimming pool and he sneered dramatically at me while I showered.

    My clothes were near him, and because he'd acted very strangely, I kept an eye on him while I was swimming.

    I've never seen anything like this in a public place before, but he started doing martial arts poses and kicks. Then he started banging his elbows and knees against a big cement post, like it was a punching bag, using Muay Thai strikes, and grimacing in the direction of the pool. This went on for about 1/2 an hour and then he disappeared into thin air.

    All I could think of is that one of the nuts from the Internet had tracked me down.

    Hold on, is there somebody missing here? :o

  3. bronco, no criticism of Melbourne was meant. I go to Australia every chance I get on vacation, and I love it.

    I've been to Melbourne once for about 2 weeks and I enjoyed the restaurants, but I thought the food in Sydney was better.

    I don't just mean the few best places. I mean, in general.

    By the way, someone said that there is no way that I could know anything about Melbourne's restaurants, "because I have only been there once".

    I have only been to New York City once, for less than a week, yet I know that the restaurants there outshine San Francisco, another great eating town that I lived in for many years. The quality was simular, but one has to consider number of eating places and variety.

  4. Actually, I am just chilling out, back here, watching the progress that we have made in the Bear-Pit.

    Most of the nutty America-Bashers seem to have drifted off elsewhere, and the milder variety that are left, seem quite willing to carry on rational conversations with my boys. Both sides can learn from each other.

    Before my vacation, it seemed as every left-over hippie on the planet wanted to argue with me, about...anything.

    There I was, arguing about whether Melbourne Australia's restaurants are in the same league with the Big Apple (Sticksville Vs the financial capital and cultural melting pot of the world):D , and whether Hollywood, California has a more successful movie industry than Bollywood, India.

    Duh! :o

    Anyway, the guys don't need me right now, I'm busy working on my newest business, and besides, things are going fine without me.

    However, I am watching, and when you start getting visits from another left-wing nut-job with no logic and no sense, that's when you can expect me to return. Obnoxious, time-wasting losers with no real lives to lead are my specialty! :D

  5. Mr Porgie, and others

    you may well agree with all the posters that hollywood is bigger and better than Bollywood, but like them you are wrong..

    I did some checking, Bollywood produces more than 1000 movies/year, hollywood a meagre 300.

    Which interestingly is the same ratio as the respective populations of those two countries. 300 million Americans to 1000 million Indians.

    Please tell me how this makes the US film industry bigger than the Indian? You can cite $/movie if you like, but really that is a poor index, besides it is crass to talk of money where art is involved.

    As for the hollywood films being better. Who says so?? You. Well that certainly does not mean that it is true. indeed surely the sheer quantity of films produced in a year in India is testemony to the fact that the people enjoy them. And yes they are formula driven, I think  90% of them are musicals, and they are romantic, but hey so what thats what the people want so thats what they make. Seems fair enough to me. Go to Bombay and ask them which is better...

    Bob dylan!!! I worry about you mental health sir.

    Melbourne Vs NY ..Ok I am talking from complete ignorance...As you have already pointed out I am an ignoramous though..so I guess its allowed, but I think the food in Melbourne far better than Sydney. I'm going to change my tune then and suggest that the best restaurants are to be found in Vilcabamba(spelling could be awry here) in Ecuador..mind you when you are blitzed on San Pedro cactus, everything tastes good. So if you not been there you cannot call me silly for suggesting it OK.



    BWS, I think you are doing the old.. beat the dead dog trick, but OK, lets ignore the fact that Hollywood films make way, way more money than Bollywood movies.

    Lets ignore the fact that hardly anyone outside of the India/ Pakistan area has any interest in these movies.

    Lets ignore the fact that Hollywood films are enjoyed almost everywhere on the planet.

    Lets even ignore the fact that many Indians quite possibly prefer Hollywood movies.

    What else can we ignore?

    OK, now that we've ignored all these things, you win. Are you happy? :o

  6. First I deal with the idiot, and we all know who that is, don't we?

    So-called "gentleman", I don't ask you to post here, and you should know the concequences of doing so by now.

    You post, I make you look like a fool.

    I don't care how young, rich, handsome and charming you are, I have the right to tell the truth: You are stupid.

    I do believe, as you keep subtly warning me, that you were a trained mercenary and that you want to to come here and kill me, but the truth is that your real life must be pretty pathetic if you are willing to throw it all away for some guy who insults you on the Internet. :o

    As far as your laundry list goes, I don't have to throw a million insults at you, and just hope that one sticks. All I have to do is tell the truth.

    You are an utter imbecile.

    G'day Bruce! :D

  7. Melbourne's restaurants, in no way compare with the number, quality or variety of New Yorks. As I said hilarious.

    As I will be more often in Melbourne than in New York, can you give me

    an idea which restaurants to avoid there? Love to learn from your experience.

    I have only been to Melbourne and Sydney once but I spend a lot of time in Perth and Brisbane.

    I love the fish and chips in Fremantle, about 40 minutes from Perth by train, but, Sydney is the only city in Australia in which I thought that the food compared favorably to big cities in America.

    However, because New York City is so huge, so expensive and so packed with excellent ethnic restaurants of all types, it simply dwarfs Sydney, and every other city in the world for that matter, as far as selling a variety of quality cuisines.

    Axel, if you really want advice on fine dining, San Francisco is my real turf. It has some of the best and most varied food on the planet, beats Sydney and Melbourne cold, but doesn't come close to New York City.

    By the way, have you ever heard of the term passive aggressive? Look it up. :o

  8. I quite liked the carnitas tacos with everything on the side on Valencia near 16th...rolled up in corn tortillas. Carnitas...(roast pork) are special, any sour cream or guacamole ruins the delicate taste...

    Substitute the big, fat, fully fledged burrito that includes rice and beans and etc with 3 smaller carnitas tacos instead...give me a Superior beer and the foregoing with loads of salsa and I'm together...ready to murder on command...

    listen georgie...we are pissin' in the wind here...ain't nobody that never been to the Mission or East LA gonna understand what we're talking about..

    but shout it out loud and clear...'Vato, M-16...Venice V-13' for the rest of the world to hear...

    Now there are some wonderful burrito places in Venice in LA on Lincoln Blvd...

    Sorry, Boon Mee, but I have to answer. Just a little more torture.

    Carnitas is special, but I was a real health nut back then, so mostly wouldn't eat pork.

    I didn't know about the no sour cream and guacamole rule, but will remember when I visit SF next, because, really, I am just going for the Mexican food that I miss so badly. :o

  9. The "gentleman", AKA Pop-up Dummy has so little to say these days that I'm thinking about recycling my all-purpose Butterfly response post for him.

    What do you think everybody?

    The so-called "gentleman", Persistently Stupid :o

    If you ever have something to actually say, I will happily rip you to shreds..., I mean respond.

    G' day, Bruce! :D

  10. Whether you like it or not Bombay produces more films/year than does Hollywood. I believe it is substantially more. Maybe not the same level of FX, and certainly lower budget. But who is really to say what is better. Subjective.

    Bob Dylan???? you are taking the micheal sir. Bach and Mozart are more alive.

    As for the american literature, no doubt some decent authors in your list, and although an ignoramous i have even read some of them.

    I dont understand the comments about restaurants would you please clarify.

    I will bow to Jeepz, and every other poster, all of who agree that Bollywood, is nowhere in the league of Hollywood. As I said, just silly.

    Whether you like it, or not, Bob Dylan is a great living artist who has contributed much to today's music. There is a very good chance that in 100 years, he will be remembered right up there with your dead heroes.

    The list of American authors need no help from me.

    Melbourne's restaurants, in no way compare with the number, quality or variety of New Yorks. As I said hilarious.

  11. what it has substantially less of is culture, heritage and history.

    I was tempted to put in the joke about there being more culture in a tub of yogourt than in all the USA. ( Australia too come to think of it), but I wont.

    Euroweenies love to try this one on, but the truth is that the difference between our culture and yours is, our culture is still alive, still growing, changing , experimenting, getting better.

    Our culture changes the world every single day. :o

    The US doesn't have any culture? Ever hear of jazz? Rock and Roll? Rap? Hip-Hop?

    Who has the best authors in the world?

    Who has the biggest and the best movie industry?

    Which city has better restaurants than New York? Better plays? A bigger art scene?

    As far as History? We haven't been around as long as Europe, but we've accomplished a he11 of a lot, in the short time that we've been here! :D Haven't we?!

    Because I have deftly swiped away each attempt to refute this post by ignorant Euro-trash, I am re-posting it. :D

  12. The US doesn't have any culture? Ever hear of jazz? Rock and Roll? Rap? Hip-Hop?

    HIP HOP.....do me a favour!!! are we compating Eminem with Bach or Mozart?

    Bach and Mozart are dead and gone. Bob Dylan is still making music.
    Who has the best authors in the world?

    Who has the biggest and the best movie industry?

    Which city has better restaurants than New York? Better plays? A bigger art scene?

    Authors: Britain...without question and you know it..Christ did you ever try and read that drivel by Herman Melville?

    Herman Melville lived long, long ago. Try this century.

    How about Toni Morrison? Alice Walker, Kurt Vonnegut Jr.? John Irving? J.D. Sallinger? Harper Lee? Steinback? Hemingway? Henry Miller? Faulkner? Robert Pirzig? Joseph Heller?

    I can go on for pages you know.

    Movie Industy: India --bollywood is substantially bigger than hollywood. and although subjective, probably put out better films too.
    Silly, silly. Not even worth an answer.
    Better Restaurants: Melbourne.


    Better Plays: London

    Maybe, as good. Not better.

  13. If you truly aspire to be world leaders, first get your tongue out of the oil companies ass and the myth of your own superiority, please. We need clean energy and thoughtful leadership, not war-mongering, Old Testament-toting fanatics hiding behind the veil of democracy.

    We are the world leaders, which means that we are by definition superior, and also we are the best chance you will ever have of getting the caring, thinking type of leadership that you say that you require.

    We are the most compassionate Super-Power that the planet has ever known.

    However, the truth is, that power comes from oil and justice comes from the barrel of a gun, so you will have to excuse us for being realistic and dealing with the world as it actually exists.

    Good and evil.

    Not new-age, pretend bullshit. :o

  14. what it has substantially less of is culture, heritage and history.

    I was tempted to put in the joke about there being more culture in a tub of yogourt than in all the USA. ( Australia too come to think of it), but I wont.

    Euroweenies love to try this one on, but the truth is that the difference between our culture and yours is, our culture is still alive, still growing, changing , experimenting, getting better.

    Our culture changes the world every single day. :o

    The US doesn't have any culture? Ever hear of jazz? Rock and Roll? Rap? Hip-Hop?

    Who has the best authors in the world?

    Who has the biggest and the best movie industry?

    Which city has better restaurants than New York? Better plays? A bigger art scene?

    As far as History? We haven't been around as long as Europe, but we've accomplished a he11 of a lot, in the short time that we've been here! :D Haven't we?!

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