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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. This is all very reminiscent of the Butterfly vs. Membrane feud from a while back, which ended with us both being called <deleted> (by you) and told to "sit in the corner" for a few days.  Butterfly was clearly the instigator but you chose to "whack" both of us--and to suggest that I was as bad as he was--completely untrue.  I was simply reacting to his posts and you let him run wild on the board.  To "whack" both parties is unfair.

    I don't know--maybe you agree with the politics of both of these posters (Butterfly and the Gent)?  Perhaps that's why you looked the other way for so long in both instances

    I have no comments at this time on my very, very unjust incarceration :D , but I have to say that I agree with Membrane's complaint about his feud with Butterfly.

    I watched those two interact for a long time before I started posting at all.

    Membrane was mostly polite, with factual, informative posts.

    Butterfly was unfailingly abusive with little to no substance to his posts at all, just name-calling, wacky nonsense and more name-calling.

    Yes, after being flagrantly called everything under the sun, Membrane eventually started to respond to Butterfly's taunts, but who wouldn't?

    Calling them both <deleted>, and then suspending both of them was not only unjustified it was ludicrous. Why would anyone take the high-road after seeing how Membrane was rewarded?

    I learned a lot from that one incident; it is one of the biggest reasons that I haven't ever bothered with being polite with similar nut-cases. :o

    Free the Bangkok One! :D

  2. When I first came to Thailand, I didn't have to work for the first few years, so I took a lot of Thai language courses at AUA. I didn't want to study very hard, so my attitude was that I would just go to class and pick up whatever I could without staying up all night memorizing tones and such, but, I took each level several times, to keep myself entertained, and to make sure that it all sunk in.

    I'm no Joe Cummings, but it worked pretty well for me!

  3. Georgie is a perfect example, never been to Iraq or seen any military conflict, but is quite happy to give his uninformed view - that is a fact!

    Georgie Porgy is a perfect example of ignorance, he lives in a country, where he doesnt speak the language, although he says he has been here for years!

    The so-called "gentleman" has gone off the deep end. He has resorted to telling flagrant lies, as his posts are so obviously ill-informed and silly, that no one pays them any attention otherwise.

    I challenge him to live up to his accusations. If I can prove that either of the two statements that he made above are lies, he will voluntarily not make posts on this web-site for the next 5 years.

    I guarantee that he is too much of a coward to be responsible for his own words.

  4. Georgie is a perfect example, never been to Iraq or seen any military conflict, but is quite happy to give his uninformed view - that is a fact!

    Georgie Porgy is a perfect example of ignorance, he lives in a country, where he doesnt speak the language, although he says he has been here for years!

    Here are two more brazen lies by the so-called gentleman. There is no way for him to know about either of these things and both are incorrect.

    It is bad enough that he is too stupid to argue logically about his beliefs, but now he has resorted to telling blatant lies on top of just wasting space with his silly posts.

  5. Actually, I just realized that I had almost finished answering the adjan's original post, but I erased it by mistake!

    Jeepz or Membrane, if you are around, why don't one of you guys answer it? You guys can do a much better job than I can, anyway.

    I'll do the low level jobs, dealing with logic-less retards like Butterfly and the "gentleman". Easy, just like sweeping out the trash.

  6. adjan, I am working on an answer to your original post on this subject, but it takes a lot longer to answer questions like that, than it does to prove conclusively that the "gentleman" is a complete imbecile.

    I will answer both of your posts, when I get the time, but be aware, that what you are claiming here is utter and total bullsh1t. :o

  7. What do you call all the newspaper articles about Australian History and  The Australian SAS? The article on the BBC apology for printing lies about Iraq? This doesn't include the many facts that are included in my posts to support my opinions.
    QUOTE (the gentleman @ Thu 2004-02-19, 02:23:13)

    you have never made a post or quoted anything to back up your claims 

    Another lie from the so-called "gentleman".

    Why don't you back up your lie Dummy?If I can produce proof that I did post "facts" to back up my opinions, will you do the honorable thing? Admit that you are a liar and go away?

    Now, I have just proved, once again, that besides being just-plain-stupid, you are also a liar. Go away moron. You are boring.

    Do you even know the definition of FACTS you pathetic imbecile?

    This is just like arguing with someone who is mentally retarded.

    Halliburton fact, Georgie. BBC apology, no fact; Dummy no like apology.

  8. I will stick with the sensible folks on the food question, both countries have some pretty good vittles.

    By the way, the question was, what is my favorite native food. My answer was corn. It doesn't really matter how long anyone was eating it "before me", now does it?. :o

  9. What do you call all the newspaper articles about Australian History and The Australian SAS? The article on the BBC apology for printing lies about Iraq? This doesn't include the many facts that are included in my posts to support my opinions.

    QUOTE (the gentleman @ Thu 2004-02-19, 02:23:13)

    you have never made a post or quoted anything to back up your claims 

    Another lie from the so-called "gentleman".

    Why don't you back up your lie Dummy?If I can produce proof that I did post "facts" to back up my opinions, will you do the honorable thing? Admit that you are a liar and go away?

    Now, I have just proved, once again, that besides being just-plain-stupid, you are also a liar. Go away moron. You are boring.

  10. You keep claiming that I have never posted any "facts" to support my beliefs, but, as usual, you are full of sh1t.

    All one has to do is scroll through the old posts in the Bear-Pit and one can see that I have posted a good number of newspaper articles, polls, facts about the US Military, facts about the Middle-East conflict and my own opinions.

    One can also do a search on all my old posts and find even more.

    They will also see that you've made this claim many times before. I've proved you wrong many times before, yet you just ignore it. You ignore the "facts". You ignore "proof".

    You are nothing but another empty-headed Butterfly clone. A waste of time.

    Cut and paste. Cut and paste.


  11. Mr. Spellbound, we've been over this already, but the simplest answer to every point that you made is:

    Fish and Chips

    Bangers and Mash

    Steak and Kidney Pie

    Mr. Spellbound, wouldn't you agree that this is a rather severe case of the pot calling the kettle black?

    By the way, my favorite AMERICAN food is corn on the cob. :o

    Peace man! :D

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