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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. Time for Georgie-Porgie to head out to one of those expensive resorts for a month of partying with about 3 pay-as-you-go babes (before I am asked to join my "little friend"). See you dudes when you need me again! :o

    God Bless America! :D

    (check out my new signature)

  2. This might be a news flash!

    "What George did to your little friend" :D

    Mr. Wordsmith, I think that I am starting to like you. What exactly did George "do" to my little friend?


    If you guys put the gent on ice for a nice long while, I can look for a cranny, and catch up on my sleep for a few weeks and tell little Ulysses and Membrane to come out and play, that the coast is clear. Get out of your hair for a while; No Farang Girl's forum. :D

    I don't like to have the tykes wandering about with loonies on the streets! :D

  3. "What George did to your little friend" :D

    Mr. Wordsmith, I think that I am starting to like you. What exactly did George "do" to my little friend?


    If you guys put the gent on ice for a nice long while, I can look for a cranny, and catch up on my sleep for a few weeks and tell little Ulysses and Membrane to come out and play, that the coast is clear. Get out of your hair for a while; No Farang Girl's forum. :D

    I don't like to have the tykes wandering about with loonies on the streets! :D

  4. I don't like it up here with all the sunshine, clean floors and open spaces, but no one wants to venture down into the deep, dark recesses of the Bear-Pit, now that admin has shut us down. :D

    What's a guy to do?

    I know dam_ well that if I snap at someone up here, I am going to be banned for a million years (although tutsiwarrior must be paying off somebody :o ).

    When do we get the word on what is happening to the Bear-Pit?

  5. Maybe he is SAS, is so, I wouldn’t be sleeping lightly! :o

    They are trained to find people/kill people and will wait a month in hole, if need be.

    I met a few of them in Cambodia, when I worked for UNICAL, absolute nutters, but they do have a better grasp on world events, than we do, as really they are the fighting mans CIA. I would rather have him as friend than an enemy.

    So although I am not applauding this mans postings, I think the other twin, should also be pulled into line, for being the antagonist for the majority of the “wars” started on this forum. I have been watching things here for a long time and although the Gent seems to be a little crazy in his ideals and seems to get some what frustrated most of the time, he also posts nice and informative pieces on the pit and other threads.

    It is everyone’s right to have their own point of view, be it, looked on as stupid or stupendous, you should look at history to see, that what is stupid at the time, sometimes ends up being correct.

    I keep my mind open, and then the shock isn’t as bad, when the real truth comes to light!






    You obviously haven't been around very long. When I first joined the forum, I had never posted before, but I kept seeing a bunch of nutty, anti-American posts by the gentleman, and the infamous Bitterfly.

    As far as I'm concerned, they are the original antagonists.

    They were going on about how Americans are the stupidest people in the world, in broken English and with misspelled words, terrible grammar and no punctuation. That is what I am talking about when I call them stupid, not their views about America's involvement in Iraq.

    I could not stand by and see such ignoramuses taking the piss out of my country, so I started posting, and that is how the whole thing began.

    Of course, I concentrated on their own lack of education. You see, they had brought the subject up in the first place.

    As far as the gentleman being SAS, he might very well have been, and I don't take anything away from them, but you see that I've known that all along; He kept bringing it up and threatening people on this forum.

    I figure that this is a place to express one's opinions, I can say what I want. If certain people can't handle my opinions, than they can turn the computer off.

    I don't need to threaten people. God blessed me with a working brain.

    I don't want to get all macho, because I'm an old man now, but I was a Marine and did some training with Force Recon. The Navy Seals are full of guys from Recon and they are pretty much equivalent to each other. Anyway, the point is that I still don't like to take sh1t from big mouth bullies, and I don't.

    I personally, don't want to destroy my life in Thailand, and I'm sure that the gentleman could beat me in a fist fight, simply because I'm old and not in great health, however, because a business rival has threatened me, I am always armed, and to put it simply, if any nuts from the Internet come looking for me, uninvited, I will pull the pull the trigger first, and hope that I made the right decision later.

    It might be better for such nuts to stay home and go sailing, or go bother someone else.

  6. Posting of New topics in the "Bear Pit" forum branch is temporary disabled due to administrative issues.


    I hope that this doesn't mean that the Big Three are all sitting around trying to decide how many years to throw me off for.

    I remember the time that I tried to log-in, only to be informed that I couldn't do so until 2007! :o

  7. Hamas founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin was the Osama bin Laden of Palestinian terrorism. By assassinating Yassin, the Israelis just applied the Bush Doctrine to one of the most deadly terrorist leaders on the planet.

    Georgie-Porgie was most in favor of this particular rendering of justice!

    Kick ass and take names. :o

  8. Thanks to Membrane, Boon Mee and, last but not least, the Great Georgie-Porgie, I'm beginning to see the light.

    I was so wrong all those years. :o

    Will you ever forgive me ?

    My mother used to use that sarcastic tone right before she'd call in the police to send me off to reform school, or other simular adventures, so I'll tell you the same thing that I used to tell her. Mr. adjan jb, don't make me bitch-slap you!

  9. tutsiwarrior, a sad tale indeed, but don't feel too bad.

    When I was a young lad of 16, I tried to screw my best friend's sister, after snorting a gram of primo, industrial strength ya-baa. Try as I might, little Georgie just wouldn't co-operate.

    To this day, she thinks that I am gay. :o

  10. Heroin helps temporarily, then it messes up everything much worse than it was before.

    As far as death goes, none of us have a clue, but if you are looking for advice to follow, Bozo's seems the most fun, and harmless.

    Bozo Posted: Thu 2004-03-18, 19:24:11 

    If you are looking for Paradise, you may be willing to go to "Eden", Sukhumvit Soi 7.1... you will certainly find there a sense in life ...

    ...and also... don't you forget your medications again ! 

  11. I'd like to ask the question of all these war supporters:  if you have a son or a daughter, would you willingly sacrifice their lives so that a small nation of people thousands of miles away might be "happier"?  Would that seem a fair trade to you?  Or is it only the lives of other peoples' children you think have been so well spent?

    If I had a son or daughter, I do not think that I would willingly sacrifice their lives for anything, but, if they were killed in warfare, it might help to know that they helped improve someone else's life, that they didn't die in vain.

  12. One less terrorist...

    GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) - Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the founder and leader of the Hamas militant group that targeted Israelis in suicide bombings, was killed by missiles fired from Israeli helicopters as he left a mosque at daybreak Monday, witnesses said.

    You can hear the bleeding-heart Leftys wailing now... :o

    Georgie-Porgie is celebrating tonight. May his brother terrorist-pigs all join him soon! :D

  13. I think that I finally chased the gentleman off for a few days (that is how long it will take him to completely forget his latest humiliation), and no one else is dumb enough to go down there. :D

    Oh, oh. I think I hear ###### and Dr. Patpong coming to get me and bring me back! :o

    Down the back of the bus maggot.

  14. I would guess that 95% of the population of Europe would be quite pleased to repeat most of your anti-American comments out loud - possibly including the one about being "glad" that America was attacked on 9/11 - however, I am referring to Somboon's racist comments. Most people think that he is right - when not referring to their ethnic group - but would never say so in public.

    Sometimes, Political Correctness is a good thing. :o

  15. How does one find Mr. Somboon's postings? I just did a search on his name, and came up with zip


    I hope I can do this :o

    just being helpful.

    Thank you tukyleith. I wonder what I was doing wrong.

    As to Mr. Somboon. He's just a regular Joe, who is not pretending to be otherwise for the "cameras". I bet 95% of the population think like he does, but hide it. :D

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