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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. Chiang Mai's best hotel ever was the short-time place right beside Spotlight. What a picturesque cultural wonder-place that was.

    The memories.

    How could they just tear it down like any other building? :o

  2. Georgie-Porgie Posted: Fri 2004-03-19, 11:08:37

    Let's think about this. I have several businesses. I amuse myself when I work by giving you a hard time. When I'm not working, I don't get near the computer.

    You, however, (supposedly) are retired, live on the beach in Phuket, are a millionaire, go sailing, yet, all you have to do all day, every day is rave at me on the Internet.

    Who is more pathetic?


    the gentleman Posted: Fri 2004-03-19, 11:23:36

    That must of been a big swimming pool, you took ages

    Yes I have been on the forum all day today - I also have been working all day, but my work, will never be finished - it is too bring the world up to speed on the real facts regarding war, George Bush and all your other nicks - your new job (vice captain) is to correct my spelling mistakes, to make sure people can understand what I am saying - ok dude?


    Georgie-Porgie posted: Fri 2004-03-19, 11:23:36

    Well that was quite easy to answer.


    the gentleman Posted: Fri 2004-03-19, 12:42:05

    You think thats pathetic Georgie, well heres another one

    I have to go and watch Survivor now - I love watching those yankees, wondering what they can and cannot eat - ok dude gotta go, dont mit me to mut!

  3. Oh, did I mention that I am often mistakenly taken for being an Iraqi, and when I have a meal at the local Iranian restaurants, the waiters try to speak to me in Farsi. That couldn't have anything with the rude treatment I often receive, could it?

    Are you really Noam Chomsky?

  4. posted by Georgie-Porgie

    Let's think about this. I have several businesses. I amuse myself while I work by giving you a hard time. When I'm not working, I don't get near the computer.

    You, however, (supposedly) are retired, live on the beach in Phuket, are a millionaire, go sailing, yet, all you have to do all day, every day is rave at me on the Internet. Who is more pathetic?

    Yes I have been on the forum all day today - I also have been working all day, but my work, will never be finished - it is too bring the world up to speed on the real facts regarding war, George Bush and all your other nicks  :o  - your new job (vice captain) is to correct my spelling mistakes, to make sure people can understand what I am saying - ok dude? :D

    Well that was quite easy to answer. :D

  5. Let's think about this. I have several businesses. I amuse myself when I work by giving you a hard time. When I'm not working, I don't get near the computer.

    You, however, (supposedly) are retired, live on the beach in Phuket, are a millionaire, go sailing, yet, all you have to do all day, every day is rave at me on the Internet.

    Who is more pathetic? :o

  6. your in the teaching business :D  :D

    grow up Georgie boy - Ill debate and post interesting topics - you just do what you do :o

    You don't debate. You cut and paste other people's opinions, and then make illiterate attempts at supporting them.

    As for teaching, I haven't done that for many years, but my nephew in kindergarten wants a stab at correcting your latest hodge-podge of mistakes:


    your in the teaching business grow up Georgie boy - Ill debate and post interesting topics - you just do what you do
    My nephew:
    You are in the teaching business. Grow up Georgie boy. I will debate and post interesting topics. You just do what you do.

    Did I mention that my nephew is only 5 years old? :D He's so cute. He just said, "Uncle PUD, dumb. dumb!

  7. If you believe Bush's policies havent made a difference to the danger levels of this world - your living under a rock!

    and if you think that replacing bush,blair and the prime ministers of spain,italy and all the other countries that support bush will suddenly cause terrorism to stop then maybe you should also check your roofing material.

    99 per cent of muslims are perfectly happy and capable of co-existing with the west.

    the one per cent who are not are intent on causing maximum damage to the west. they will not enter into dialogue, they make no demands, they have only one aim.

    to excuse their behaviour by reference to the past or present injustices is to ignore the fact that they are on an unstoppable mission.

    we either accept their aims and lie down or we stop them by whatever means it takes.

    Tax Exile, loved your comments refering to the gentleman's lack of a working brain:

    and if you think that replacing bush,blair and the prime ministers of spain,italy and all the other countries that support bush will suddenly cause terrorism to stop then maybe you should also check your roofing material.

    All such comments are welcome.

  8. Regular readers know my opinions about the state of PUDs brain, or lack of one, however, I am nothing if not fair. PUD did write one good post, back in history sometime. Here it is:

    the gentleman Posted on: Tue 2004

    There were a total of 15 passengers boarding a small

    plane on their way to Florida.

    One black mother and her child were on their way to

    visit relatives while the other passengers consisted

    of the Ku Klux Klan on their way to a convention.

    The plane took off and after flying for approximately

    12 minutes an announcement came over the intercom from

    the pilot saying: "We have overloaded this flight. We

    are going to have to start throwing luggage out the

    window so the plane won't go down."

    Two minutes later you could see luggage being thrown

    out the window. Five minutes after that, the pilot

    made a second announcement.

    "We are still experiencing problems. We're sorry, but

    the plane is still overloaded and we're going to have

    to get rid of some of the weight so the plane won't go


    "We're going to have to ask some passengers to jump

    out of the window when we call you by your name. To

    make it fair, we'll go alphabetically. We'll start

    with A. Will all the African Americans please jump


    The black woman and her child continued to sit.

    The pilot came over the intercom system. "Next is B.

    Will all the Black people please jump now?" The Black

    woman and child continued to sit.

    The pilot came over the intercom system again. "Next

    is C. Will all the colored people please jump now?"

    All the KKK were now staring at the mother and child.

    The black woman and child continued to sit. The child

    then looked up at her mother and said: "Mom aren't we

    all of those?"

    The mother then replied to her daughter, "Baby, we're

    niggers tonight and the K's come before the N's."

    Ta Da!

  9. The first thing he should do is own up to his errors in the way he sold the war in Iraq, and plead that for the best interests of the world, the world needs to move past that, and unite behind a fight against international Islamic terrorism.

    Thaiquila, what if Bush does what you think that he should do, but he says that he truly believed that there were WMDs, but, intelligence was faulty? Is he allowed to save face?

    adjarn jb, do you mean just get out of Iraq right now and completely leave Iraq to the Iraqis? What do other people think about that?

  10. After months of pummeling each other, it comes down to this, the more conservative posters mostly believe that Bush was trying to do the right thing to solve the Middle East problem when he went into Iraq. The left-wing wac...., I mean, the more liberal amongst us, believe that he wanted to steal Iraq's oil, or avenge the attempted Hit on Daddy, or whatever.

    However, almost everyone seems to agree that the war on terrorism is necessary.

    Now, let's forget the past, forget about what you think about Bush. The question is this, we are already in Iraq. What should Bush do next to get rid of Al Quida and their ilk?

  11. sbk, you are not the sort of person who deserves for me to jump all over you in my normal manner, but you are sort of asking for it with these particular posts.

    Feel free, since nothing personal was said, and all we are talking about is history, I don't know what you are getting so het up about. You obviously weren't put into internment camps so what's your problem? And ask how many Arab-Americans (or even just turban wearing Americans) how great their lives are first. Ask how many of them are being investigated simply because of their religion.

    sbk, all your impressive quotes just evade the issue.

    We are talking about some freedoms, temporarily, being curtailed during war-time, in order to protect society.

    You act like this is something new that George W. cooked up with Donny R. and Joseph Goebbels, but this is a common practice, and always has been.

    Lest you forget, the men who wrote that US Constitution, that you keep waving around, were well aware of this necessity, and purposely left lots of room for future Presidents, such as George W. Bush, to operate. That is how Bush was able to get the Patriot Act passed and made into law.

    As to what I am "het up" about, it would probably be posts like yours in which writers start raving about issues that have nothing to do with what is being talked about in order to appear to be more 'enlightened' than everyone else, when they are really just more confused.

    I guess all that "happiness of Arab-Americans" jive is supposed to show us how sensitive you are, but I'm not impressed.

    Anyway, what the personal happiness of Arab-Americans and "turban-wearing" Americans has to do with citizens giving up rights during war-time I don't know, but I bet you one thing, they are a lot happier wearing their turbans in the good old USA, then they would be in some Arab sh1thole.

    By the way, it so happens that members of my family were in Interment camps during World War II, but, for the life of me, how that applies to this discussion, I don't know.

  12. I don't understand why the gentlething, and I have nightmares imagining it as an officer, sees his financial situation as the be all and end all of life in LOS unless all his conquests are financial.

    Everything he posts is about his money, his finance etc.

    I wonder how much his wife (each night) costs?

    I think he is really a New Zealander.


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