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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. Davidm, you started well, now you are posting the same crap as the rest - for an obviously educated, well written man, you should of learnt by the history of this board - go back to posting about bacon!

    Most of the PUD's post today is incomprehensible, however, the attack on davidm is clear.

    PUD, davidm has more facts and figures, and is more logical than just about anyone else currently posting. We fight with our brains here. I hope that he sees fit to come back and give you a little lesson in having a big mouth, with nothing to back it up with. :o

  2. At the risk of being abused a tad, adn having said a note or two myself, and not wanting to stop it yet, Moved.

    I am rather disgusted that you found this worthy of the Bear-Pit, however, I &&%$##^ and the Koreans &&$%#@@%^!. The ())__+_Y$@% like it in their +_(("?><#@ and those ><?":{})&$$ are even worse. You know what I mean? :o

  3. the gentleman posted on Thu 2004-02-26, 13:57:05

    The doctor said that it is probably stress related

    It certainly is stress related; Did you ever see the movies with Peter Sellers as Inspecter Clueso? Your symptoms sound very much like the ones his boss was suffering, and he ended up in the looney bin - for life! I'm afraid that you are suffering from acute Georgie-Porgie-itis! :o

    The only cure is to go back to Australia - and stay there (stay off of computers too)!

    (sorry you are feeling poorly)

  4. Europe is growing rapidly and is the only significant competition to an overbearing and scarey US occupation force, remiscient of Hitlers Annexation of other countries for living space... ie any excuse will do to allow an invation.

    just look how wonderfully the $ has been performing recently.... and how much the Euro has grown in stength and stature.

    If the Euro is so gal-danged wonderful, why don't your fellow Englishmen want to sign up? :o

  5. when I say "Here we go again", I do mean, don't start with 4-letter-words, let's bring arguments.

    You do not like Membrane's response to an abusive post, and you say that it "doesn't matter who started it "(throwing sh1t), but Membrane didn't throw any back, so don't you think that he deserves a break? .......

    Hardly seems fair. :D

    G-P, I don't think Membrane took my comment as too harsh neither do I think the preceeding post was abusive. Finally, you chose the right smilie after your "Hardly seems fair"

    So let it be and let's get back to a disussion with the aim to get at least some results. :D

    No problem Axel.

    To be honest, it seems to me that people jump on Membrane, just because he is so logical, non-threatening and polite. I don't understand why that eggs some posters into abusing him, so I tend to jump in and see if they want a piece of someone who wants to fight back.

    I know that you are not like that, so I just wanted to point out to you that he hadn't really done anything to be snapped at for. :o

    Now back to the PUD! :D

  6. I will make it easy for you guys, the flaming war started in the thread titled "Halliburton Gets Iraq Oil Contract" - read it!

    I don't need to prove what I said in my posts. I never denied that I made them, or claimed, untruthfully, that this all started with the Halliburtan post. You did.

    I just proved, once again, that, when posting, you and plachon both completely ignore the truth (although I still think that plachon passed out, dead asleep, half way through "researching" the first page of "the archives").

    As far as, which of your posts were flames, remember that your writing, grammar and spelling are not very clear (to put it mildly), so I couldn't always tell which was a flame. The ones that I was fairly sure of, I put in bold print. Anyway, the point is that you claimed not to be flaming until the Haliburton thread and, once again, I proved you wrong.

    By the way, did I ever tell you that I used to play with my PUD a lot when I was younger? :o

  7. Georgie-Porgie, as usual you haven't answered my post. Instead, you choose to sneer.

    adjan, that wasn't really a sneer, more of a sigh really.

    All that stuff is being worked on. It's always being worked on, but we still have to stop terrorism, before it stops us.

    As far as Thaivisa. com. I have lots and lots of problems also. I keep losing the server while I am "working", but I also have problems with other websites.

  8. More anti-American and flame posts from before the Halliburton post.

    Liars, Liars, pants on fire! :o

    the gentleman Posted on: Mon 2003-12-15, 05:52:28

    Replies: 220

    Views: 4,086  QUOTE (Khun ? @ Mon 2003-12-15, 12:41:54)

    Some of you have not a clue. If tyrants were allowed to continue to take countries hostage under force as Sadam and others have done it would not be long before

    your free traveling garbage speaking arse would be suppressed to listening to state owned radio, forget about TV. No one speaking of liberties of the people of

    Iraq's or Afghans poor who were murdered and treated like dogs. What about

    religions that promote hate and killings because of such deep hatered of other religions. What about the WTC killings of 3000 people by Mr. Atta who just 2 months prior was coordinating such plans as he did with Sadam. What about

    Iran being controlled by the freak Ayatolla Khemni. I wish some of you could live in these places. You would not have a right to think on your own let alone speak out about it. I guess because Sadam was allowed to make back door deals with

    a few countries recently his and his cronies should be allowed to kill and own everything that belongs to the country in a closed society under his control.

    You want your liberal loving arse to be parked where you want when you want

    then with no sacrifice of your own you want to condemn the very things that continue to let you do so. You do not even deserve a reply let alone the air you breath that keep your half a brain it supports. Long live freedom even if it does mean listening to these complete idiots. 

    ah the star spangled banner - "No one speaking of liberties of the people of

    Iraq's or Afghans poor who were murdered and treated like dogs." - was that the Americans or Saddam?

    "What about

    religions that promote hate and killings because of such deep hatered of other religions" Christianity has killed millions - Muslims dont hate other religions "CNN boy" - wake up!

    "You do not even deserve a reply let alone the air you breath that keep your half a brain it supports. Long live freedom even if it does mean listening to these complete idiots." yes but we will listen to you anyway!

    Is it Khun? Bush calling or another of his brainwashed puppets.

      Forum: General topics  ·  Post Preview: #34785

      Saddam Hussein Captured (Pages 1 2 3 ...15 )

    the gentleman Posted on: Mon 2003-12-15, 05:04:40

    Replies: 220

    Views: 4,086  QUOTE (Membrane @ Mon 2003-12-15, 11:34:27)

    Why is it that EVERY thread about the U.S.--EVERY conversation--has to be twisted back to how "bad" the U.S. is, no matter what? 

    maybe you should listen to the majority mate and yes you freaking did kill innocent kids - didnt you watch that part on CNN?

    just a foot note: I lived in the USA for time, the country has forgot its people, I saw more beggers on the street in HOLLYWOOD, that I have seen in any poor country, India, sri lanka and burma - leave the world to fight its own problems and remedy what you already have on your own soil! 

      Forum: General topics  ·  Post Preview: #34778

      Saddam Hussein Captured (Pages 1 2 3 ...15 )

    the gentleman Posted on: Mon 2003-12-15, 05:00:06

    Replies: 220

    Views: 4,086  QUOTE (Membrane @ Mon 2003-12-15, 11:34:27)

    Why is it that no matter what the U.S. does, it's never enough? Is just a simple "Thanks" just too hard to say?

    We've spent our own blood and money to get rid of this guy, and there is still grumbling. No one ever says "Hey, thanks to the Americans, now this bad guy is finally gone".

    Why is it that EVERY thread about the U.S.--EVERY conversation--has to be twisted back to how "bad" the U.S. is, no matter what? Some of you people are worse than my ex-wife--she could never be pleased either!

    Look, no one else did anything to get rid of him, once and for all. The U.N. sat around for years and was completely ineffective. Saddam stayed in power. The U.S. tried sanctions, tried working through the U.N., tried just about everything. Saddam stayed in power. If it was an "Arab world situation that should be dealt with by the Arabs", then what did the Arab world do, to get rid of Saddam? Nothing. And still, Saddam stayed in power. What did Europe do? What did Asia do?

    Who always winds up having to spend their own money and lives, to get rid of these guys--the U.S. And when we do, we're always then blamed for having to use "guns and bullets to get our way" and "killing innocent children". Please--give me a freaking break!

    A simple "thanks" would be appreciated. 

    did you ever think, that no one wanted your help in the first place! who asked you and no one else benefitted from but you - dont make it like you were doing ALL OF US a big favour - you did it for oil. Maybe if you guys put more money into education than warfare, you guys would stop writing such &lt;deleted&gt;! 

      Forum: General topics  ·  Post Preview: #34777

      Saddam Hussein Captured (Pages 1 2 3 ...15 )

    the gentleman Posted on: Mon 2003-12-15, 04:12:13

    Replies: 220

    Views: 4,086  QUOTE (Supersurch @ Mon 2003-12-15, 06:29:38)

    To all the Anti-Bush & Anti-American polocies people:

    You are free to express your point of views with or without validity since freedom of speech is something we all cherish.  But I would like to ask those who continues to  blast Bush, Americans, and their polocies, "What is your solution to this ever growing problem called...terrorism?"  And how should have the American government respond after witnessing their citizens, normal, every day life people jumping off the World Trade Center to morbidly escape their burning office?  And finally, what intelligent information do you have in regards to Iraq and the Americans' suspicion on the country's possesion of WMD and the suspicion on Iraq's relationship with terrorist that would lead you to think that none of that exists?  Please elaborate.

    Thank you,



    You are an American Thai, educated/brainwashed in the USA are you not?

    So whatever we say, you have your own thoughts - who knows what the right thing is to do re terrorism. But one thing the Yankees should do is get out of Arab areas and leave it to the Arabs - basically stay in your own country and get on with it. OK if you or your counrty is threatened by a hostile country, act with all your captain Amercia muscles. Iraq wasnt threatening you country at all, Geoges dad, George was still angry re the hit put out on him in his term - it was probably barbara weilding the wand anyway. I think Iraqis were supressed/killed and should be helped, but not for the reasons the USA went in - that was definately Oil - actually the biggest oil reserves in the world, over 500 years worth (figures from my mate, who is a mud engineer for halliburton!) If you dont agree with my reasons USA went into Iraq thats fine, but if the USA is a such a great nation and would like to help the world, where were they when needed in African countries, Burma, Eat Timor etc - The Yankees flexing there muscles is getting tiresome and the world in general are getting sick of it - there will come a day.............

    The world trade centre falling was ofcourse terrible and needs a head on the platter, but it has nothing to do with Saddam!

    The USA has the most weapons of mass destruction and is killing kids, woman and people with nothing to do with terrorism - should they be hunted down and killed to?! 

  9. I went back and found plenty of flames by Pop-up Dummy before the Haliburton thread and on the Halliburton thread, before the PUD started up his anti-American crap again and before I let the PUD have it, and remember, the gentleman and I had a truce during this time. These are him flaming other people. I can go back further in the archives and get more personal flames from before the truce.

    PUD wrong again.

    plachon, ditto. :o

    Selective amnesia and self-delusion yet again, I'm saddened to report, sirs. The Gentleman did live up to his pseudonym, until you flamed him in the Halliburton thread. Anybody care to do some archive research of classic flame wars revisited?

    the gentleman Posted on: Tue 2004-01-20, 07:12:23

    Replies: 80

    Views: 632 QUOTE (SoCal @ Tue 2004-01-20, 01:09:43)

    Gentleman- Yes, you caught us with our pants down. Fact is that Haliburton has been the preeminent American company for handling war and post war rebuilding in the U.S. This dates back to the Vietnam war...when a yound Dick Cheney was working in the Johnson administration's mail room, and crossed out the correct contractor, and placed Halibrton's name in it's place.

    I don't see any of us telling the Ausies how to spend their money, I don't know why you see it your place to tell us Americans how to spend ours.

    PS- am glad you didn't go away.


    Another little dictator!, say what you will sir!

    "I don't see any of us telling the Ausies how to spend their money, I don't know why you see it your place to tell us Americans how to spend ours."

    What a comment, what ever is meant by it.

    The point is I am not telling you how to spend your money, Bush is doing that quite well for you at the moment. The point of the thread was to point out that Halliburton got the contract! - what has your above comment got anything to with that?

    Funny little man!

    the gentleman Posted on: Sun 2004-01-18, 12:02:01

    Replies: 154

    Views: 5,817 What they did try to cherish was the respect and genuineness for them. Afterall there are so many guys who have nothing but money to rip off from, why choose me?

    Did they sroke your ego, did they - they are actresses you &lt;deleted&gt;, your paying for those kind words

    the gentleman Posted on: Wed 2004-01-07, 09:31:08

    Replies: 33

    Views: 803 QUOTE (dr_Pat_Pong @ Wed 2004-01-07, 16:26:50)

    Sorry mate....your post indicates that a shandy was taken ...during or pre the posting. Are you pooping on Brother Bronco and my good self ?

    ????? - I was referring to him being a pom, not showering - hence soap dodger!

    the gentleman Posted on: Wed 2004-01-07, 09:19:36

    Replies: 33

    Views: 803 QUOTE (Dennis Pennis @ Wed 2004-01-07, 15:37:07)

    quotes deleted due to Dennis Pennis being a ######!

    Firstly, you started the crap throwing, so deal with your responses you get.

    I had never mentioned you in any thread ever!

    A typical "educator" who is "content in his life".

    "Very true Mr rich and famous, very true. " - not famous just rich!

    At the end of the day soapdodger (thanks for that one Dr P and Bronco) - the A grade students work for the B grade students and the C grade students work within Education/government.

    so we have established you are a C grade "educator"!

    "Don't get me wrong. I am not belittling your site in any way, shape or form whatsoever. I simply feel that newcomers to this generally very useful and informative piece of cyberspace ought to be infomed that "senior members" have become such purely because they have posted more comments than others who have joined more recently. "

    grow up, you soppy poofter!

    "On this site, it would seem that seniority is not a measure of the wisdom of the "member", but instead an indication of his willingness to post whatever it is (rubbish or otherwise) that makes him happy. "

    Correct A+

    "The two clowns who I have ridiculed above would appear to be a most fitting testament to this point"

    So how would you class a newbie as yourself, who posts insults to people you know nothing about, have never made reference to you other than the ones since the insults you have flung - bad day at school was it?

    stop taking yourself to seriously, your not smart enough, carry on being happy with your lot and post crap when you like - we dont care mate.

    Have the last word as you are a waste of my valuable time!

  10. 1) I will make it easy for you guys, the flaming war started in the thread titled "Halliburton Gets Iraq Oil Contract" - read it!

    2) I stepped in and had my say - he is great if no one challenges him, but as we saw last week - when the heat is on, he folds and runs to the bigger kids for support!

    3) Now I read on another thread, he thinks he helped the seals? - please! :D 

    I have to admit that it gets boring responding to absolute nonsense, but I guess that, in the Bear-Pit, that is often the name of the game.

    1) Silly, silly, stupid. The flaming started way before any particular post, and long before the Bear-Pit. The flaming is why the Bear-Pit came into being, and I seem to recall some character calling himself the "gentleman" doing an awful lot of it -long before I ever posted anything at all.

    2) The so-called "gentleman" has never been able to stand up to me on any level. I make mince-meat out of him at every opportunity. The only claim to fame he has is that no matter how much he looks the fool, he comes back for more, hence his new nick, Pop-up Dummy!

    3) Sorry, this is a big secret: The Pop-up Dummy can't read very well. The thread that he was "reading" was about George Bush, and I mentioned something about Georgie-"B" helping the Seals.

    Case closed. :o

  11. when I say "Here we go again", I do mean, don't start with 4-letter-words, let's bring arguments.

    You do not like Membrane's response to an abusive post, and you say that it "doesn't matter who started it "(throwing sh1t), but Membrane didn't throw any back, so don't you think that he deserves a break?

    I don't see Membrane calling plachon any dirty names, or insulting him, or doing anything other than commenting on why he thinks that plachon insulted him in the first place. To me, Membrane was handling the whole incident in a mature manner, yet you critized him and didn't bother with the genteman who did do the sh1t throwing!

    Hardly seems fair. :o

  12. Thanks Axel, but let me address what you just said to Membrane.

    First of all, why did you quote Membrane, rather than the abusive post that he was responding to? If you are trying to make peace, that seems rather backwards to me.

    Don't you have a few wise words for the instigator?

    Secondly, Membrane reacted in a way that showed he didn't want to be drawn into sh1t-throwing. Why go out of your way not to acknowledge that?

    Lastly, the US isn't your country, so your idea about what consists of US bashing, might not jibe with ours. We are a little more sensitive about it than you are.

    However, personally I'm quite pleased with how this forum is going.

    We have a bunch of articulate Americans trying to explain our point of view, we have some really clever people who tend to straddle the middle and also bring up interesting points about Thai politics (davidm and Jeepz), we have some really intelligent left-wingers such as adjan jb, who aren't out to bash, but to help, and of course, some of the same negative nutbags who have been here all along, but they are vastly outnumbered now, so it is hard for them to drag everyone else down with them.

    I think that the Bear-pit can get pretty interesting these days, and not just because of flame wars!

  13. Dear davidm I notice that you do not have an avavtar and have therefore supplied one for you to use.


    You know, there are rumors that Georgie-B was doing recon missions with The Seals near Hue during his missing time from flight school.

    If davidm doesn't want one of these for his avavtar, I would be highly honored to use "The Turbanater" as mine! Only one problem, I'm no computer whiz. Can anyone tell me how to use an avatar? Do you cut and paste it, or what?

  14. I understand how Tutsiwarrior feels.

    I love "Asian" food, in general, but am not so hot on Thai in particular. I can't really say why. Something about the lack of "good" vegetables (those Thai leaves and tree bark veggies make me feel like I'm going to choke), and maybe the herbs and sugar that they put on everything.

    Anyway, I have my favorites. Kow Man Guy, Jup Chai, Guy Yung, etc., but I much prefer Chinese or Japanese food.

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