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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. get real you dumb limey...nobody in the world wants the English stuff when the american variety is available...a bacon butty? once the brine has boiled out you ain't got nothing left. Very nice smoked US style bacon available everywhere and superior for BLT sandwiches anywhere in the world. And forget the brown sauce...use mayonaisse like white folks...

    don't know why the thais learned how to drive on the wrong side of the road...

    Thank God for American quisiune over here, the country has improved so much since the outbreak of fast food joints and the new generation of obese Thai's, many who are also discovering the delights of acne.

    It's good to see the Thai's develop their wonderful country by following the example of the worlds most popular and intelligent country, the country which is also encouraging schoolkids to learn a language which it has the front to call 'English'.

    Look forward to the McDonalds on Ko Samet.



    Nuff' said...

  2. plachon Posted on Tue 2004-02-17, 04:29:33

    Of course, it can be dismissed by a few air-head ol' red necks as "leftist propaganda" or just a blatant lie.

    Do you really think a interview with one person proves anything?

    If you get Donald R., George w. or Dick C. making statements like this, then you have a coup.

    There are lefties everywhere in the U.S.. We are a democracy. Everyone has their own opinion, but that doesn't mean that they know what they are talking about. :o

    plachon Posted on Tue 2004-02-17, 04:29:33

    just confirms what the majority of the thinking, reading world knew all along.

    Georgie-Porgie Posted on Tue 2004-02-17, 04:54:07

    As far as my reading habits go, you guys need to try to concentrate on calling me a "Nut", rather than trying to insinuate that I'm not well read. Anyone with half a brain who looks at the Bear-Pit everyday, knows that I'm not uninformed about the other point of view. I just don't buy it.  :D  

  3. G-P will sadly miss this revelation, as I can't be bothered to search it out any more than he can be bothered to read around subjects and news sources. 

    I'm not really sure what "read around subjects and news sources" (search out different subjects and news sources?) means, but anyway, I couldn't find it in today's news round-ups of different newspapers from around the world.

    As far as my reading habits go, you guys need to try to concentrate on calling me a "Nut", rather than trying to insinuate that I'm not well read. Anyone with half a brain who looks at the Bear-Pit everyday, knows that I'm not uninformed about the other point of view. I just don't buy it. :o

  4. How come that the American Green berets have chosen to wear a French hat ? Just wondering.

    I'm glad that you asked that.

    Actually, at one time, The Green Berets were considered -at least by the public- to be America's most elite unit. At that time, the boys usually wore soft, floppy "boony" hats on operations.

    During the Vietnam War, The Green Berets were rapidly expanded, eventually leading to sub-standard recruits and soldiers. Their combat performance slipped tremendously.

    President Nixon was so disgusted by the troops down-fall, that he passed a bill declaring that from that day forward, they would constantly have to wear French Berets, to shame them, to remind them of their fall, so that it would never happen again.

    It worked, they recovered their reputations, and have never forgotten the dark days of the Vietnam conflict. To this day, Green Berets who happen to stumble into gay bars, in uniform, are instantly offered free drinks, drugs and "favors" by the patrons, because of their cute little French Berets:)They are never allowed to forget.

  5. Great book, good film too,

    Georgie Boy, you can't judge a man from his spelling and grammar mate, it is well know that even university graduates are terrible spellers, they tend to concentrate on the matter at hand rather than the symantecs. plus I don't think you are pushing his buttons with that line, you need to think another tack.


    Sorry Basher, but this time I mostly disagree.

    You are right about some people being clever, but not being able to express themselves very well, but they are usually clever enough to keep a complete lack of basic educational skills to themselves, not broadcast it all over the Internet.

    Also, this guy is trying to tell us how the world is really run, and trying to insinuate that because he was in Special Forces, 10 years ago, he knows more than reporters who have daily access to the Politicians and Generals who are running the war: Hey, Don't read anything, just listen to this nut on the Internet! He knows it all!

    I know how it is being brain-washed by an Elite Unit into thinking you are special because you are part of it, but apparently the g-man is such a pathetic ###### that be bought the whole act.

    I don't want to burst his bubble, but, I looked for information on the Australian SAS. Most people thought that they are a good Unit, but the only people that I could find who claimed they were among the best, were a couple of drunken Aussies on some Internet chatroom.

    The British SAS sure, and the SBS are up there with Israeli Special Forces, some Canadian Unit that I had never heard of, Delta Force, the Navy Seals and Marine Corps Force Recon, but most experts said that the "best" unit would very much depend on the type of mission that was being undertaken.

    That makes a lot of sense to me.

    Frankly, I don't see how one can know for sure, who is the "best" unless they fight it out -to the death- with similar weapons. How likely do you think that that is likely to happen?

    Until it does, the "gent" is just one more aszhole with an opinion. Every aszhole has one.

  6. I read your post a while ago, and I didn't take notes.

    I would guess that your soldier would be a Colonel. A high-ranking officer, but not usually the type privy to important National Secrets.

    You, I would guess, because of your age, would have been the of equivalent of a Sergeant in the Marine Corps. Not someone privy to any National Secrets. :o

    By the way, in the Marines, a Sergeant Major is almost the highest non-commissioned rank. I don't remember any Sergeant Majors under the age of about 40 years old, which is less than you are now.

    What I was doesn't really matter. "Every Marine a Rifleman" is one of our mottoes, and it means that every single Marine is trained for combat in Bootcamp, goes to Infantry School after Bootcamp, and receives more combat training and testing on a regular basis throughout their tour of duty, no matter what their MOS (Military Operating Specialty). Every Marine is required to stay very fit, to know combat tactics and to constantly test as a marksman with the M16 rifle. A Marine "cook" is easily the equivalent of an infantryman in the regular Army.

    Now back to your post. You say:

    You either believe the post or you dont
    , but, as usual, you are wrong. I think that this is an intelligent man who has tried to figure out the situation that he is in, with limited information. I believe that he is an honorable man and a good man, but a confused man, as far as The Big Picture goes.

    However, he says several things that I found particularly interesting:

    I am not saying that it [The War] will not end up causing more good than harm, but it might be years before we can really see any real results from our occupation.

    That is one of the problems that is tearing me apart. We are stuck in Iraq now and committed to long term occupation, no matter what the Pentagon says. There is no simple solution, which is why I get angry with the peace movement on some issues. They just want us to come home right now and get out of Iraq.

    That is not possible right now...

    He sounds rather mixed up and he doesn't sound very committed to the anti-war movement.

    As far as your arguments go, some are "plausible" (which means possible, not that they are correct), many are silly, and calling them "plausible" yourself, certainly doesn't make them so! :D

  7. What rank is this guy? What rank were you?

    Have you ever heard of Catch 22?

    The military at war is usually a cluster-fukc;The military is not famous for sharing true details about why they are doing, what they are doing.

    If you, or he, were less than an upper-echelon General, I don't think that you would have access to the kind of information that would allow you to determine our real reasons for being in Iraq.

    Maybe this is the problem here. You think that you have some kind of inside information that journalists and everyone else doesn't have. That is very unlikely.

    You, like your soldier, are just one more little guy trying to figure out the Big Picture, with very little accurate information. You end up believing what you choose to believe.

  8. It seems this transcript must be true as it was on television and you could actually see this idiots lips move.

    But the transcript I posted, "Soldier's Brutal Accounts Of Iraq Situation" , would be a mock interview to some blind followers as if it isnt on US TV, it must be a lie :o

    It is funny how you keep pointing out that article as something that Americans won't believe. If I remember correctly, not one of the Americans on this Forum have criticized it. In fact, I said that it was quite interesting.

    Americans often have different opinions, about just about everything. I respect this soldier's opinion. I just don't agree with some of his conclusions.

    I can see why you keep referring to it, however. It was the one decent post in a barrage of trash. :D

  9. Stay at the Hotel Indochine, right on the water. $10. per night with aircon, fridge and cable TV. The Wagon Wheel, The Foreign Correspondents Club and many of Phnom Penh's finest restaurants are just down the street (although the place with the "nastiest bar-girls and farm animals" sounds darn interesting). :o

  10. posted by Dutch

    At least you can put your self on the list as being the one who posts the longest message ever .

    Now I am number one!

    -- Snip

    Duplicate content removed.


    -- Snip

  11. The truth is that most Arabs absolutely despise the Palestinians...

    I thought this was common knowledge. Examples:

    Palestinians being evicted from their homes in Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein. Ordinary Iraqis told them to get out with practically no notice or justification. Jordanians can't stand them because of the Palestinian insurrection there in the 70s. Lebanese are fed up after hosting them for decades. Kuwaitis fear them because there are so many Palestinians working there, often doing the menial jobs, but also controlling some commerce. Egyptians don't like them, either.

    going after Jews/Israel has another benefit, many Europeans are inclined to support them
    I think this is right. Just because you have balanced, justified reasons for opposing Jewish settlements doesn't mean anti-semitism is not a big - and growing - problem in Europe. An EU investigation into anti-semitism decided not to publish its own findings because they were so scary.

    There are two reasons for the problem in Europe. First, we have the old style anti-semitism as espoused by Le Pen in France, for example. Second, there are millions of muslim immigrants in Europe and plenty of virulent Jew haters among them.

    Wow. What a coincidence. That was going to be my exact answer, but davidm just beat me to it (see, I am learning something from the gentleman)! :o

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