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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. You guys continue to prove my point (see first post).

    For the record, I have never read the National Enquirer, do not consider CNN tv news to be an objective, credible source, and get my news from different sources.

    The source I personally put the most credibility on are the Washington Post and the BBC.

    Me thinks that some people like to argue just for the sense of arguing. It's quite obvious that I am talking about the gentleman's anti-Semetic postings here, and they sure as he11 didn't come from the BBC or Washington Post (maybe from the "liberal" reporter's personal e-mail stash however :o ).

  2. Boys/girls and Georgie - post something!, Give me some evidence of the tripe you post (not that you have much to say other than - did not, did to) - Quote something from one of your books, come up with something interesting and plausable, shed any kind of light into this forum, that isnt the normal "censored news", that we all see on TV - Give us a post about something other than slurs on other peoples thoughts -yes I am also at fault, BUT, I also have something to post, that I am also passionate about - that is Anti Bush political facts/fiction - Although you think you are the educated one around here - you seem to make yourself look far from it!

    You have, unwittingly, hit the nail on the head.

    Because we are educated, we realize that, what you call, the "censored" TV news, is the best source of the truth about Iraq, about the War on Terrorism, about George W. Bush.

    "Censored", in this case, means something more like verified.

    Cutting and pasting a bunch of fairy tales from conspiracy sites makes you feel better, because, its different from what everyone else is hearing and finally someone agrees with you, but it doesn't prove anything to anyone else, at all.

    If CNN says that George W. Bush admits knowing that there were no WMBs, that might be proof. If the National Enquirer says it, no one will believe it but you (and maybe Thaiquila and adjan jb).

    You say that you, at least have something to post, to "prove" your position, that you "are passionate" about, while we flail around helplessly, reduced to calling you names. However, you have been told over and over, that we can do the same thing as you do, post opinion pieces, except we accept the fact that it is a waste of everyone's time. We call you names because you are asking for it with this constant barrage of unproven attack literature. You are wasting everyone's time with worthless garbage.

    White Supremacists "are passionate" about their message too, but that doesn't mean that that it deserves to be heard, yet you are constantly re-distributing their literature to readers of this forum. It is offensive to educated people, and it is insulting to our intelligence.

    Before he quit the forum, davidm gave me a bunch of right-wing web-sites that I could cut and past from, to my heart's content. Rush Limbaugh's site is one of them. I put one article on every once in a while to generate responses, but you swamp the Bear-Pit with worthless opinion pieces almost every day.

    Despite what you think, I get no great pleasure out of abusing you every day. Whether you like it or not, it is just too easy, but if you won't back down, why should I? I'm not the one who ends up looking like a fool, over and over.

    I'm not being nice about this because it's gone on too long and I've stopped feeling sorry for you, but you are wasting your time here, and everyone else's. You are just another Butterfly.

    Either admit that you don't know sh1t about the world, that you have a lot to learn, and start acting like it, or join some neo-Nazi site where everyone is so half-witted that they will agree with you.

    You could be King. King of the ding-bats!

  3. Most of my "followers" were on here debating your wacko mentor, Butterfly, long before I heard of this site.

    The pro-Americans, Jeepz, Boon Mee, Membrane and the others, are far better writers than I am, and basically just put up with me because my "heart is in the right place".

    In fact, some of them send me PMs every day with advice about watching my language, etc.

    They deserve no criticism for my debating "style".

    You, however, are just another lunatic looking for attention, another Butterfly. Don't flatter yourself by pretending to be a thinker because you look at all these racists tracts on the Internet, and pass them on for other looneys to see. Every nut that reads the Turner Diaries tries to tell himself the same thing.

  4. We have an Aryan nutter back on the forum Georgie. Methinks he won't last long. :D

    You are not anti-American. You are not anti-semetic. You just want us to "think".

    That is why you are on here, everyday, all day, flooding the Bear-Pit with posts that are offensive to Americans and Jews.

    We have a saying about Nazis where I come from; Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

    In other words, get stuffed you lying Nazi creep! :o

  5. this thread is confusing...if viagra or other medication is required to maintain erections why not just say 'it's over with'...I can now enjoy a night out in peace...something to eat, a few drinks then wander over to the bar and watch the show with frantic ladies and falangs and their exceptional performances...assume a buddha smile and slip away to bed with UBC or a nice book...no muss...no fuss.

    There ain't nothing wrong with not being able to get it up...just a whole new way of looking at the world...

    Tutsi, I think that one still has the urge, but can't do anything about it.

    In other words, itch, but no scratch, living he11! :o

  6. In this instance I just got pissed off with what I see as a crapulous and racist post from the Gentleman.

    You should have seen the post where he claimed that no Jews were in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

    Maybe I can find it for the 'Best of PUD" thread? :D

    Both tower of the WTC hosted daily about 50,000 people:

    Question 1: How many Jews belong to these 50,000 people ? :D

    Question 2: Were there any Jews in the WTC at the time of its destruction ? :o

    Question 3: If not, why ? :D

    Bozo for sure! :D

  7. When I first read this post, I had in my mind that it had been written by Membrane (He was the last poster, but I had just noticed his name out of the corner of my eye).

    Anyway, Thaiqulla, I agreed with you pretty close to 100%.

    The bad news is that I'd started thinking of you as a girl also. I didn't in the beginning, but, to my way of thinking, the stubborn irrationality of your thought processes, seemed more like a girl.:o

    Sorry about that! :D

    I've never thought of the gent as a girl. It is pretty obvious that he doesn't believe much of what he posts. His agenda from the beginning has been to hurt and piss off Americans .

  8. Basher is the gentleman's buddy from the SAS.

    He has been around here long enough to know that anything I dish out to the so-called "gent", he asks for, but buddies being buddies, once in a while, he feels the need to stand up a little for the gent.

    That is understandable I guess, but if he really wants to help his buddy, he should tell him to get another hobby.

    PUD's OK for a while, then he acts as if he's heading for a mental breakdown.

    I don't ask him to provoke me, and I used to feel bad about responding to his taunts, but it is not my fault that he's too stupid to know when he is beat...over and over and over again.

    Hence his nick-name, PUD: Pop-Up Dummy! :o

  9. To buy a degree and work without WP is illegal here in Thailand. Period. Fullstop!

    You may call yourself a "teacher" but face the fact that your are NOT a teacher!


    There are two teachers at Chiang Mai University who have taught there for well over 10 years.

    They are a married British couple, and neither has a degree. They are also here as Missionaries for the Jehovah's Witnesses, but don't get a salary from the JWs and never proselytize at school, under any circumstances.

    Everyone at CMU really loves them and thinks that they are the best teachers at CMU because of their years of experience with Thai students.

    Also, they "teach" the courses to new teachers, year after year during their own free time, at no cost.

    When they first started, there was no need for a degree, and when the rules were changed, there were given a special waver because of all their experience.

    The rules have gotten stricter and stricter, so finally they are being given the boot this year. I just found out a few days ago.

    I wonder, does opalhort think that they are, "NOT teachers"?

  10. What's it like these days? I always dropped in when I was in town, just because Alan was so loony.

    I met him in Vientiane in about June 1991. He was stuck there for months. He couldn't get back into Thailand because he had fake stamps in his passport. That is how he got into the visa business. :o

  11. Yes, it made me think.

    I am glad that more people are happy there and I am happy Saddam is captured.

    Personally, I also think the chances that Iraq will become a democracy like Turkey is basically nil. Their future is likely to involve ethnic civil wars and if they do manage to unite, they appear to have an affinity for ISLAMIC THEOCRACY, not democracy.

    If the US is forced out of Iraq by the liberal media and American citizens who are not willing to stay the course, Habib Al Thaiquila's opinion will certainly prevail.

    The mess we will have caused, is going to be 100 times worse than now, but we will have pulled out already, just waiting for the consequences.

    A good way to turn a victory into sh1t.

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