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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. Boon Mee is the real deal, and if it weren't for all the left-wing wackos on here, he would probably be attacking me for being a hippie/pansy!
    See, I knew that I was next :D

    Boon Mee, give me a break.

    My father and mother were from Massachusetts.

    I was raised a Catholic.

    Kennedy was charming as ######.

    I was a child when he was assassinated.

    He screwed Marilyn Monroe.

    He would have got us out of Vietnam ( :D )

    He screwed Marilyn Monroe. :D

    I did get laid more during the Reagan years however! :o

  2. Having watched this and a few other threads it becomes pretty obvious that Boon Mee and Georgie Peorgie are actually the same entity.

    Number one there's always a pretty good gap between their posts as Georgie runs from his Haw Puk to the nearest internet shop to take up his Boon Mee identity.

    Number two how many people can actually share the same crazed right wing opinions. Georgie, Franco, Donald Rumsfeld, Oliver North, hmm that's pretty much the end of the list.


    It's great to have fans, but do a search on my old posts. I'm not really that right-wing. I admit to having opposed the Vietnam War, and not being all that crazy about George W. before 9/11.

    Boon Mee is the real deal, and if it weren't for all the left-wing wackos on here, he would probably be attacking me for being a hippie/pansy!

    Also, he is too smart to ever get thrown off, and I have been numerous times. In fact, I get nervous every time I try to sign in. :o

  3. Sorry but you cannot compare the level of personal intrusion available to the FBI today with the loss of some civil rights in WWII. And, I suppose the Japanese-American interned in camps during the war might have something to argue with you about that.

    sbk, you are not the sort of person who deserves for me to jump all over you in my normal manner, but you are sort of asking for it with these particular posts.

    During World War II, quite a few civil liberties were taken away from the populace. There was rationing of food and gasoline, the obligatory draft, and much more.

    If the FBI, or the CIA, or any other Government organization, suspected someone of spying or helping the enemy , the intrusions into their personal life, and the harassment, probably would be much worse than today - without any real evidence that is.

    In one way, you have already proved my point. How many Arab-American citizens are in Internment camps?

  4. You know, Judas thought that he was a good guy, and much more clever than everyone else too. Jesus was spending too much money on balms, frankincense and suntan oil, while the poor were going hungry. He was hanging around with whores. He was a right-wing Zionist. He wasn't all that bright either.

    Judas just thought that perhaps a little scare, a word in the right ear might help rectify the situation...

  5. ...the stupidity of this post beats all previous posts. I assumed that logical thinking skills are prerequisites when one wants to post in a political forum, posts about unspecified foreign leaders who ‘overwhelmingly said...’ do not confirm my assumption.


    PS I am not a Bush fan but disrespect stupidity even more....

    Dutchy thinks that anyone with half a brain would be giggling so hard at this sentence, "posts about unspecified foreign leaders who ‘overwhelmingly said...", that they would never dare to post this on a public forum. :o

  6. Unfortunately, Bush is totally justified in asking us to surrender these rights.

    If you believe so, then you should change your signature. You are a number, not a man.

    The guerrilla poster. :D

    Thaiquila Posted on Wed 2004-03-17, 09:47:53

      Another incredible paradox.

    The right wingers claim we are in Iraq to force democracy and freedom on Iraqis, yet at home, they support giving up their own freedoms

    My favorite President, John F. Kennedy, said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". What is wrong with you spoiled, politically correct children? :o

  7. I am quite sure that if the US was attacked before the US election, as the US is not Spain, Bush would then win big, because the American people now are such scared weenies.

    If the American people were "such scared weinies", they would capitulate to the terrorists, they would elect Kerry instead of Bush, and start asking the French for permission on how to conduct foreign policy.

    They are not going to do any of those things! :o

  8. More like private Spud Tosser reporting sir. KP is my specialty. Have potato peeler; will travel!

    Someone in Phuket, who says that he knows you, PM-ed me that you and your whole unit prepared mess for US Army basic Infantry in the first Gulf War. Those are pretty impressive credentials for the Australian version of the Missing Link! :o

  9. .

    Unfortunately, Bush is totally justified in asking us to surrender these rights.

    Surrender monkey. :D

    Mr. Hit and Run Poster

    Do you have Outlook Express on your computer?

    When you have typed a good number of words, click on all the words in your post, copy it to outlook express (new mail), and periodically check your spelling and don't erase the mail.

    In that way, you won't keep losing your posts, and you won't look as stupid as your buddies who can't figure out how to use spell-check.

    The Commie Party might be so impressed that they fire the gentleman and make you the new leader! :o

  10. Much has been made about Kerry's comment about foreign leaders supporting him versus Bush. Well, it appears that it is true. Does that make any difference to you?

    Richard C. Holbrooke, President Bill Clinton's delegate to the United Nations, told Jodi Wilgoren of the New York Times: "It's so obviously the truth what Kerry said, and the Republicans are just having fun with it -- everybody knows it's true. . . . In the last six or seven months, I've been in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Europe. I've met with leaders in all of those regions, and they have overwhelmingly -- not unanimously but overwhelmingly -- said that they hope that there's a change in leadership."

    It's enlightening to see that some people can not even get close to Bush’s intelligence; the stupidity of this post beats all previous posts. I assumed that logical thinking skills are prerequisites when one wants to post in a political forum, posts about unspecified foreign leaders who ‘overwhelmingly said...’ do not confirm my assumption.


    PS I am not a Bush fan but disrespect stupidity even more....

    If this post has such a strong ignorace effect on you, stay away from posts by the clown calling himself, "the gentleman". He is the leader of the America-bashers, and could never get this logical in a million years. Thaiquila is only one of his disciples. :o

  11. It is very weird how so called right wing "freedom loving" Americans are falling all over themselves to surrender all of their civil rights to the fascist Bush regime.

    Don't you get it?

    We don't want anyone to control us.

    Unfortunately, Bush is totally justified in asking us to surrender these rights. How else can our Government deal with these bizarre tactics? It happens in war all of the time, and this is war!

  12. the gentleman Posted: Sat 2004-02-28, 17:21:16

    I love the warts on society , you didnt have a post, so a flame will do again.

    Let me spell it out to you Georgie as you seem to be getting your ambitions mixed up with your capabilities.

    I am a millionaire, you are poor (trying to find teaching work at your age)

    I am 36 years old, you are an old hasbeen

    I was an elite soldier, you were a cook

    I speak the Thai, you speak primary school bar Thai

    I have a house on the beach, you have a rented condo in Bangkok

    I own my houses, you hide, when the landlord approaches

    I am building a 50 room resort, you are building friendships with other like minded septics

    I look after my wife, you give your "partners" from the bar, there daily allowance or an IOU, to the end of the month

    I dont take myself seriously as I know who I am, you are inferior as it shows in your banter

    I am suspended from Thaivisa, you are not.

    I would meet you, you would hide

    I believe the world doesnt need unjust wars, you believe "kill em all"

    I laugh at you, rip me to shreds - go and apologise to your family for being a failure, clock in, to your failure in life job, pay your hoars and keep posting crap.

    Again Georgie, if you ever want to have a "chat" in person, I will gladly come to have a "quiet beer" and then you can "rip me to shreds".

    You are trying to be something your not, carry on, I have met many of your type in my day, both as a civvy and in the forces - your all wind!

    You havent a clue what happens in a war, except for how many loafs of bread to order for the mess hall - now go and dot your Is and cross your Ts, use your spell check and live under a rock - Ill be out sailing!

    Todays Poll - Kerry 55%, Bush 40% - have a nice day

    This post has been edited by ###### on Sat 2004-02-28, 18:48:47

  13. I could flood the Bear-Pit with pro-American editorials in response to all these PUD-droppings, but what would that prove?

    That I'm brainless, and immature. That I'm pointless and silly. That I can't write myself. That I'm a PUD.

    Nobody is reading any of these garbage postings, so PUD has to go and answer them himself, and then they quickly sink to the bottom of the pile of other unread posts and vanish forever.

    Let PUD stink the Bear-Pit up with his opinion pieces. He can't write anything understandable himself, so other people's opinions can stand in for his own illiterate ramblings. At least these people he finds on the We-Love-Al Quida website can usually string two sentences together properly, and spell their own names right.

    What a PUD! :o

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