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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. Well done plachon! You are right about several things, I am literate and I certainly do understand what is going on in Iraq (as much as anyone else does).

    I will refrain from spanking you this time, because you actually included some accurate statements with all your bullsh1t, for a change.

    However, my loyalty to President Bush is far from blind. I support him because I believe that no one knows which is the right course to take in the War Against Terrorism, but at least Bush knows that the war needs to be fought, and that it is way too late to turn back now.

    I am not a Christian, but I do pray that he will continue to hold the course, make the right decisions, and not be swayed by the cowardice of other politicians and other countries. :o

  2. QUOTE: "All you Frenchies out there, you are the cat's meow whent it comes to wine, women and fashion" Jeepz

    You've forgotten "surrender" and "arrogance". Otherwise the clichés are accurate.

    Jeepz even desisted from calling you guys "surrender-monkeys". I think that you might have another American fan, adjan jb! :o

  3. Don't worry Membrane, the real dolts always surrender eventually. Besides, the "gentleman"'s whole premise is silly; That he "won" some imaginary debate with me because he cut-and-pasted more wacky editorials than I did. :o What does that have to with anything?

    Unlike the Dumb Duo, Butterfly and the "gentleman", I think for myself and can explain my positions logically. Why do I need to cut-and-paste nutty opinions by some Joe Shmoe?

  4. Let's take a bet.... In 5 years from here, you will bitterly regret your blind support to Bush. You too should think twice. I'm not bashing the US but you, your naïvety and your impossibility to take all the parameters into account.

    I'm sorry, but if we don't support George W. Bush now, in 5 years we might very well be a World that has moved far backwards.

    I can tell you that right now, there are a lot of people who wish that Clinton had struck at the Terrorists 5 years ago, and struck hard. These scum never would have had the resources to have mounted 9/11 if we had been chasing them then, the way we are now, and we should have been.

    As far as this statement:

    I still don't know why they attacked Iraq, but it had nothing to do with 9/11

    I'm sorry, but you are wrong. We went into Iraq, because the WMDs that we believed that they possesed, gave us an excuse to try to establish the first real Arab democracy there. If we could make it work, we hoped that Arab youth would start yearning for Freedom and Democracy, rather than a one way ticket to heaven/he11 to better their miserable lives. If we don't support Bush now, the experiment will fail, and we will be back to just hoping that these creeps hit some other city, some other town.

  5. About the personal bit, I assume that you are talking about a post I directed to you, maybe a week ago? I'm working 12 hours a day. 7 days a week, and have been for the last 4 years, so I get confused sometimes.

    Anyway, it was meant to sting, but not to hurt. As I said, I normally think that you do an extraordinary job on here, but you got a little weird on me that one time; You seemed to temporarily be confusing my Internet "character" with my real life, and unlike some people on here, I do have one, but, anyway, that is all in the past.

    By the way, remember, that while I'm doing this, I'm also attending to work, and many times I am quite busy, so I can easily miss subtleties like this:

    I left as soon as I was asked to get a licence to change my mind.

    I've got to run, but if I remember it, it gives me something to wonder about tomorrow! :o

  6. I think that I have written fairly extensively about my feelings toward Bush. If anything, I have mostly belittled him, however, I do think that he has done the right thing in both Afganistan and Iraq and I'm afraid that all this second-guessing will eventually force him into turning in the wrong direction.

    He badly needs people's support. He is being hounded from every direction, but I'm supporting him!

  7. So gentlemen, I see that you've found a way to settle your dispute. And that way is a FRENCH KISS. Congratulations.

    L'amour, toujours. Tonight for sure !

    I still wanna know if we can watch.

    Its Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve - unless you are in the Gay Forum :o

    I have to agree with the "gentleman" on this one, but, if his sister is Nicole Kidman, we might be able to patch up our problems, pronto! :D

  8. That's the point though isn't it mebrane - no post will ever be a "real news story", debate your head off, I've won - Ill sit and watch!

    Trying to pussy-out eh...? :D I think that, as usual, Membrane has hit the nail on the head, "gentleman".

    Anybody can find an editorial piece that interprets news events in their favor--and that's all you really ever do. That's easy man! You're wimping out pal! Try getting a REAL NEWS STORY--not an editorial or some kind of "rant" page--and then try to prove your side.

    Until you start doing that--until then--this "debate" hasn't even started...

    You are tired of looking like a fool, so you have decided to try to turn this into some kind of a rigged contest with the usual anti-American wack-jobs as the judges. No way Jose. I shall continue to kick your ass, each and every day, if you are so silly as to continue to show your face. :D

    In the words of my glorious American forefathers: This debate has not yet started and I have not yet begun to fight! :oDon't tread on me!

  9. I haven't been through US customs for a while, but last time that I did, a naked picture of one of my "girlfreinds" fell out of the suit-case. The customs guy told me, "I could care less about this, I'm looking for heroin". I guess that things must have changed.

  10. I think that you know that there is no way to know this :o , but if countries all over the World try to attract retirees to live there, it seems like there must be a significant income in it.

    Add all the successful farang owned and managed businesses in Phuket, Bangkok, Chiang Mai and elsewhere, and it doesn't seem like money to sneeze at, particularly when having all the problems that Thailand has been having in other sectors.

  11. If apologies are in order, they are to be made for unnecessary personal remarks, for not checking up the facts properly before posting, and for not managing to keep one's temper at bay.

    That would be the basic rules for a normal debate... right?

    I respect what you have to say, except I differ with one paragraph. Remember, this is The Bear-Pit, no apologies for outrageous personal insults necessary! :o

  12. I just wanted to apologize to any Australians that I have offended in the last few days. I have already PMed several contributors to this board expressing my regrets. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings.

    Couldnt handle the back lash Georgie? :o

    What back-lash?

    You call that a back-lash? There have been wacky anti-American posts on here every day for as long as I can remember, so I'm rather used to it. It doesn't matter to me if they are about World War II, Vietnam, Afghanistan or Iraq. They are attacks.

    However this is the first time an American struck back by pointing out other countries' "shameful secrets", and as far as a tactic goes, it is a good one.

    Yeah, there were a ton of anti-American posts, but there always are, however, when I posted shameful incidents in Australia's history, people were most happy to criticize them TOO. Also, I was PMed and told to carry on the good work, Australians could "dish it out, but couldn't take it".

    However, as I have said, the reason that I spend so much time on here attacking aszholes who attack my country, is because I think that it is petty, negative behavior by worthless scum who have no lives other than bothering people on this Forum.

    I don't want to hurt good people's feelings by criticizing their countries, and, I certainly don't want to emulate pathetic losers like the "gentleman" and Butterfly; peas in a pod.

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