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Posts posted by Georgie-Porgie

  1. taxexile and other GP critics, I respond to critical posts about the US and Israel. I don't put them on here. If you want to stop them, I suggest that you go after the originators.

    I will be most happy if you can rid this site of these non-Thailand type posts.

    If you continue to attack me without provocation, I will return fire.

    I guarantee that you won't like it.

  2. These bassturds that think this war is great are nothing more than dog Sh*t on the bottom of my shoe! If it's such a just war, then why aren't all you a$$holes over there too?

    I've been to places just as bad as Iraq, From your posts I know for sure you haven't, are you one of those long haired hippy, liberal draft dodging freaks?

    That not so great American statesman, Patrick Buchanan, once said something very wise. for one of his campaign platforms for presidency he stated that America should pull out politically and militarily from all foreign countries. This is a man who is a hardcore conservative with many views that i certainly don't agree with, but at least he had enough sense to see the chaos that US intervention in the world creates. Terrorism stems from a long chain of events mostly perpetrated by the USA and Europe which could have been avoided if certain countries were left in peace.

    What a moron!

    Patrick Buchanan wanted the US to ignore the problems of the rest of the world. He is what an educated person calls an "Isolationist".

    Did you ever finish Elementary school? :o

  3. ....

    I usually know far more about the subject that is being discussed than my adversaries, and make better points time after time, ....

    This makes you so admirable :o

    For the rest of us a minimum education should be proved, like knowledge of Latin and antic Greek.

    You no 'small Latrinum and big rectum' ah... Grekum

    Speaking of big rectums; One could throw in a snide comment every once in a while, and then go hide.

    Assho1e from above.

    Time to go hide again Axel! :D

  4. It doesn't matter what a poll says. 99% of the members don't vote anyway. It does matter what George and the Doctor say, and they banned you.

    I have no problem with you posting, if you are grateful for being allowed to, and live up to the agreement that allowed you back on.

    That is all anyone asks. :o

  5. The gentleman was thrown off permanantly for posting a flood of Nazi propoganda on thaivisa.com. He was allowed back on due to my request, with the provision that he never post anything political again.

    He is on "parole", and he is violating the terms of that parole.

    If he can't live up to the terms, maybe it is timer for the parole to be revoked? :o

  6. They enter a battle of wits but are almost completely unarmed. When they find that they are losing, they reach for the only weapon they brought with them – the flamethrower.

    I will just assume that this doesn't apply to me.

    I usually know far more about the subject that is being discussed than my adversaries, and make better points time after time, and only reach for the flamethrower, after I have proven them wrong and am tired of them hanging around bothering me; Like getting rid of a blood-sucking parasite.

    It's the only way to get a rest! :o

  7. the 'self educated...and...common sense' approach to most issues is another way of describing anti-intellectualism...you only read what you want to read and believe what you want to believe and fukc any attempt at rational analysis. Now we have idiots on the forum posting right wing propaganda as political humor.

    Ah, pussy-warrior, couldn't keep your ignorant yap shut. You are a glutton for punishment my dumb-ass friend! :D

    When you describe "anti-intellectualism", you are describing yourself perfectly. You are the guy bringing up "Zionist revisionist history" which I have never seen mentioned outside of a Neo-Nazi tract, and you are the guy who wanted to "get technical" about our sources, and then preceded to list your sources as a bunch of -what you called-mainstream magazines that you've read over the last 30 years, without bothering to mention what they were! :o

    You certainly are not well-read, you don't have any common sense and you certainly aren't any kind of an "authority" or academic. You are what we call in the real world, another assho1e with an opinion. Every assho1e has one! :D

  8. Why overstay in Samui? The immigration office is right on the island and very convenient to get to. I think  most people overstay because it is cheaper to pay the fine than it is to extend. If someone overstayed their visa in the UK, US or EU I believe they would also be arrested, fined and deported. Why should Thailand be any different?

    sbk has been out of sorts since ###### was arrested. Personally, I think that he was sort of her dream man (Oh IT, you are sooo liberal, and what big sex toys you have!). :o

  9. You seem to think you are an authority on middle eastern politics. Have you ever been there?

    I am far from an "authority" on the Middle East. Most of those guys are such mixed-up academics that they can't even tie their own shoes. :o

    I am a very well-read individual with common sense; Any Westerner with these two attributes, ain't going to root for the Palestinians! :D

  10. I went and saw this guy again. He showed me the visa, and it is missing the part about not being to renew it.

    He says that you can only get it stamped in Thailand if it one of these new visas that don't forbid renewal, so people with older visas have to keep doing visa runs until you get a new one.

    I would say that this is about 95% sure to be for-real, so people should start hearing more about it soon.

    I for one am tired of unnecessary visa runs, when I am trying to run my business.

    Has Immigration done something very right? :o

  11. Let me errr a see now, the Muslims are fighting/killing the Christians in Indonesia, the Muslims are fighting the Jews in Israel, the Muslims are fighting anyone that is non-Muslim in Iraq, the Muslims are killing Budhists monks and non-Muslims in the south of Thailand, real sweethearts these Muslims, how many of you want one for a neighbor? And don't give me this school ground crap that non-Muslims started all this.

    Your message is written out of the prejustice, that any war, any conflict is involving Moslem in this world.....

    Already in history, there was a war between the Northern and Southern States in the USA.....Moslems? Where?

    WWI and WWII with over 50 million people dead, did not involve many Moslems, or do you think, Germany, France, Russia ..are Moslems?

    The Americans dropped 2 atomic bomb on a country on defendless civilians, (Japan) which for sure never had anything to do with Islam....

    Americans also eliminated over 2 million Vietnamese people, who are for sure not Moslems...

    I also do not think, that all the Apartheid violence in South Africa was based on Islamic priciples....

    In recent history, we had Cambodian genocide....where are the Moslems there?

    Are they Moslems over in Haiti? Or in Cuba?

    Or in Ireland or in Spain....IRA or ETA is not based on Islam....

    Were the people on Tianmen Square in Beijing Moslems?

    Or China and Taiwan?

    Serbs and Croats are not Moslems, but Orthodox and Catholic...

    Are the Tamils and the Singhalese in Sri Lanka Moslems?

    You are talking ancient history. We are talking about right now.

    Muslims are making themselves more trouble then they are worth, and the consequences are going to very sad, but, if they don't stop the radicals, they are begging for it. :o

  12. Let me errr a see now, the Muslims are fighting/killing the Christians in Indonesia, the Muslims are fighting the Jews in Israel, the Muslims are fighting anyone that is non-Muslim in Iraq, the Muslims are killing Budhists monks and non-Muslims in the south of Thailand, real sweethearts these Muslims, how many of you want one for a neighbor? And don't give me this school ground crap that non-Muslims started all this.

    Yeah, but its ALL George Bush's fault! :o

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