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Posts posted by RKASA

  1. I didn't think of it before. :o I think I might say something to them about it. Then they can use it from the PC dept. to show off the connected laptops and PC's as well. Buy a card downstairs sit in the food court or most anywhere else and be online. We have a bowling lane now that would be nice to cover too. We are really up and coming here now that we have a bowling lane again. Last time I bowled in Phitsanulok was back in 82 before the topland lane closed :D . Some day they may have phone lines where I live. We don't have a Mc D or Burger King only the Chicken man here. I can't eat that stuff anyway. :D

  2. With that many PC you need to go with Sat. IPStar contact ToT or a few other ISP they have alot of diff. packages. An IPstar modem can do up to 5.9mb, but I don't know how much they will open it up. Most private user don't get more then a 1mb service. Best thing is No Phone lines are involved at all. Up link goes to sat then down to north of BKK then up and out again. Mine is only 256k but has worked just fine 24/7.

  3. :D Most the I cafe I have been to lately freak out if you want to plug in anything. Before I would plug my laptop in and not even use their PC so I could up load. Then I came in with the stuff on Mem stick and oh no not that. You can check web based mail or play games thats it. To many script kiddies like to go into the shops and load virus or purhaps other things on them. :o
  4. To kill and prevent spread you may want to run nuke an option in the eraser program. http://heidi.ie/eraser/ In will overwrite everything on the drive 3 times it leaves nothing and nowhere for anything to hide. drive will be clean. Then get out OEM stuff, and hope that none of your backed up data has been infected. May want to keep some of your newer downloads in Isolation for awhile and not put them back on right away. Not seeing any other options out there. edit forgot to add. You can download the eraser on other PC and then put the nuke on a flash or floppy and boot into it. Once it starts it can not be stopped it runs in ram and cleans the drive. (nuked)

  5. :D I gave the PClinuxOS 2007 a shot. Wow I like it, it was worth the 6 hour download. It has everything in it. I felt like I was in XP to a minor degree in that I didn't have any problem finding settings and jumping anywhere copy files ect. was only touching the edges as there is a lot of OS here. I can't see running this live its way to big, its worth an install. I need that extra PC now, I am just running out of places to put things, or maybe a boot LAN server then I can have alot of distro at hand and a reason to get into server stuff. :o
  6. Both are of interest. I have been downloading and playing around will a ton of livecd distro and of 26 to date I have only 3 which I would call working. as well as 2 kiosk type livecds. I have made it a point to try and stay under 200mb, but that does inflect some limitations. Only one of them has the KDE multi desk top which I like alot, but of the three they detected all my devices and hooked up just fine. I ll have to set up the downloader and recorder and give some of the larger distros a shot. I have yet to find a gaming type distro that has a source of roms that are easy to get and install. I heard that one was an arcade type, but was discountiuned. I tried some from the live cd list site, but they had problems. If anyone knows of a game set up that users won't crash all the time I would love to try it.

  7. If its blocked you should keep the big eye ball message and green screen, not that I have even been to a site that that happened, but other wise it could be dns issues because its not effecting everyone or every ISP. try adding at least one offshore dns address like opendns. It will more often resolve address if others servers are q'ing are down.

  8. If your friends emails get to you fine if they send it from yahoo or hotmail, then the other email server is not working well just have them find a better email service. If they don't want web based email like yahoo or hot mail there are purhaps 1000 or more other pop mail services around. I still use both yahoo and hotmail because I don't want to change my address, but if my mail was not getting sent I would change right away.

  9. Nationwide push to talk has been in service in the states for some networks as far back as 1999. And for local use its been the norm. for most small companies. Look for this service in Thailand to cost 5 times normal, like Internet does, but then at least it will be available and its really is a great tool. As far as AIS putting WiFi everywhere. I think they could do it but if they run it like AIS has other internet services, I won't be touching it.

  10. Are they puting the linux on it as in the ads I saw or Vista. Would think the price would drop with linux in it., and I saw the drive is 100G SATA, but only 5400 arn't they norm. 7200 these days?? not sure how much diff. it makes may not even be able to tell.

  11. I got ripped off I only have one of those PCMCIA slots. Never had anything that plugs into it. edit PS one time that I had an error like that it was related to the binding of TCP/IP to the adptor, just rerunning the set up of the device cleared it.

  12. I used AIS for a long time and webbased mail was only thing I could use to many problems other wise. I used a post paid 500baht 200 hours but they change all the time. It will not cut off if time is up. It switchs to 1baht per minute, and its not really 200hours day time rate is higher then the amount they use to rate it 200hours. One time I got a bill for 12000 bath because they had not charged any of the time on the gprs monthy and went stright 1 and 1+ baht a minute. Took more then 6 hours at AIS office before they would roll charge into the unused balence of gprs which was listed right on the same bill.

  13. I would assume you mean the USB ports. If so then you may have to uninstall any software you have for it and run the install steps over again. My GPRS modem used USB port and it was vary picky about which slot. If I changed I had to redo the install which req. I uninstall run a setup then plug it in. After that I could use that slot. One would think it would be plug and play, but it was always funny about how it was connected. Sometimes I would use an extention cable and it only like certain ones, even if the cable was OK. My GPRS modem had a switch on the back and was also used for Wireless its a wireless GPRS combo.

  14. alot of this looks related to a problem I had with a scam install of spy-sheriff which demanded money to remove it. When it comes to the warning and the spoof spyware hidden. bells go off. solution for me was to clean the drive because it had cauht me right after an install so nothing lost everything to gain, but a program SmitfraudFix.exe and its mentioned at http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/ is the one that is used to remove that so it might work for you.

  15. I was running an old98 with 98se on it up to a few weeks ago. I had found the updates in an MSN archive and it was running great. I did have to run Opera and a firefox browser as I could not get an update for IE5 something I had got off an old AOL trial disk, but was better then what it had. Updates for IE just would not download or install if they did? Then My wife hit a hot blackjack hand in a casino game and the power supply smoked. I do mean real smoke. :o Stick a fork in it, its done. Thats it pictured in my avatar. The old compaq will be no more. Nothing worth putting any money into. I do think you should bring them a live linux cd they can run on it without any hassle, then they can get their feet wet. You can download them most are 50 to 200mb. The live cd's don't install or use the HD and are fully functional with desktop GUI. It takes 2 minutes to boot it, your off and surfing. If it crashs just restart and you get whole new system installed. Puppy live, Dam small linux, NimbleX all have worked well for me. Good luck with the project. Old PC's and Linux fit like a good pair of shoes. :D edit: forgot to mention changed settings and mods are saved on the fly to any usb device like a memstick or USB drive. and anything downloaded goes there as well. If you format them FAT32 then anything on the drive can be used in 98se as well. It's kind of bullet proof.

  16. I used the i275 Solomon GPRS/WLAN and it worked when the tower first went in our area then as more and more people got service it started hanging up every two minutes. They only use the extra bandwidht and cell connection get pri and push GPRS connection offline. The day edge started my service whent to 5 kps and never recovered. I don't know why your ToT sat didn't work mine has been a dream. Even when GPRS worked before it is upcountry and was speed trapped at 33K you could tell, connect with P2P already online and it started out 64k within one minute the trap catchs it a watch it slow down to 33k everytime a big rip off I don't trust they will be any better about edge after they get enough connected.

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