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Posts posted by RKASA

  1. 4 coin tosses required to end the counting at 4 poling places. Without those counts tied up poling places Barnie wins - Hillary wins 4 coin tosses in Iowa should be the headline, or maybe Dem's once again gamble on Hillary.

    Had she lost a few coin tosses Barnie would have beat her by the same .2 percent - what would the headlines read then - Old man gets lucky?

  2. Democrats, me included, wish we had a candidate that combined both an impressive resume (Hillary has that) with a charismatic persona capable of firing up the base to get out the vote (Bernie has that to some degree but too lefty for the general election). We don't have that COMBINATION and none of the potential "save the day" names (Biden or Warren) have that either. So it's going to be Hillary nominated and she isn't a SURE THING to win in the general. But democrats are still resigned to the fact this time this is the best chance we've got.

    John (super seal) Kerry the man that has given us piece in our own minds will step in any time now - in the mean time, as I stated months ago, she is flack bait. Poor Barnie never had a chance.

  3. If it is set up for dual booting then boot Linux and use the file browser and just click to mount the windows partition that has the files that can be listed on the right. Use file browser set up to show them if you don't see them. You may need to install NTFS support to Linux from the package manager, but rare is it that it is not already installed these days.

    If moving from Linux to windows it is the same process just drag and drop the other way.

    I use split screen in the file browser so I can see both source and destination at the same time - zero guess work nothing to type can be done start to finish with your mouse - I do it all the time.

  4. "wobble at higher speeds" ??? do you mean vibration - that could be tire balance, but if balance is checked good and it still does it the tire can have internal damage - does the location of vibration move if you mount tire in other side of car or replace with full size spare. if not then a wobble or vibration could be any number of possible parts. If it is so bad you get over-steer when normal driving then you have a real problem like a track bar broken or missing.

    The car "wobbles" from one side to another starting at around 120km/h. It's not a vibration, or well, the vibration is in the steering wheel at this point.

    Then it would be hard to say if it does it in straight line driving at speed and causes over steer in a corner without getting under the car or truck, but that sounds like something you better get fixed. A number of parts could cause the same effect, but the under steer part in a corner would tell me to start looking at the sway bar.

  5. "wobble at higher speeds" ??? do you mean vibration - that could be tire balance, but if balance is checked good and it still does it the tire can have internal damage - does the location of vibration move if you mount tire in other side of car or replace with full size spare. if not then a wobble or vibration could be any number of possible parts. If it is so bad you get over-steer when normal driving then you have a real problem like a track bar broken or missing.

  6. If you are connecting to your own server at home you don't need a vpn you just just need to use secure login ssl on the server and then you are in a vpn mode between you and your server. The post does not say what reason your connecting and far to little information about the server to know what it is your wanting. If you want to remote admin the server use webmin program - if your server is running on a desktop version of linux or windows even then use teamviewer and you will be on the servers desktop remotely with a remote terminal and you can securely do anything including going back out on to the net and downloading things to the desktop or watch video - you get a real time view of the screen and use of the mouse /keyboard remotely and it is a secure connection. Does not have to be a server you can use it between any two PC connected to the internet and run it remotely even sling so to speak video that is on the HD or even streamed to it and then out to you where you are. The uses are endless and it works with linux,mac, or windows.

  7. I'll bet they won't charge a flat rate of 180 baht for all withdrawals like they do for foreign bankcards. It will probably be 10 baht for local (Thai) cards and I wouldn't be surprised if they lifted the 180 baht to 200. Double pricing once AGAIN.

    some banks already did - I had to use the yellow bank because the cash mech. at other atm near by where empty and they charged 200 fee. Krungthai is it? Not the bank I normally would use and now for sure won't. I would guess that is also why it was the only one not yet empty.

  8. Dongles are available. A mate once had a Dtac one. I use my phone as a wireless hotspot for my laptop. Works pretty good even in the rural areas where the 3g signal isn't the best. If you are in the city you should be able to stream pretty well.

    These dongles just use the USB port for power right ?

    They still use WiFi to transmit the signal to the device correct ?

    I have a US Hot-spot (Netgear 770S Air Card), unlocked from AT&T, that I use on DTAC's network and I seriously doubt if it is strong enough to not lag when trying to play online games but it certainly wouldn't hurt to try it

    The information I found is that a ping of 46ms on my Smart phone and 38ms on my laptop should be low enough for online gaming according to this source:


    The dongle is a 3g device the same as a phone is without the phone function and connects to the laptop via usb port - they use a sim card to connect to the internet. If your phone which is 3g already can be a hot spot it becomes a wireless dongle and does not use the usb port - it is often much easier to deal with. If the hot spot is low enough ping just use that it is still just 3g to the internet via your phone as a virtual dongle - a dongle can also have wifi connection option to avoid 3g use, but your laptop already does that too and you will use the same wifi to connect to the phone. Your phone as a hot spot becomes a wifi/router with 3g internet when no other wifi or cable connection to the internet will work for you. I know clear as mud rightthumbsup.gif

  9. Again we are the problem - don't give into fear? - what a bubble head - We have not Mr. president you have completely. Stop blaming us and legal guns and take the fight to the source of evil - you have given into fear of your legacy not turning out according to the script which means a great deal more to you then the lives of we the people under attack.

    Please help out the countries which have your gun laws already and did nothing to stop this sort of thing - I m glad they could buy semi auto AR-15's because if not they would have got full auto AK47's from over the border and killed the other 21 that were only wounded - You Mr. president and your ilk are complete morons that can't see trees in the forest only the agenda you spin - you can't round up 11 million illegals in the country but have no problem rounding up and prosecuting 300million US citizens that are ex post facto owning guns. Just add them to the no fly list with your pen and a cell phone and F--- the constitution and its inconvenience to your agenda.

    You only have one front in your fight and that is the America people from day one and we have two fronts - you and the extremist nitwit left agenda you lead and the terrorist you enable and apologize for. Lets not blame inanimate objects that can only kill if used by a killer and protects those on our side if we don't get caught being a free people with a bill of rights for a reason. That 2nd amendment was put in place because of people like you and not because we need sporting guns. It is to make possible the free militia that will defend itself from a government that will and always does grow beyond the respect of the people. Your assumed self entailed position on things is not different then the right version of the other nationalist socialist party government called the NAZI's. The end game is the same no matter if you wear a suite or a uniform - nationalist socialist requires state control of all parts of everyone's live or it cannot carry on - it is a perpetual state of fail and blame and you seem to be the best at both. That is the only legacy you will leave office with.

  10. I use my phone as a wireless hotspot for my laptop.

    Yes, the easiest solution if you have a smartphone.

    I have thought of that but was told the speed on a WiFi network would not be sufficient. I don't know how much down/upload playing an online game will require but I guess a lot?

    I think it is not the speed but the lag - a cable connection might be 25ms ping and an aircard higher - wifi via a cable service connection would not be a problem and your phone as a hotspot connection would be 3g with a higher ping. I know with a sat. connection it does not work for that reason no matter how much speed it has. IF your cell phone can be a hot spot try it out - that would be the same as an 3g aircard anyway - as they say same thing only different.

  11. Just married, and a daughter of 6 months old. He worked for 5 years as health inspector and earned a yearly salary of 70.000 USD.

    He drove a late Ford Expedition worth 50.000 USD. He lived in a middle class house.

    He went as a Muslim to a Christmas party and left earlier.

    After that, some 20 or 40 minutes later, we have to believe that he and his wife became radical Jihadi's in 'full tactical camo battle dress' armed with semiautomatic machine guns making 14 fatalities and 18 injured in a mum of time. Nobody saw them coming, nobody saw them leaving.

    He and his wife were neutralised after +4 hours of search at 700 m from the first crime scene. The whole area was secured by road blockades. He had to pass one of these road blockades to arrive at the second crime scene.

    Pipe bombs have been found all over his place according to latest reports. All this from a guy who was living 'the American dream'...

    "He drove a late Ford Expedition worth 50.000 USD" it was rented three days before the attack and one day over due for return - I think it is obvious they planned on moving a large amount of ammo on a one way trip.

  12. I have been inclined to say 'I told you so', but after a short review I have alway withheld doing so even up to and including this point in time. This will get 10x worse - so I will holdoff until we are really going to need it and then some will finally understand it.

    All that said; it would seem I have said it anyway for those that are now inclined to or have got it already anyway. There are of course - those that once they do get it - will never admit to it. coffee1.gif

    It is kind of like the clap. You will only get it by being subjected to the intercourse of the provider and then there will be many unusual positions that transpire in the process, but once you do get it at least you will know whom to really blame once and for all.wai.gif

  13. I think you will find they have copyrights. They can be found all over the internet - there are groups of people that find sounds without copyrights and file for them - they also scan web pages and apps looking for people to sue for using them in apps. without paying for them. Make your own even if they sound similar they are yours and you won't get sued.

    This may have some safe stuff to use but follow rules if using in an app. https://freesound.org/

  14. Obama says to relax and not blame all muslins which 99% of people don't do to begin with - they blame radical muslims which is why it is OK to use the word radical because it is an adjective and has a meaning and a propose. The media would have you beleave other wise - they seem to think it is a hate crime or a racist thought just because they said so.

    It is not a war on muslims but your going to get a reaction from a few that never get the full memo, so I would say - it is alright to also relax and not blame everyone for some griffiti while we find the people responable for the shootings and setting off of bombs that the radical muslims used to kill more then 100 people in one single attack.

    A few people react poorly to events in Paris - coffee1.gif Oooo K.

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