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Posts posted by nidge

  1. "Aoccdrnig to extnesvie rseeacrh conudcetd at Oxofrd Uinervtisy in Enlgnad, it deosn't raelly mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae.

    The rset can be in a toatl mses and you usulaly can sitll raed it wouthit much porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but

    the wrod as a wlohe."

    Easy to read but even if you wrote a whole book with perfect spelling and grammar there would still be one turtles head that would point out the single typo on page 431

  2. MiG

    Would agree with Nidge's choice of dress, tho I'm sure it would look much better on you than him. The 1st pic would suit you as second choice - perhaps a little more risque but could make quite a few guys at a reunion realise what they missed out on, should you wish to do so :)

    BTW Look forward to seeing you in an itsy witsy teeny weeny polka dot bikini when you're next back in town for a Bangkok Football night out. Just don't ask Mr.Toad to wear a matching outfit...

    You have only ever seen me in jeans, perhaps you'd be surprised how good i look in a dress :D

  3. Possibly because it makes them feel superior or because they are smug tw@s that have no constructive comments to make. Sometime a spelling/grammar error can be funny and worthy of a joke but other times it's just pointless.

    No different than when someone corrects a transliteration.

    It's not just this forum. My wife posts on another forum and although her spoken English is great she makes mistakes when writing. I'm sure she is not the only non native English speaker who gets upset when her post is crucified.

  4. Thanks for my evening laugh. We've got two entirely different topics going here.

    In Canada us guys more interested in beavers than our ferrets. :)

    What you going to do with a beaver if your ferret does not want to play? Is the beaver going to want to play if your ferret is scruffy or smelly.

    It's not a case of being more interested in ferrets, it's knowing their importance, (or is it impotence).

  5. The point of my post is that just because every karaoke bar YOU have been to is full of bar girls it does not make EVERY karaoke bar the same. You must be so handsome that you are beating girls away from yourself with a shitty stick. Your experience and opinion has no more value than anyone elses. Someone elses experiences are not wrong just because they differ from yours. Thai guys that go to karaoke bars to get girls will only go to the ones where they know you can get them. There are plenty of other karaoke bars where women go to sing or even for families go. I've been to places where mums and kids have been singing without a br girl in sight. Thankfully narrow minded whoremongers do not frequent places like this.

  6. There is an aging Kathoey restaurant owner near one of the bus stations in Chaiyaphum. Always very nice and polite but certainly did not keep her looks. In the right, (wrong), light you could be mistaken that one of her parents was an orangutan!

  7. i gotta add again:

    Everytime i have been to a karaoke, every single girl there even the waiters are interested in having sex upstairs for a small fee or obviously sometimes for free. Lies about them not wanting it are produced by the old farang who speaks thai and has been here for a long time thinking that his thai ability makes him as attractive as a non-fat younger guy.

    I have also never heard from anyone else that wasnt asked for a trip to the upstair room by most girls in those small karaoke joints.

    They do love to drink all your cola/ice while you're not looking and charging you a ton for it.. but hey. Again thats the fault of the long-time expat which is perfect thai that only order 30baht and spends the whole night there. they make the normal people pay for those cheap bastards that beg for sex untill the joint closes

    Not all long time expats are old. Not all karaoke bars have upstairs rooms. Some only have 2 rooms and one of them is the toilet. Perhaps you should get off the steps of 7/11 and get out more.

  8. Try the Crossbar good food, no BG to annoy you, draught and bottled beers. Run by Brian a good mine host. A lot of expats.

    Check it out on - www.thecrossbarbangkok.com


    I second that. Try the chilli and chips while you are there. Real english food and the music is quiet enough to have a conversation. Just watch out for the jocks and scousers. :)

  9. during that same google for my stripy dress, I came across a few other interesting ones.

    in order of my opinion:

    1. very very cute, but I wouldnt wear it

    2. not the most flattering pattern of stripes (horizontal), but I loveeeeeeeee this one

    3. can see myself in this one, but still not quite the one I have (I guess Ill just have to take a pic)

    and Ian - please dont be misguided :) keep in mind that a lot of these dresses I decided to give away. there must be a reason why I give them away :D

    1) very sexy, (without the hat). Could easily see mrs nidge in that one.

    2) Nice but does not suit the model, i think her skin is the wrong tone, or maybe she needs to be more "curvy"/

    3) Sorry, but this one is awful. Mrs nidge would be sent back upstairs to get changed. Looks "grannyfied"

  10. was trying to save this pic.....something I found just for Nidge :)

    but it wouldnt load/save. lets see if the link will do it.

    Thanks MiG16 for posting dresses for my approval. Not quite what i expected to read when I opened this thread this morning!

    The checkered dress is nice, but not something I would normally chose.

    The dress you posted the link to is very nice. Wife likes it too. I don't normally like up and down strips but it looks good here. I imagine it's very slimming too. Can it be bought in Thailand?


  11. I have this image of a peaceful looking beach.... Suddenly the ground starts pounding, the sound grows and grows till he trees are shaking then I see, turning a corner, 3000 sex starved grunts marching in unison coming from the left and 6000 tourism starved 'working' girls marching in unison coming from the right, like two mighty armies about to clash, a bit like the movie 300 but the persians are h**kers :D

    And what makes you think they will be sex starved? Are they all in solitary confinement at sea? :)

  12. 'Wench' is not a nice term for your significant other Nidge. I met her and she appeared not to be of the wench classes.

    But since you live near 'Dreamland' it may be a bespoke description for your good lady. I take my hat off to you, buddy. And I won't mention the 'H' word.

    My tattoted girlfrined on the other hand gave me a mouthfull today. She said she had a busy day at work, but that's no excuse for the stuff that came out of her mouth.

    You are right, she's not really a wench, but i keep forgetting her name :)

    So what exactly came out of her mouth? Hope it wasn't doner kebab with chilli sauce.

  13. One thing I read that I quite agreed with was the point that touched upon knowing how many western ex’s the GF has. Of the successful relationships I know of over here the answer is generally zero.

    I am sure you are right saying generally zero.

    However, my wife had a farang husband before me and I had a Thai wife before her. Her ex was an abusive alcoholic and my ex was an Issan gold digger. We both got seriously hurt in our last relationships and that has made ours stronger. We know what behaviour is acceptable in each others culture and do not want to go through the same problems as before. I don't know whether it makes us try harder to keep each other happy, but as long as we are happy it all that matters.

  14. Hmmm . . . sounds like an ADVENTURE . . . I'd recommend packing a GPS with video map, a couple of cans of pepper-spray, a machete, a few liters of water, two mobile phones with several emergency numbers on their main display, and two of those VERY LOUD aerosol boat horns in the event that everything else fails . . . :)


    A GPS is a good idea although not vital. Video map or any type of map is totally unnecessary as the GPS will tell you where you started from and most trails will not be marked on a map. Water is important too. Pepper spray, machete and boat horns? I think you spend too much time watchingthe cartoon channel and eating sugary snacks! I've been riding off road in Thailand for 8 years and in my experience the best tool to use for a dog is a dried dogfood stick. Failing that, a swift kick it good enough. Try it, you might be very surprised. The biggest danger while riding in Thailand are cars, motorbikes that don't look or don't care.

  15. I took my family and dog to Natural Park Hotel on Jomtien soi 16. (Check google earth for some nice photos). Loads of people with pets there. A nice garden to walk and right on the beach. The maids were all friendly towards my black lab puppy and even cleaned the room with her still in there.

  16. If you just want a short ride, try Pratumnak Hill a few times each day. I got my wife started in mountain biking by riding up there every day for nearly a month. If you ride off road, there are loads of great trails in the Hills behind Pattaya. It's quick drying sand so even after rain the surfaces are rideable. If you ride a road bike and cannot find somewhere to ride already then you are beyond help!

    By the way. I agree with you on the walkman. I could never imagine riding with a walkman. Losing your ears gives you a major awareness disadvantage.

  17. I'm not keen on polka dots, although i like the last dress in your collection. Stripes are my favourite, preferably black and white. As for how many, you can never have too many. When my wife gets ready to go out, I enjoy wondering what she will chose to wear.

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