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Everything posted by steven100

  1. I've heard Pattaya called many things but never ' stunning '
  2. please don't tarnish Pattaya's world famous family resort golden pristine #1 the best cleanest safest friendly honest reputation. very sad to tarnish honest Thailand.
  3. This looks good value if it's only 99 baht
  4. sounds like some folks here want to pay pittance but get a grand restaurant meal. they are the real cheap charlies
  5. oh what a tangled web we weave .... she should just pay a 'punisher' to go around to Kittichai's house and give him a good flogging, even put him in hospital. He will divorce her immediately, and she won't hear from him ever again. problem solved.
  6. yes, he should have slapped harder
  7. agree .... this is all Thailand show theatre performance. They are knuckleheads.
  8. I think it's all exaggerated. cops need to pull him aside and work something out. end of pantomime
  9. while I agree with what you say ... isn't it best for the cops to pull him aside and sort it out ? sorry .... cops .. Thailand =$$$ no common sense here that's for god damn sure !!!
  10. so he will be charged with what law ? touching another person without consent ? Thai cops see $$ he is a lowlife .... and thai cops are scum. make of it what you will...
  11. Thai police are scum ... so you have to decipher what is correct
  12. they play games .... is there a law that he has broken ? but he's an idiot just the same.
  13. well , his attitude is pathetic and he's a <deleted> ..... to arrest him for that is pathetic , Thailand is such a stupid place with absolutely ridiculous rules, they make them up as they go along, a bit like AN. If speak the truth and you say anything bad about Thailand they cancel you. How is that fair ? He was an idiot for doing that and he should be fined ... and jail 3 days
  14. I didn't think it was funny ( emoji ) save the frog .......... I was serious ..
  15. I worked with along side him for a few years, crutching lambs, drenching cattle & sheep, fencing, loading soya bean hay in the winter for stock feed , and many other general farm work, mustering and whatever ... I was young and fit as a mallee bull at 17yrs old. i miss those days it makes me sad when I think about that .... I get teary eyed everytime.
  16. no ... he was 83 ... he just drank sherry .... but only a few glasses every few days on the farm. He was a hard worker, up at 4-5am and out at 6.00am everyday... back at 6-7pm every day.
  17. I've had 6 bottles and I'm thinking about my dead Uncle .... he was a good uncle and taught me alot
  18. same me .... all my family and relatives are dead ....... but I didn't go see them years ago before they died. I think about my dead Aunties and Uncle's everyday . I didn't see them for 30-50yrs and I think about the old days. It's just me left alone. my friend is my Chang beer each day
  19. nasty Arab Algerian or Egyptian as_holes .... hope they get what they deserve, a good flogging in jail. what is the name of the french restaurant ?
  20. not surprised they're closing down here .... I've never seen 1 customer in their shop at a big modern mall near where I live. Many other shops similar, how they can pay big rent and have few customers is beyond me.
  21. he was trying to become more multi-skilled
  22. was the crypto money in his cupboard ???
  23. Maybe 5% of market food looks slightly edible, if it's hot and made fresh. I don't care what you think ..... It's no longer open for any discussion. you can eat the market slop or anything you like .. I'll enjoy my chicken burger. thanks.
  24. sorry for your loss .... one can only research so much I guess
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