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Everything posted by steven100

  1. Thailand has the highest number of privately owned guns in ASEAN of course it does ..... every kid, man, gang member and taxi driver has a damn gun under his seat.
  2. is your name Mr Tony from walking street by any chance ?
  3. yes ...... at least there was something good being done during his tenure. Society has no place for drug addicts. Everyone knows right from wrong ..... and they elected to choose wrong which is their own stupidity.
  4. well if nobody had a gun them there wouldn't be any mass shootings ... right ?
  5. " rethink gun ownership " don't make me laugh ! every second kid here on a motorbike has got a gun under his seat.
  6. hmm ..... maybe they just put the price up at certain places ..... I'm talking Bangkok ..... bit strange, because they print new menus and everything. I still don't mind 199 for the Salad bar provided it's a good variety. I did see Wednesday promo is 349 baht for pork neck, grill chicken or fish which all includes the Salad bar.
  7. It is very very sad that innocent children were targeted .... Just another uneducated Thai with no sense .... and a drug addict by the sounds of it ..... plenty of them around.
  8. ABF = 1 x cold fried egg , CP packet ham floating in water , CP mini sausages floating in water , 1 x slice of toast that's actually just warm bread , 1 x watered down orange juice powder mix , 1 x cold coffee. Absolutely disgusting ....
  9. Santa Fe .... i went there again a few weeks ago ..... It's not so much what seasoning they use it's more the way they cook it ..... disgusting chicken ... pre-cooked I think then thrown on a grill hot plate which is useless ...... under cooked ... red inside in some small areas. They cook to asians ....they don't put the chicken on a grill as advertised .... it's horrible ... imo
  10. very bad news I'm afraid ..... I went to Sizzlers today and they SALAD BAR price has increased to 199 baht from 139 ... .... I protested severely and even threatened to call my Lawyer ..... all to no avail This is very bad ...... I enjoyed Salad at 139 ..... now it's 199 baht.
  11. hmmm .... what a nasty piece of work she is. Lock her up ....
  12. pitty they can't use the same action to clean up the mongrel soi dogs that s_hit everywhere and bite kids.
  13. sorry, they cannot be at the Casino because they don't have any money. They are drunk on the beach or at the 7-11 waiting for the foreigner to give them 100 baht.
  14. just make sure you take a brown envelope with you .... easy peasy !!
  15. That foreign couple could adopt the kids if the parents are not found, that's why they are holding them. The real parents are either in the Casino or at the bar. The police will process papers for the adoption process.
  16. no one in Thailand fits that description so they are looking for a foreigner
  17. yes .... good observation and I agree with you entirely. I wouldn't believe half of what his marketing spruces out. It appears the number of disgruntled Tesla owners keeps growing ... it could come back to bite him by dropping sales. Just to add, I watched him at his Space X facility and his interview on site with Jay Leno. The guy is spending billions upon billions of dollars on his pipe dream to colonize Mars with millions of people from earth. The guy has to be barking mad to waste all that money on something as stupid as that. imo more money than sense.
  18. maybe my words were harsh but you gotta admit these guys are always fighting, as they're mafia controlled in many places. It's a pitty they couldn't just be like normal taxi drivers and act accordingly, be clean, polite, honest .... that means accepting passengers regardless of the journey.
  19. good riddance.... no great loss that's for sure.
  20. lighten up .... It was a joke. Life is too short to be that serious as far as i'm concerned.
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