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Everything posted by steven100

  1. why wouldn't it ? do you really think anyone would want to continue after annihilating those murderers.
  2. Exactly ....... and that's what I said just before .... they ( NATO & US ) missed a golden opportunity last week. And if this did happen it would put a stop to the WAR immediately I suspect.
  3. and this should have been carried out months ago .... the US & NATO had ample opportunities to have him taken out. Even just last week when several high ranking generals sat with Putin in Moscow which was an opportunity missed. They could have destroyed that building in one hit with many targets inside. imo source; https://www.yahoo.com/news/russian-weapons-showing-great-effectiveness- 150850542.html
  4. source:https://www.yahoo.com/news/ukrainian-armed-forces-kill-400-062626660.html
  5. it's one of those from the UK last week ...
  6. The guy should be fined for having a Lamborghini that color.
  7. eggs ..? chickens ? what exactly ? because 6,000 chickens can make alot of mess ....
  8. those sneaky farang are at it again ....
  9. is this big news of the world ... send to CNN maybe.
  10. it's got nothing to do with laziness ...... it's got to do with irresponsible parents, and the reason they are irresponsible is that they are uneducated. They don't have any sense about their boy being hit by another car while on the bike. They are from the booney's where they cook on a campfire. They probably left school at 10yrs old. If the were educated , they would be aware of their own responsibility as parents and the dangers on the road. If they were responsible parents ..... they would not let their kid jump on the bike at 10yrs old at 10.00pm at night. That's what I think anyway ....... not educated, therefore irresponsible parents.
  11. others failed to mention ... he's 78 and put rescue resources at risk also, they have got better things to do than baby sit a 78yr who is delusional and thinks he's superman ....... stick to the club bingo and crochet old timer and don't waste the rescue guys time which is needed for young serious accident folks. Lol
  12. where can I buy some rotten tomatoes to throw at some restaurant windows where I got a sh_t meal ?
  13. Potatoes and onion prices have increased, and when you cut the onion it is bad inside and you have to throw 1/4 of it in the bin.
  14. go to the market across the road
  15. he needs to stay at bingo !! geeeze ......
  16. Son .... #1 great player !!
  17. so true ...
  18. did he drink and was he a smoker .... I think going in the 60's is a bit early. imo
  19. shocking ! they have to get some bright spark onto this urgently.
  20. I hope it's not further down on the list ...... would really be a shame to have to hand that back.
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