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Everything posted by steven100

  1. I hope you are correct and Russia disintegrates real soon, as I said .... the US can't be a cash cow forever. And how to recover the hundreds of billions of dollars from Russia for the rebuild .... but that's another story.
  2. The guy really thought she was special ..... now he's paying her back ...
  3. wouldn't a nasal spray that ' kills ' Covid be much better.
  4. more useless drum beating by Thaksin who can never shut up.
  5. I hear ya and while I agree ...... i still think someone needs to take this guy out as he's shown his true colors now and he's shown to be a world trouble maker, this year Ukraine, then next year ? and is the US going to keep spending billions forever on Ukraine ? you see what I'm getting at .... the cash for the war is not a deep well that never stops ... the US or someone will need to do something eventually if Putin continues and continues. What's the NATO plan ? What's the US plan ? there is none .... I don't want to start WW3, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do even if it means some pain along the way ..... just sayin'
  6. source:https://www.yahoo.com/news/man-caught-video-urinating-ex-183630028.html
  7. I just had another Robusta 100% hot Latte and I must say the taste is growing on me even though I just bought a bag of Arabica70%+Rob30% expresso medium dark. I'm a bit like yourself in that I try to use as little milk on top as possible but still have a Latte , as such the Latte made from the expresso needs a bit more milk than the Robusta.
  8. 4. what about getting rid of the mongrel soi dogs completely so we don't have 1, 2, or 3 any more ?
  9. yep ..... it was that damn wet road again. Nothing to do with driving too fast in the rain.
  10. Lol ....... of course the drug addict robber or killer is going to go for the free rehab ..... and as soon as his rehab time is up he's back out on the streets getting high & re-offending again. Send them to the Philippines ... Duterte had the correct solution to solving the problem.
  11. source:https://www.yahoo.com/news/ukraine-offensive-struggling-more-powerful-183304206.html
  12. she doesn't want you now. she doesn't need you anymore because they said she can stay in Canada for the next 100 years. you were too slow buddy, she was waiting for you at the airport and you didn't contact her .....
  13. were the water marks not noticed when you bought the condo ? these are simple tell tail signs one looks for when inspecting a property.
  14. oh dear ' contact a company who's experienced in rooftop waterproofing membranes ...
  15. sometimes one draws the line when it comes to being diplomatic or being honest and calling something for what it really is, scum & terrorists instead of saving face and being diplomatic ...... this is one of those times. but you just keep believing , you'll be fine.
  16. disagree completely ...... if Biden can't see what Russia has done constitutes as a terrorist organization then I'm Charlie Chaplin's uncle. ..... if they are not terrorist when raping kids and god knows what else then they are ridiculous and blind as you are. Who cares about what it jeopardizes, at the end of the day they are scum & terrorists .... At least have the balls to admit that ......
  17. Please see the headline TOPIC .... nothing to do with Trump or anyone else, simply Biden's loss in the mind. Majority of Americans concerned about Biden’s mental health
  18. seems quite expensive Richard ...... I trust it's top shelf coffee and tastes accordingly ?
  19. did Tony learn from his punch in the face experience ? was he a do-gooder who thought he could handle himself pretty good as he did back in Aussie with the kids at footy practice. How many times has Tony been punched in the face before ? Does he always try to resolve other people's arguments when he's out and about ? Will Tony ever take a motor bike taxi ride again or will he be scared ? Will Tony ever talk to drunken tourists again or will he ignore them ? If Tony got a punch in the face, why are they bandaging his head ? Did Tony get more than just a punch in the face ?
  20. This made me feel sick in the stomach ....... IS THE US FOR REAL OR JUST BS ... Joe Biden is unsure if Russia's action constitute and warrant a terrorist designation ...... " Majority of Americans concerned about Biden’s mental health " They should be after reading this I just found ...... is this guy for real ???? source: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-unsure-russia-state-sponsor-of-terrorism-designation-ukraine-war-jake-sullivan and ... and .. source: https://news.yahoo.com/russian-soldiers-accused-of-raping-women-men-and-children-in-ukraine-224021315.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall and .. source:https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/18222506/russian-soldier-rapes-baby-ukraine-war-arrested/
  21. at 70, he should have more brains, DON'T get involved in anyone else's business ... especially in Thailand.
  22. I just bought this one for Latte ..... will try it tomorrow morning.
  23. yes .... that's the normal process isn't it .... we've seen that hundreds of times here.
  24. Mr Tony ..... is this your first time in Thailand ... ! ????
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