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Everything posted by steven100

  1. welcome to Lieland Thailand.... Lol
  2. The story is wrong ..... actually they are not Aubergines at all, aubergines are a long purple color. The one's shown are commonly referred to as small eggplant which is their correct description.
  3. what sort of a train goes overnight 13 hours and doesn't have a god damn bar ? that's crazy .... haha
  4. hmmm..... very strange, wondering was it intentional or could it have fallen from a pick up. Very rare to see something as stupid as this in Vietnam if intentional, unlike Thailand. also not forgetting, everyone in Thailand drives around with a club or machete or hammer or gun under the passengers seat. What a sick society it really is.
  5. I think they should stick to the stun guns and the 9mm ..... much more reliable when a nutter is coming toward you with a machete.
  6. the owner working inside the bank had cash to burn
  7. Thank you ..... now where's the damn bar ??
  8. I sure hope it don't break down. I don't mind a decent train journey actually, at least you can walk around and view the scenery ..... only problem is ' where's the bar ' ?
  9. " new to the school after coming from another province." .... possibly bullied, can't say for sure as we're not there. I should have said ' possibly pushed ' The article is very vague, they should confirm what really happed or as usual, a cover up. ? just thinking, she's lucky she wasn't seriously injured or even killed as four floors is a long way to fall especially onto concrete ...
  10. that depends if you like being stuck on a train for 13 hours ...
  11. Robusta just finished and it taste's better each day ..... however, you say try a dark roast Arabica 70%+Robusta30% fot Latte ?
  12. so did any of you TV bar stool judges solve this case yet or are you all still p_ssing in the wind as usual. Lol ...
  13. yeah right ..... I think I got to that stage a couple more bottles later if I remember ... then I didn't care who was dead !
  14. OP ..... if your just doing a bank to bank transfer, you will get the TT buy rate as shown below in red .. hope this helps.
  15. and that's also the same as why nothing will ever improve in Thailand, product quality and service quality will also remain below par because no one complains and if you do complain your looked at as a trouble maker. It's the same with comments, you can't disagree ... same with hotel reviews. What's the point in having any opinion.
  16. That's the same as hotel reviews .... only say good ... you can't speak the truth if you consider a place, service or comment not to be correct or of poor quality or not worthy. strange .....
  17. agree entirely ...... where are the responsible parents ? the father should give them a good thrashing. Then a serious talking to.
  18. RTP need to pull out all stops to catch this murderer ..... very sad story indeed .... RIP young lady... so sad.
  19. In general I agree whole heartedly .... however, it would be hard to refrain from being a nice guy if your brother or auntie or gf got shot in the back by these soldiers, or if your sister was raped then shot ?? I couldn't refrain in that situation i'm afraid and I don't think most honest folks would. Just saying ..... but it's a true circumstance. The Geneva covention didn't save your auntie or grandmother when she needed it most .... see what I mean
  20. Do what the Russians did to innocent civilians ..... execute them. Tell them they can surrender then shoot them all. imo .... I'm sure that will happen ... source : https://www.yahoo.com/news/russian-units-near-kherson-negotiating-111100694.html
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