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Everything posted by steven100

  1. Robusta just finished and it taste's better each day ..... however, you say try a dark roast Arabica 70%+Robusta30% fot Latte ?
  2. so did any of you TV bar stool judges solve this case yet or are you all still p_ssing in the wind as usual. Lol ...
  3. yeah right ..... I think I got to that stage a couple more bottles later if I remember ... then I didn't care who was dead !
  4. OP ..... if your just doing a bank to bank transfer, you will get the TT buy rate as shown below in red .. hope this helps.
  5. and that's also the same as why nothing will ever improve in Thailand, product quality and service quality will also remain below par because no one complains and if you do complain your looked at as a trouble maker. It's the same with comments, you can't disagree ... same with hotel reviews. What's the point in having any opinion.
  6. That's the same as hotel reviews .... only say good ... you can't speak the truth if you consider a place, service or comment not to be correct or of poor quality or not worthy. strange .....
  7. agree entirely ...... where are the responsible parents ? the father should give them a good thrashing. Then a serious talking to.
  8. RTP need to pull out all stops to catch this murderer ..... very sad story indeed .... RIP young lady... so sad.
  9. In general I agree whole heartedly .... however, it would be hard to refrain from being a nice guy if your brother or auntie or gf got shot in the back by these soldiers, or if your sister was raped then shot ?? I couldn't refrain in that situation i'm afraid and I don't think most honest folks would. Just saying ..... but it's a true circumstance. The Geneva covention didn't save your auntie or grandmother when she needed it most .... see what I mean
  10. Do what the Russians did to innocent civilians ..... execute them. Tell them they can surrender then shoot them all. imo .... I'm sure that will happen ... source : https://www.yahoo.com/news/russian-units-near-kherson-negotiating-111100694.html
  11. it's either got to be mental telepathy or necromancy ... Lol
  12. yes .... very sad indeed. I have a close Thai friend who contracted TB about 10 years ago, I went around to see him one afternoon at his sisters and the family were there just thinking he ate something bad or caught some bug somewhere .... I tell you he was really sick, and I could see that ... I told them to get him to a hospital straight away, I said he's not good, so they heeded my words and took him straight to hospital. Anyway, turns out he got TB and spent a week in hospital. To this day I'm so glad I went to see him because he wouldn't have seen the night out.
  13. my apologies, I read the story but didn't click on the link. sorry for the misunderstanding.
  14. source : https://www.yahoo.com/news/russian-municipal-deputies-call-putin-160116298.html
  15. I don't understand .... what is Q-Rabbit ? you've lost me '
  16. To be fair .... that's peanuts for a Lawyer , in the US they earn 10x that easy at some big firms.
  17. Just finished my Robusta latte ..... it's a bit of an acquired taste to some extent , much prefer the Arabica coffee ... possibly Arabica 70% + Robusta 30% might be best for hot latte.
  18. I think a thumbs down icon would be suitable ..... it's a bit like the hotel reviews, you can't disagree with a service or room ... your only allowed to say good things, what's the damn point then, how will anyone ever know what are the bad points about a place. Same here, so you can only like or love a comment .. that's crazy !
  19. As soon as anyone mentions Hat Yai ... it's like ' yikes .. no thanks. Too dangerous that's for sure .... nothing might happen for years, but then all of a sudden it could be a shopping mall or a crowed market. no way ... I think many farang feel the same way I do.
  20. I doubt he'll see his full term out ....
  21. I'm not sure what's more risky .... skydiving in Ethiopia or scuba diving in Kao Tao ....
  22. emoji .... laugh .. yes ...
  23. after tasting Robusta this morning, I much prefer the Arabica for hot Latte .....
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