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Everything posted by steven100

  1. and this was because Bobby boy deliberately made it so tight as to yelp so he could get the attention of possible puppy lovers for a sale and profit to buy more p_ss. Not a very .. most touching story at all ' more like a scam artist.
  2. This really is ridiculous ...... and I was correct in my previous post, she seen $$ signs. So from now on all you bar stool beer swilling guys better carry dozens of copies of NDA's for the bar girls to sign before they sit and chat with you .... to avoid any liability. pathetic .... this was all about $$
  3. nonsense.... maybe your interpretation ..
  4. Thank you ..... and correct .
  5. do you know what part they are looking for ...... I've got some bits & pieces out in the shed
  6. well that's a different can of worms isn't it .... I'm just saying there is no stability in the government system because the term for PM is too short, and secondly, the young voters don't grasp some important issues that involve history, security, safe guarding a nation etc .... they tend to think of today's needs like child care, food costs , rent, wages etc ... which is fine and correct ... it's just they don't relate to what can develop over time that places countries at risk through invasion ... and Australia being a prime example. I guess all we can do is hope that each PM that comes along implements the absolute minimum security processes and procedures that are needed to protect a country's security.
  7. This is ending up just like Australia a few years ago .... the revolving doors of PM's it's because young voters haven't a clue about history and sovereign security and common sense fundamentals that have to be implemented to safeguard the country. Australia's Morrison was steadfast on protecting Australia's sovereignty and security with the Navy and RAAF ..... The young folks 18-30yrs don't understand the seriousness of such issues with China .... and as a result ..... guess what ? China has done a deal with the Solomon Islands to build a Chinese Naval base etc ... The young voters will then turn around and vote the next candidate in as they don't like some of their policies. It's a stupid democratic system imo, there is no stability , it should be minimum 5 yr term for PM's . The young kids and voters of today couldn't even change a flat tyre ..... I think that raises alarm bells for the future of any country. imo
  8. There is not and cannot be maintenance cuts with airlines, the reason being that baggage handlers are paid such a low wage with long hours and strenuous work conditions they cannot get staff. This coupled with everyone trying to go on holidays at the same time has put enormous pressure on Jetstar and Qantas .... the maintenance is a small part of the problem as all aircraft have scheduled services at certain flown hours accrued.
  9. yes .... I've heard of them , but not Scot or Scoop airlines
  10. who is Scoop airlines ? I've never heard of them.
  11. but there is no Scot airlines on the world airlines registry ? and no one has ever heard of Scot airlines.
  12. And this is what happens when you elect a woman as PM.... source : https://www.yahoo.com/news/liz-truss-forms-most-diverse-210618492.html UK made their bed '
  13. yes, I used them a few years back several times from DMK-OOL direct ( Cooloongatta : GC Aust ) They were ok .... just another budget job.
  14. but there's no Scot airlines registered ...
  15. sorry, I'll just get my coat
  16. I've never heard of Scot Airlines .... where are they from ?
  17. yes ... Australia 240V , USA 120V , UK 230V I think , NZ 230V also. some are 50Hz and some are 60Hz .
  18. it's a bit exaggerated imo ..... I mean .. dream ruined ' come on man ! just get back up and manage it ...
  19. maybe she see's $$ signs in the accusations especially if it's a farang.
  20. forgive my ignorance ... I don't understand this ? it's not correct english and what do you mean ?
  21. just another Thai nutter on the loose ... plenty of them around.
  22. good luck with that one ..... ! ???? I don't think Khun Prayut would be overly concerned.
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