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Posts posted by steven100

  1. Allopurinol seems to work. I use to get severe gout. I remember one christmas day about 8 years ago working in Africa, I got in my left ankle then my right ankle and it was so painful I couldn't walk .... lasted 2 - 3 days

    Use to get it in my knee & ankles mostly and sometimes big toe .... Bicarbonate soda with water and hit it with allopurinol 900mg ...

    I use to suffer bad but ... I haven't had it now for 6 months. Not sure why ... but I drink more water now than before.

  2. Thailand is giving food, water & medicines and taking care of the sick and weary. Then provide enough fuel to return to their birth place either Bangladesh, Myanmar or India or wherever.

    It is not up to the international community to accept illegal boat people wherever they decided they want to settle. Thailand didn't force them to pay a boat people smuggler. Thailand or the international community didn't say you get on that boat ...

    Why should other countries pay for the relocation of thousands when it's their plight and choice to go elsewhere. ?

    Thailand is correct in the firm stance they are taking and most don't want them here. Imagine them resettling in the south and in two years wanting autonomy from Thailand. Killings and bombings etc ... all because the doo gooders want to force countries to accept them.

    No thanks. Check the survey results ...

    It is not up to the international community to accept illegal boat people

    Unfortunately the "international" ( Western ) community is run by bleeding heart people that think it is the obligation of their taxpayers to fund illegal immigrants. Now IRELAND is sending ships to pick up illegals off the coast of Libya ( they don't even wait till they get near Europe ) and depositing them in Italy. Fine if they take them back to Ireland, but like that's going to happen cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif . Nice to know Ireland is so keen to flood Italy with illegals while they will probably not take any themselves.

    It is worth noting Britain has refused to take any of them- good on ya Cameron.

    Next thing you know they will expect Malaysia to send ship every week to pick them up in Myanmar and then onto Bangladesh ... then return ...gigglem.gif maybe they could open up a travel agency on the beach in Myanmar ...

  3. I tend to agree, I have the same card and it is a complicated card to use ... I tried to buy lotto tickets on line .. always declined, however I have purchased Air Asia tickets with it & no problem. I can use it at any ATM in Thailand.

    I use to have a Kasikorn Visa card ... that was a wasted effort, could not buy anything on line and just kept getting a bill for card keeping fees. Cut that one up ...

    What happen to having a Visa / Debit card that can be used anywhere ? any ATM worldwide ? any on line purchase ?

    is it possible .. ?

  4. UEFA has confirmed that it has requested Sepp Blatter to step down amid corruption allegations that are extensive within FIFA.

    Sepp Blatter has been at the helm for 17 years and now that it appears corruption is endemic within FIFA it is time for him to go.

    Sepp Blatter has refused a personal plea from Uefa's Michel Platini to quit as Fifa president, according to reports.

    The embattled Fifa president is facing for his future after the latest corruption scandal to hit world football's governing body.

    Blatter, 79, is seeking a fifth term in office as he prepares to go head to head with Prince Ali Bin al Hussein of Jordan in Fifa's presidential election on Friday.

    Though Blatter may be unpopular with Uefa, he is positively deified by many of the African and Asia countries.

    A good illustration of this comes from Guinea-Bissau FA president Manuel Nascimento Lopes who said today that it was "blasphemy" to blame Blatter for the conduct of others.

    "I'm a Christian and this is blasphemy," Nascimento Lopes told Inside World Football.

    "It's a state conspiracy. People are always trying to knock Blatter. Africa will vote for Mr Blatter and I will follow that. I agree at some point there has to be change but let Blatter finish his mandate and see what he does.

    "It's not all about the major European football countries. If you point three fingers at someone, there is always one you point at yourself. Tomorrow we are going to vote for Blatter. How do we know anyone else would be any better?

    "I am one of the most anti-corruption people you could meet. No-one can bribe me. Blatter had a team and if the team is not perfect, why should the leadership suffer? Secondly this has nothing to do with Africa."

  5. Reading through this thread and starting to think I must be from another planet. I came here to live in someone else's country, not to tell them how to live. I don't like being refused by a taxi any more than anyone else. However I can appreciate that the meter rate is low, fuel is not free and cars are expensive. If they don't want to take me then that is up to them in my morality, whatever the law says. I am not about to start reporting people, getting on their case and causing them problems. I am sure they have enough already. anyway I left my home country to get away from all that sanctimony. If I don't like a service offered I don't use it. Instead I use Uber. Better cars, reliable and a service I am happy with. After a few refusals I decided I wont hail a taxi again. Simple.

    yes, I see your point and agree some ... however I do believe that if you or me or nobody complained about the level of service or the quality or whatever then the company wouldn't know any different and therefor wouldn't do anything to improve it so it would slowly go down hill I would imagine.

    Now think of this senario ... in a bigger picture ... we don't complain so nothing gets upgraded or improves, tourists stop coming because service is getting so bad, thai people lose their jobs because of no tourists etc ... etc ...

    By saying something I believe it is helping them to lift their game ... but if they don't want to listen then folks will go elsewhere ...

    just my opinion.

  6. Everyone wants to help these poor souls and we will help them. But we all understand that it's not the international communities problem just because these economic and illegal migrants want to relocate wherever they choose.

    Everyone is against letting them in because it sends the wrong message ... letting them in will only have thousands more come .......surely you can see that as being irresponsible for any country.

    Lets be humanitarians ... we provide food ... lots of it !! ... water & medicine , take care of the weak and frail.

    Then when they are stronger after a few days we help them to continue back to their loved ones in Myanmar, Bangladesh or India.

    We cannot force them to stay at sea ... if they don't want to go back to their loved one then thats their choice. The world will not be held accountable to these illegal migrant just because they seek a better life ... many people in the world seek a better life but they are not expecting the international community to jump up and offer and pay for everything.

    These people do have a place to go back to ... you say they don't but everyone know they are economically suppressed, which I agree ... they need help to create farm land and shops and make a living. If they are persecuted in Myanmar then go to Bangladesh or wherever they were born, if they aren't safe in Bangladesh then go to another nearby country .. near where they originated from .. not Indonesia or Malaysia or Thailand , these countries have enough problems of their own to deal with.

    We must take care of these poor people and send them back ... this is the humane answer and the best thing to do.

    The world wants it this way and thats what will happen.. or they can go to Gambia ? but I guess thats not good enough ??

  7. Everyone wants to help these poor souls and we will help them. But we all understand that it's not the international communities problem just because these economic and illegal migrants want to relocate wherever they choose.

    Everyone is against letting them in because it sends the wrong message ... letting them in will only have thousands more come .......surely you can see that as being irresponsible for any country.

    Lets be humanitarians ... we provide food ... lots of it !! ... water & medicine , take care of the weak and frail.

    Then when they are stronger after a few days we help them to continue back to their loved ones in Myanmar, Bangladesh or India.

    We cannot force them to stay at sea ... if they don't want to go back to their loved one then thats their choice. The world will not be held accountable to these illegal migrant just because they seek a better life ... many people in the world seek a better life but they are not expecting the international community to jump up and offer and pay for everything.

    These people do have a place to go back to ... you say they don't but everyone know they are economically suppressed, which I agree ... they need help to create farm land and shops and make a living. If they are persecuted in Myanmar then go to Bangladesh or wherever they were born, if they aren't safe in Bangladesh then go to another nearby country .. near where they originated from .. not Indonesia or Malaysia or Thailand , these countries have enough problems of their own to deal with.

    We must take care of these poor people and send them back ... this is the humane answer and the best thing to do.

    The world wants it this way and thats what will happen.. or they can go to Gambia ? but I guess thats not good enough ??

  8. Everyone wants to help these poor souls and we will help them. But we all understand that it's not the international communities problem just because these economic and illegal migrants want to relocate wherever they choose.

    Everyone is against letting them in because it sends the wrong message ... letting them in will only have thousands more come .......surely you can see that as being irresponsible for any country.

    Lets be humanitarians ... we provide food ... lots of it !! ... water & medicine , take care of the weak and frail.

    Then when they are stronger after a few days we help them to continue back to their loved ones in Myanmar, Bangladesh or India.

    We cannot force them to stay at sea ... if they don't want to go back to their loved one then thats their choice. The world will not be held accountable to these illegal migrant just because they seek a better life ... many people in the world seek a better life but they are not expecting the international community to jump up and offer and pay for everything.

    These people do have a place to go back to ... you say they don't but everyone know they are economically suppressed, which I agree ... they need help to create farm land and shops and make a living. If they are persecuted in Myanmar then go to Bangladesh or wherever they were born, if they aren't safe in Bangladesh then go to another nearby country .. near where they originated from .. not Indonesia or Malaysia or Thailand , these countries have enough problems of their own to deal with.

    We must take care of these poor people and send them back ... this is the humane answer and the best thing to do.

    The world wants it this way and thats what will happen.. or they can go to Gambia ? but I guess thats not good enough ??

  9. Everyone wants to help these poor souls and we will help them. But we all understand that it's not the international communities problem just because these economic and illegal migrants want to relocate wherever they choose.

    Everyone is against letting them in because it sends the wrong message ... letting them in will only have thousands more come .......surely you can see that as being irresponsible for any country.

    Lets be humanitarians ... we provide food ... lots of it !! ... water & medicine , take care of the weak and frail.

    Then when they are stronger after a few days we help them to continue back to their loved ones in Myanmar, Bangladesh or India.

    We cannot force them to stay at sea ... if they don't want to go back to their loved one then thats their choice. The world will not be held accountable to these illegal migrant just because they seek a better life ... many people in the world seek a better life but they are not expecting the international community to jump up and offer and pay for everything.

    These people do have a place to go back to ... you say they don't but everyone know they are economically suppressed, which I agree ... they need help to create farm land and shops and make a living. If they are persecuted in Myanmar then go to Bangladesh or wherever they were born, if they aren't safe in Bangladesh then go to another nearby country .. near where they originated from .. not Indonesia or Malaysia or Thailand , these countries have enough problems of their own to deal with.

    We must take care of these poor people and send them back ... this is the humane answer and the best thing to do.

    The world wants it this way and thats what will happen.. or they can go to Gambia ? but I guess thats not good enough ??

  10. Linzz, we want to help these poor souls and we will help them. But we all understand that it's not the international communities problem just because these economic and illegal migrants want to relocate wherever they choose.

    Everyone is against letting them in because it sends the wrong message ... letting them in will only have thousands more come .......surely you can see that as being irresponsible for any country.

    Lets be humanitarians ... we provide food ... lots of it !! ... water & medicine , take care of the weak and frail.

    Then when they are stronger after a few days we help them to continue back to their loved ones in Myanmar, Bangladesh or India.

    We cannot force them to stay at sea ... if they don't want to go back to their loved one then thats their choice. The world will not be held accountable to these illegal migrant just because they seek a better life ... many people in the world seek a better life but they are not expecting the international community to jump up and offer and pay for everything.

    These people do have a place to go back to ... you say they don't but everyone know they are economically suppressed, which I agree ... they need help to create farm land and shops and make a living. If they are persecuted in Myanmar then go to Bangladesh or wherever they were born, if they aren't safe in Bangladesh then go to another nearby country .. near where they originated from .. not Indonesia or Malaysia or Thailand , these countries have enough problems of their own to deal with.

    We must take care of these poor people and send them back ... this is the humane answer and the best thing to do.

    The world wants it this way and thats what will happen.. or they can go to Gambia ? but I guess thats not good enough ??

  11. This is a post I read from late last year ....

    Torben Retboll
    November 10, 2014 at 7:46 pm

    To Richard Barrow:

    You make it sound so easy to report a bad taxi driver:

    Just call 1584 and report the bad driver.

    It is not easy at all. When I called this number, I was given several options from a person who was speaking in Thai. Option 1, and 2, and 3. There was no option for English.

    Since many of the passengers who may wish to report a bad taxi driver may be foreigners, it is obvious that there should be an option for English language.

    When I finally was able to pass the machine and get to a real person, I asked for someone who could speak English. They said: Just a minute. Another person picked up and said the same. The third person that picked up spoke a little English. But not much.

    She was not interested in taking my report. I told her I had evidence: a picture of the license plate. How could I send it to them? She offered me an email address: [email protected]

    I tried to send my picture and my complaint to this address, but it bounced. They gave me an address that is invalid!

    I would like to know: how can I report a bad taxi driver in Bangkok?

    How can I submit my evidence?

    Please follow up on this matter

    Thank you for your time and attention


    Torben Retboll

  12. Who cares ... I think we've heard enough about boat people .. coffee1.gif

    The empathy, humanity and solidarity shown by some posters are truly touching!!

    Next time before hitting the keyboard, try something new: Think.......

    They are human beings.attachicon.gifrohingya.jpg

    Your right , they are human beings .... however the international community is not responsible for their choosing to move.

    Yes, give them alot of food, water and money & fuel ... then send them on their way ....

    Thailand is giving food, water & medicines and taking care of the sick and weary. Then provide enough fuel to return to their birth place either Bangladesh, Myanmar or India or wherever.

    It is not up to the international community to accept illegal boat people wherever they decided they want to settle. Thailand didn't force them to pay a boat people smuggler. Thailand or the international community didn't say you get on that boat ...

    Why should other countries pay for the relocation of thousands when it's their plight and choice to go elsewhere. ?

    Thailand is correct in the firm stance they are taking and most don't want them here. Imagine them resettling in the south and in two years wanting autonomy from Thailand. Killings and bombings etc ... all because the doo gooders want to force countries to accept them.

    No thanks. Check the survey results ...

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