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Posts posted by steven100

  1. Several months ago Air Asia tried to make me pay 1200 Baht for a carry on bag that was 5 kilos over the 7 kilo limit. That was bad enough - but then insisted I had to check it - not carry on... I said no - my computer and valuable documents are in that bag and I will not let it be checked ... the exact purpose I have it for... She would not relent on the checking of the bag. So I demanded a supervisor. She came - we went though the whole thing again. I told them that if 7 Kilos were allowed and free what is the reason I must pay for 12 kilos? No logical answer... I shouldn't have - but I wasn't on an aircraft - so I made a fuss about Baht and Farang ... The supervisor said - Okay -okay -okay - pay 300 Baht and we will special tag it and you must give it to the flight attendant for special storage up front in the plane. i said okay - I hurried to the gate - almost didn't make it... And while boarding I handed the bag to a flight attendant - pointing to the special tag --- she wouldn't take it and said - store it over my seat... WOW!

    Oh I forgot --- to solve the problem earlier... I said - then let me go over to that shop over there and buy a large handbag - carry all looking thing and will reduce my carry on bag to 7 kilo and have a Personal Bag with the rest - which is allowed on Air Asia and most other air lines .. She said - NO! That is when I began my fussing about Baht and Farangs...

    Most airlines (average) - Domestic flights - One checked bag of about 20 kilos, One carry on bag for overhead 7 kilos ... And a personal bag ...big hand bag often for ladies, small backpacks, and laptop bags are all general seen as 'Personal Bags' ... I should have made sure I had a personal bag which I most often use ... but didn't that time.

    are you from the UK by any chance ? .......coffee1.gif

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  2. 'cute' .... not really the word i would use to describe the Pit Bull terrier breed.

    I was ready where laws in the UK were controversial as some critics argue that it should be the owners who are punished for breeding such dogs purely for there agressive behaviour as banning the dogs altogether is the wrong way to go.

    hope you find a home with suitable security ...


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  3. Been in Thailand long Mr Anderson ..... ? I suspect not .......

    Mr Anderson ..... please understand the thai culture is a bit different of that to what you are use to back home .... I am sorry if your friends appeared genuine and you thought how smart and intelligent you were as your thai friends continued on enjoying your company and having a laugh with you as company.

    It is customary for the farang to pick up the bill when in company of thai friends .....

    The reason being that you are a foreigner and as such earn far more than the meager thai salary ..

    It would be considered offensive should you reject to cover the cost of your friends companionship, enjoyment, food & drink etc ....

    and I guess you found this out in lesson one ...... ( you have much to learn grasshopper )

    Welcome to Thailand Mr Anderson ... clap2.gif

  4. ' After reviewing CCTV footage of the incident, investigating officers led by Pol. Lt. Col Phisit Chernphet believe the robber is between 160 and 165 cm tall. '

    Well, I guess you can catch him now you have that profile ...

    unbelievable ...... who writes this rubbish ... coffee1.gif

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