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Posts posted by steven100

  1. He is acting the way he has for the past 40 years or whatever ....

    Now you have come along and expect him to change immediately , because you buy whiskey & food & rent.

    He didn't ask you to buy anything ... he didn't ask you to be his son in-law ...

    It's the way he is and he won't change just because you came along ....

    It's probably not that he resents you ... it's just the way he is & has been .. for a long time.

    Second point ..... I certainly would'nt stop buying the whiskey & food ect ...... how do you think it would look if all of a sudden you stop buying or paying ...

    What do you think the rest of the gang will think of you then ?

    You will create a bigger mess than you have already !! believe me.

    Just because he doesn't talk or bow to you should'nt be a concern at all. Just forget about it and get on with life !

    I think you made the mistake of paying for the whiskey & food & rent from the start .... maybe cut back on the food & whiskey .. but don't stop it.

    Answer : Forget about him ... and get on with your own life. wai2.gif

  2. As mentioned earlier ...

    He is acting the way he has for the past 40 years or whatever ....

    Now you have come along and expect him to change immediately , because you buy whiskey & food & rent.

    He didn't ask you to buy anything ... he didn't ask you to be his son in-law ...

    It's the way he is and he won't change just because you came along ....

    It's probably not that he resents you ... it's just the way he is & has been .. for a long time.

    Second point ..... I certainly would'nt stop buying the whiskey & food ect ...... how do you think it would look if all of a sudden you stop buying or paying ...

    What do you think the rest of the gang will think of you then ?

    You will create a bigger mess than you have already !! believe me.

    Just because he doesn't talk or bow to you should'nt be a concern at all. Just forget about it and get on with life !

    I think you made the mistake of paying for the whiskey & food & rent from the start .... maybe cut back on the food & whiskey .. but don't stop it.


  3. Well done Australia ..... thumbsup.gif

    Every country should be doing this. Stop the evil believers and the jihadists.

    I seen one believer on Q&A TV last month and he was trying to explain to everyone that it was his right to go to Syria and join the ISIL. I hope he was raided & arrested ....

    I said this twenty years ago .... ' just watch out , it will be muslim radicals against the rest of the world '

    I say ... stop them all d ...d in there tracks now .. before they get too big. wai2.gif

    • Like 1
  4. I really don't think its such a bad idea .....

    The governments way of thinking is that it will be a big embarrassment to any kid caught brawling and therefore lose of face. Of coarse its not fair for the other good student all the same.

    I think it would be a good idea to front all the kids up in the morning and inform them that any brawling will result in the parents of the brawlers being held liable and possible charges being taken against them as they are responsible for there kids. The idea is to scare the students so much that they don't want to make any trouble .... as the consequences are severe

    just my thoughts ... but its not an easy solution. wai2.gif

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