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Posts posted by joeuk1

  1. Expatman

    Listen to your gut feeling ...........

    From experience i bought property in the 1990s had some in mine and the exwifes name this all got sold , but had put somei n Trust for my kids and that could not be touched by anyone or sold in the divorce settlement . The property i bought in 1994 is worth 3 times what i paid for it back then . I will /have put land in my Thai childrens name i have put it in trust that they can not sell it untill they are 21 years old and if i die the mrs dies the only benifit that the land will have will be too my kids .

    Nothing to do with not trusting the wife or outlaws just a good thing to do and great investment great for the future for the kids .Land that can be bought today i wonderwhat it will cost in 15/20 years time ?


  2. I went to the championship show in Bkk June 07 they had an area for sellers of pups and i could not beleive how cheap the dogs were , prices ranged from 4000 -10000 i saw bulldog pups real beautys for 7000 . All the pups looked well reared and there was every breed that you can think of . In chatuchak market on a sunday you can buy a dog from 500 baht i have seen German Shepards for 3k-4k baht so imho they will be worth what someone is willing to pay for them .


  3. I have had dogs at home for most of my adult life and always had kennels in the garden , wood bed off the floor full with straw or paper bed in the winter and rubber mat in summer . I will do the same When i am full time in Thailand .


    Well my friend you have obviously never had any thing to do with local wildlife in thailand, cobra,s and scorpions just love straw, and the odd bush python does too, straw is a tick magnet, but there again straw in the kennel works in UK, after 35 years messing about thailand and the world what do I know :D Nignoy

    Well my friend you have probably never been in a good set of kennels after 35 years you are too used to seeing shacks :o .

    Trial and error i can always get a new dog :D

    dont get too attached to your dogs then :D

    I dont know why i even bother answering this but i will anyway .

    No i would not let a dog sleep on my bed i like a clean bed not one that has dog hairs on it .

    I have dogs live outside the house in clean kennels they are exercised well fed have vitamins and are groomed and in good health .

    If in Thailand and one of my dogs were stung by a scorpion or bit by a snake yes i would feel sorry for the dog but <deleted> can i do about it . For a country like Thailand that has a massive stray- soi dog population dogs that are flee ridden full of mange iand in ill health i am sure there is ots you can do to help those dogs .

    My dogs will be in clean kennels clean runs well fed and groomed and in good health they wont need your help thank you :D .


  4. I was not realy paying too much attention to the markets today all my markets finsihed on there highs for the week . Two sets of figures that came out that gave our markets a boost durable goods were expected plus 1 they came out plus 5.8 and i think a set of figures came out new home sales were expected minus 2.8 and they came out plus 2.8 ( not sure about the house figs ) .

    The move from last Thurs my main market dropped 7 percent to the low and at tonights close i think was up 8 1/2 percent from the weeks low . Market rallied on good quality buying and lots of short covering the market is still heavy with short positions and i am very bullish of my markets going into the last qtr .

    Dollar was weaker cable was trading about 2 bucks ........and Gold in the last couple of days rallied off its 650s lows and was i think 665 for spot when i left office and came home .

    Good luck to anyone that has open positions running into the last qtr and year end .


  5. Man this Septic is such a fraud i was about to read all his 247 post just to find out who he was i got so bored after a dozen post but it did give me a chuckle when i read our great expert stays at 320 baht guesthouses haha yeah 320 baht guesthouses with a powerfull fan when in Thailand .

    By the way Mr Dick oh sorry i meant Vic my Buriram mrs if she goes to Bkk for the weekend books her self into the Marriot or stays at the Westin :o .

    Soppy Yank .


  6. Yes $ is primed for a rise. :D

    I would not be so sure .

    I locked in all 2007 dollar earnings sold dollars bought sterling at 1.83 this year , i know the dollar against sterling looks locked in trading range of 1.98 -2.02 at moment but i feel that dollar will make a move to 2.30 at some stage ouch .

    If cable pulls back to 1.83 i will lock in 2008 earnings as well .


    In just what paralell universe did you buy the pound this year at $1.83 ( the pounds low point this year was in the 1.93-1.94 area), oh yes it must be the same alternative reality where the pound goes to $2.30 :D You must really have a deep hatered of the Btittish people to even wish that the pound goes to $2.30/Dollar, unemployment would skyrocket in the U.K. :o Let us know when you wake up :bah:

    Vic i have met some idiots in my time but you take the biscuit :D you are a failed trader i know who hates hedge funds what did they do catch you short with your pants down .You are nearly right the low on cable was 1.91 beginning of march we were selling dollars throughout last year into this year and i know fact that our 6 million dollar profit for 2006 and the 3.8 million profit so far for 2007 is average conversion 1.83 .

    We are just two guys sitting in an office not bad huh for someone that does not know what they are talking about .

    I have forgot more about trading then you will probably ever learn :bah: .

    Currencys are not my game and cable at 2.30 for my dollar earnings is like a poke in the eye with a sharp stick buy hey i beleive it will trade 2.30 and thats what makes a market ....unless your dead from the neck upwards and dont have a view .


    I could write you off as just another brit lunatic on TV, but joe you most definately a special breed. Lets see now you clearly stated that you bought the pound at 1.83/dollar this year and when I caught you in this lie you come back with some average conversion nonsense and then you say that the pound was at 1.91 in early March. Sorry my troubled friend, but once again you are mistaken, the only week that the pound traded below 1.94 this year was indeed early March and on one day (March 5th) it closed a fraction below 1.93 (not 1.91), so once again my recolection of the low for the year in the 1.93-1.94 range was spot on. You then started going on about how you and your friend were making millions of dollars out there in Burriram trading the Forex, but admitting that currencies were not your game, so I guess that you and your fellow bloke are doing this in your spare time (sounds like a good television infomercial!). After reading this nonsense I now remember you as being a gold bug from another forum, so you are buying gold now at $670/ounce, betting the pound is going to 2.30/Dollar and supposedly funding these losing bets with the millions you are making as a part time Forex trader out there in rural Burriram. Joe I know that life in the Moo Baan in Isaan can be a bit boring, but the next time you and your buddy crack open a case of Chang keep your drunken fantasies to yourself, there is no need for you to further embarass youself here on TV. :o

    Septic i am not in Buriram i wont live there for at least a year i dont trade gold and i dont punt or trade currencys we just convert dollar profits from what we do trade into sterling . I have worked for US company i worked with Drexel Burnham in the late 80s that place went down in 1990 which you probably know because of the junk bonds so as you can see i have had to deal with septics b4 IF you want to call me a liar i arrive BKK 22 sept will be in Thailand for 10 mths why dont you come call me a liar to my face .


    Ps for anyone that does not know why Americans are called septics its a nickname for septic tanks full of shit :D .

  7. Yes $ is primed for a rise. :D

    I would not be so sure .

    I locked in all 2007 dollar earnings sold dollars bought sterling at 1.83 this year , i know the dollar against sterling looks locked in trading range of 1.98 -2.02 at moment but i feel that dollar will make a move to 2.30 at some stage ouch .

    If cable pulls back to 1.83 i will lock in 2008 earnings as well .


    In just what paralell universe did you buy the pound this year at $1.83 ( the pounds low point this year was in the 1.93-1.94 area), oh yes it must be the same alternative reality where the pound goes to $2.30 :D You must really have a deep hatered of the Btittish people to even wish that the pound goes to $2.30/Dollar, unemployment would skyrocket in the U.K. :o Let us know when you wake up :D

    Vic i have met some idiots in my time but you take the biscuit :D you are a failed trader i know who hates hedge funds what did they do catch you short with your pants down .You are nearly right the low on cable was 1.91 beginning of march we were selling dollars throughout last year into this year and i know fact that our 6 million dollar profit for 2006 and the 3.8 million profit so far for 2007 is average conversion 1.83 .

    We are just two guys sitting in an office not bad huh for someone that does not know what they are talking about .

    I have forgot more about trading then you will probably ever learn :bah: .

    Currencys are not my game and cable at 2.30 for my dollar earnings is like a poke in the eye with a sharp stick buy hey i beleive it will trade 2.30 and thats what makes a market ....unless your dead from the neck upwards and dont have a view .


  8. Common TBWG, your fingers are not working properly.

    1. Toyota Surin (1991 ) Co.,Ltd branch Sang Kha

    Address: 259 Lo Suwan Rd., Sang Kha, Sang Kha32150

    Tel: (044) 571313-4

    Fax: (044) 571315

    2. Toyota Surin (1991 ) Co.,Ltd

    Address: 370-378 Phattamanon Rd., Nai Muang, Muang32000

    Tel: (044) 528528-35

    Fax: (044) 528536

    Info from Toyota Thailand main web site - dealer locations

    Thanks for that Nomad

    Obviously my googling leaves a lot to be desired, I'll give myself a good slapping!!!

    TBWG :o

    Dont forget to ask for the EXTRAS you want a discount -free 1st class insurence for a year - etc .


  9. Hi Manxy

    Kinda guessed you were an IOM man by the handle:) I say buy, it certainly isn't dear & with electric / on a road; good price. Mac, to be offered land at 25k per rai in Buriram & not buy is madness! Unless it is landlocked in the middle of nowhere only accessible by helicopter with no chanod.

    Manxy, if you are a party animal, Buriram probably isn't the place, however, there are loads of good places for a night out; never been in the notorious Bamboo bar myself?....Personally, I sometimes find there aren't enough hours in the day, we have lots of livestock here & are always busy with something or other.



    There is NO land for sale in Buriram or near Buriram that is roadside with electric @ 25k a rai it just does not exist . I have had Thais look for land for me and have posted on the different boards and offered finders fees for land at these numbers and have not managed to buy land at 25k yet .


  10. Issues over child support are not always that clear-cut. My ex receives up to 200,000 baht a month in child support from me. But she also gets an income from my father's estate AND my mother's estate AND her mother's estate. The result is that she is richer than all of my family and has absolutely no incentive to work......

    Oh - she also got an 800,000 pound house in the divorce settlement whilst I was left with the debts from our failed UK business.


    I can not understand these figures .

    I had a clean break settlement uk split house sale and all money/assets 50/50 and maintained the kids untill the last one was 18 .

    With clean break settlement IF i went earned a mllion pounds after the clean break split then that would be mine , we signed a contract with lawers to say exactly that . If things are as bad as what you have posted above then you did not do your homework and you also had a crap lawer taking care of you .


  11. I have had dogs at home for most of my adult life and always had kennels in the garden , wood bed off the floor full with straw or paper bed in the winter and rubber mat in summer . I will do the same When i am full time in Thailand .


    Well my friend you have obviously never had any thing to do with local wildlife in thailand, cobra,s and scorpions just love straw, and the odd bush python does too, straw is a tick magnet, but there again straw in the kennel works in UK, after 35 years messing about thailand and the world what do I know :D Nignoy

    Well my friend you have probably never been in a good set of kennels after 35 years you are too used to seeing shacks :o .

    Trial and error i can always get a new dog :D

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