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Posts posted by joeuk1

  1. Without having to go collect the bike on the back of a pickup myself , is there a company that delivers motor bikes to the nth east from Bkk to Buriram .If so any idea of cost ?


    Hi Joe,

    What is the bike, just interested, as got a few big bikes here myself.

    The bike is a BSA starfire the guy that owns it offered it to me and when i gave him a date to collect it he then slept on it one nite and called me said he decided he wanted to keep it .

    Not a problem i would have enjoyed doing up the old banger will look for something else .


  2. If you live in bangkok, I would recomend Pet shops at Suanlum Night.

    Thanks for the reply but i have been to many pet shops already ..i am looking for a wholesaler to buy in bulk amounts

    i will keep searching

    Please post up when you do find the products i have 50 dogs running on the farm in Ireland and would like to buy as well .


  3. I will post a pic of me once I find out how to post photos.

    Heck I even use my real name.

    I belong to another forum nothing to do with Thailand , everyone now has to post in there own names . It has put a stop to keyboard warriors throwing insults and threats .........what a surprise :o


  4. The US Federal Reserve ceased publishing M3 data on 23 March 2006, with the last published data indicating a year-on-year growth rate of 8.23%.

    So I think gold is best investing.

    If you're willing to wait a few hours, you're welcome to mine.

    As if your position is going to have any impact on the gold price lmao .


  5. Hi

    Although your bank charged 20 pounds what sort of exchange rate did they give you. I have heard that exchange rates can be better if funds are converted in thailand.

    Customers of ours are looking at making multiple small payments to thailand and I am currently interested in finding out how I can ensure that these payments land with the minimum charges and best exchange rates




    I pay hsbc 21 pounds for international money transfer i ALWAYS send sterling and the money is exchanged from sterling to Thai baht in Thailand .


  6. This is very interesting.

    Can someone explain why these transfers are being allowed without invoking the 30% withholding rule?

    Is it the bank?

    Is it some advance paperwork being submitted?

    Is the law just not being enforced or are the posters just plain lucky?

    Does anyone know, because I have been restricting my transfer to 8,000 pounds for some time now, and it is costing me in transfer fees, to say nothing of the extra hassles.


    I pay 21 pounds for an international money transfer from HSBC its the same if i send 100 pounds or a 100k , i did ask my thai bank if they would hold 30 percent if i sent large amount and they looked at me like i was out of space . Up to now i have not had a problem sending larger amounts and i dont know anyone else that is sending money to Thailand having problems.

    Where is this 30 percent rule ......have seen it on int forums but not on offical Thai web .


  7. Point taken, it would be a different story if I'd bought, say, in December 1998 and sold it now :D

    So are all these people in Thailand (and elsewhere) buying gold and sticking it in their 'safe' misguided?

    people who hold "some" gold as investment are definitely not misguided. it's also a matter of individual investor's taste what percentage of total net to hold in gold.

    personally i like gold very much... around the neck, the wrists and the fingers of my wife.


    In a balanced porfolio, gold (generally stock in gold producers) has a place of perhaps 5%. The trouble with gold bugs is that they a have been prepetually telling anyone who will listen that the world is coming to an end or a depression worse than the 1930's is just around the corner. Back in the spring of 2006 when gold hit $725/ounce all the gold bugs were touting that in less than a year we would see $1000/ounce gold and that $2000/ounce gold would not be far off, of course gold is currently trading at around $660-$670/ouunce, so not only would you have lost money in gold but while you were losing your money you wouldn't have been earing any interest or dividends. Gold bugs are usually right about once per decade, hel_l even a broken watch has the correct time twice per day :o

    Looks like the bears may get there <deleted> handed to them again :D 660-70 no more :D

    Trading 703-04

    Happy days


  8. I did source a British classic bike club in Thailand through google , but like a plonker i did not save in Favourites and cant now find it again . When i was on the website they had brit bikes 1940s 1950s 1960s at the show .

    Some real old classics ......an old army bike that looked like the one that steve mcqueen rode in the great escape :o .


  9. Nice to see a couple of guys enjoyed the pics :D i have seen a couple of real beautys when in Thailand i will be keeping my eyes open for a couple of Brit classics myself to rebuild . Will keep me busy :o .


    Keep your eyes peeled then !! from the21st of this month MR and MRS Nignoy on tour, we dont take photo,s of Britbikes to moon over!! We Ride EM !! :D:D NIgnoy

    The new Triumphs built in asia are NOT Brit bikes :D .


    But Mrs Nignoy owns 1960 BSA A10 and I ride A 1960 Dommy 99, my stepson rides my 1959 650 Matchless G12 CSR with a full Avon Streamliner fairing!! we have had these bikes from new, Would not touch a new Triumph with a barge pole, they are just run of the mill Rice Cookers :bah: Nignoy

    Is the Dommy 99 a Norton Dominator ? would love to see photos of your bikes when you have time and are willing to post them .


  10. Despite the moves up there are still a lot of voices saying things are going to get worse. I've heard that the auto loans industry could suffer next as people chose between paying off their home mortgages over their cars. This morning on Bloomberg one guy who's big in metals said he believes that there could be serious issues in that area as well. Where's it all going? Why so many extreme differences in opinion?

    There are always voices saying things will get worse, many of those voices are the same ones telling you that gold will go to $2000/ounce, be careful who you listen to! With that said I think that your observation on the auto industry is spot on, there will likely be some very weak auto sales for the next 6-9 months and most commodities ( the metals in particular) are due for a downturn with slowing economies around the world. Oil has a built in terror premium ($20- $30/bbl) and given the precipitous downturn in natural gas recently I think that oil has a long way to go on the downside especially if the U.S. unveils a troop reduction plan for Iraq in September.

    What metals would that be ? Base metals ? i thought fundermentals for base metals are strong and stocks are low .


  11. You're all too harsh on people gawking. What was the big fuss? A dead man. Right on the road in front of them. A farang no less. For many, mortality is quite shocking, and to presented with it is heavy. Perhaps they didn't just like to pass on, and say, "What's the big fuss? Who cares?" Perhaps they have even more respect for life than those who barely batted an eye. Someone died right there where they were. They wanted to know what happened, and how. It disturbed them, probably, and gave them a better appreciation for life to linger at the scene. Everybody deals with things differently.

    I agree with this post ,

    On another note the only safe place to cross roads in BKK is at traffic lights , Thailand should take out the zebra crossings i have lost count how many times i have seen people near wiped out on them as they are not used the same as in the west IF someone is on a zebra crossing you STOP .


  12. Joe I am going to Burma, sorry Myanmar next month to see a guy there who has several old BSA and Triumphs. He also has a large amount oforiginal spares for a lot of the old british bikes. From what Im told he only wants a couple of thousand baht a bike. Will let you know how I get on. Like you I miss having my old bikes to tinker with. The last time the wife was in the USA she brought me some tools as you just cant get anything decent here. Ive got a small 3 wheel bike to play with at the moment but its just not the same. Cheers Dunc :o

    These would be a great find , when i build the new house i will build a garage and will rebuild a few old classics if i can find them . I saw a great Bsa 650 when in Thailand in July i would have loved to own the bike but all the work had been done with it . I saw a BMW 1961 for sale in Chatuchak mkt once a real beauty for anyone that like that bike it was origional condittion guy wanted 200k for it . The bikes are out there we just need to fall on them ...........not fall off them lol .


  13. Nice to see a couple of guys enjoyed the pics :D i have seen a couple of real beautys when in Thailand i will be keeping my eyes open for a couple of Brit classics myself to rebuild . Will keep me busy :o .


    Keep your eyes peeled then !! from the21st of this month MR and MRS Nignoy on tour, we dont take photo,s of Britbikes to moon over!! We Ride EM !! :D:D NIgnoy

    The new Triumphs built in asia are NOT Brit bikes :D .


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