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About songhklasid

  • Birthday 12/03/1957

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    lamai len

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    Anna Bay NSW Australia/ Chaing Mai

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  1. I disagree , back in late 90’s early 2000, before friendship bridge built , i & Thai G/f stayed at a riverside hotel , big soapy massage area on ground floor , Vietnamese freelancers lining the riverbank , it come to life after dark , that was dem days ! rgds SS
  2. Trump will probably offer it to musk , casinos & resorts to launder money , just sayin SS
  3. Stay at a hotel for 2-3 nites , & get a copy of certificate owner sends to immigration. rgds SS
  4. Great, now to work on the Indians ! Lol rgds SS
  5. Interesting, I usually get a 2 mth tourist visa , & have been issued a 2 year licence in the past,it expires in Jan next year , so next trip after upcoming, I’ll get a non O 90 day visa , hopefully get a 5 year licence , I will be doing it all in Chiang Mai , let you know how I went , cheers . rgds SS.
  6. The soap opera continues , next she’ll have to sell the water buffalo ! cheers SS
  7. Yes, lived there in the 80’s met my wife there , I got photos of Patong beach near deserted, Kamala was home to water buffalo, went back about 10 years ago, never again , seen & enjoyed the best of it , Patong beach bungalows 300 baht a nite ! Early eighties. cheers SS
  8. Way to go, dee maak ! rdgs SS.
  9. Disgusting, give him a stopover at the monkey house , 1 month should smarten the f##ker up cheers SS .
  10. Yes, hopefully he’s just gone AWAL after discovering the delights of the LOS , as we all have in our younger days, when his money runs out , he’ll surface , cheers SS .
  11. Well done to Thai pilots for a safe outcome , they train for just such an incident. rgds SS.
  12. Much easier to use short time hotel , jail him assault & 5 guns , no more peddling suits or Rolex’s , ha ha . rgds SS
  13. RIP princess, trajic accident regards SS
  14. Lucky they didn’t <deleted> in the aisle , cockroaches of Asia. rgdsSS
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