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Everything posted by elektrified

  1. It can be done at any branch. My "home" branch of Kasikorn Bank is in Bangkok. I haven't stepped foot in there in 16 years. But I can walk into the small Meechok branch and get a statement and Immigration letter any time.
  2. No they would not have. You can get a bank book and ATM card and conduct any banking services at ANY branch.
  3. 300 for 30-days coverage up to 500,000 Baht sounds O.K. to me.
  4. Is he/she an Endocrinologist?????
  5. Not very scientific or statistically based.
  6. I heard it was a Covid-19 outbreak too. There are many cases at the moment. I read yesterday that around 5 students in every class in every school in Chiang Mai is currently infected with the virus.
  7. Yes they do. It's part of their training.
  8. Every doctor speaks English (and some Latin). This comes up time and time again.
  9. That is not what Citibank USA told me. Same when I lived in the Czech Republic and tried to get assistance at a branch there. I was told there was no affiliation whatsoever with Citi Thailand and Citi C.R. We had a Citibank branch here in Chiang Mai. It closed about a year ago or maybe 18 months. They are very popular with Thais as they give lots of credit cards.
  10. Yes that's it. Thanks!
  11. Are you American? If so, you can not open an account at Credit Suisse. They closed all accounts held by American citizens about 6 years ago. I banked with them for more than 20 years.
  12. Insurance companies will always use checks for settlements of claims as it is legally necessary for the payee to sign the check as proof that they accepted the settlement of the claim.
  13. Citibank Thailand is not an "American bank". It is a Thai banking company.
  14. They are literally everywhere. There is one near Kad Luang that carries 40 strains. I can't remember the name but it is on Thannon Wichayanon. Can't miss it.
  15. They liked his money. I believe that one time one of his 10 Baht gold chains went "missing" at the police station.
  16. I doubt the doctor is "employed" by Lanna Hospital. He/she has privileges to practice there.
  17. Lotus Kamthieng, bottom floor near the front entrance. Indica only - no Sativa.
  18. You can apply for a visa, 90-day report and many other things. I always used the Promenada Immigration Office when possible as the wait time was usually no more than 15 minutes.
  19. Kad Suan Kaew will be nothing more than a memory and a boarded up location in just a few days.
  20. There was never an Immigration branch at Kad SUan Kaew. Promenada has been closed for at least 30 days now. The building is completely empty except for security staff.
  21. As I was told, due to Covid they had to close for several months or close to a year. When they re-opened they found that Thai people decided to put off doing any dental work - unless it was an emergency - until the Covid situation improved. That combined with no dental tourism for two years, they had little business and were paying a very high price for rent with a lot of space. The quality of the dental care was/is very high. They just downsized and regrouped and opened a much smaller clinic under a new name.
  22. Any branch can do it. Get past the "home branch" concept. That is a concept left over from the early 2000's. All over the world they are closing down "branches" to encourage more people to bank from ATM, Internet and smart phone banking. Same in Thailand. They have slowly been shutting down 750 branches of Thai Pannich all over the Kingdom. Kasikorn and others are next.
  23. They abandoned the whole Elite name and entity due to "bad luck" and formed a new partnership. Looks like they recently updated their old Facebook page to direct traffic to the new business "Dental Studio" is the name.
  24. Elite closed down as a result of practically no business during Covid and extremely high rents. Dr. Krisada and a couple of the other dentists opened a new practice nearby. I can't recall the name unfortunately even though I was there recently. It's a rather generic name like Dental Clinic or something like that. If you go to the old location, there is still a sign posted with the new telephone number and LINE and a map of the new location (just a short walk from Panthip).
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