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Posts posted by vistana

  1. Having spoken to CPS about how to have my Civil Service pension paid directly in to our Thai bank account, they refered me to a mandate form to complete which says funds will be transferred in Thai Baht to Thailand, but they could not tell me where they get the exchange rate they use from..... Any other UK expats having this done and what exchange rate do you get, compared to if I continue to transfer it myself in pounds sterling and get the exchange rate from Bangkok Bank at the time of the money is received into  our Bangkok Bank account.

  2. When I applied for a new extension of stay  based upon retirement last year at Hua Hin Immigration I had to have the embassy letter confirming my pension income certified by the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Chang Wattana in Bangkok.... any one know if this is still a requirement?  Last year was the first time I had used this method and I had to also have the British Embassy letter confirming my pension income translated into Thai.... as well as then getting it certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However this year the translation is apparently not required..... 


    A trip to Hua Hin Immigration is required I think!!!!

  3. Any one try doing this in Hua Hin?

    Well we went along to the Tax Office this afternoon armed with the completed form from Bangkok Bank my UK passport and yellow house book, we were dealt with by a not very friendly man who immediately said you have to pay tax on your income you bring in from the UK to live on here in Thailand and that they can backdate the tax from when you started to live in Thailand!

    I am here on a retirement extension and my only income is from my UK Government pension and a few small investments, I do not get the state pension as yet, as I am only 55.

    After the initial talk with this gentleman a young woman came and took us to one side and explained to my Thai wife in great detail about getting a Thai tax number and paying Thai tax, but anyway the upshot of it all is she said just do not try to claim the tax back that was deducted from the interest in the Thai bank account, so fortunately they did not copy any of my details or my passport so we quickly said thank you very much and made a quick exit!

    Has anyone else had this experience at Hua Hin Tax Office? from what I remember reading last year claiming the tax back was a painless experience.

    I know its not large amounts of money but if I am entitled to it then I would rather it be in my pocket than the revenue departments.

    This gentleman also said tax is due on all your money, no mention of a zero rate of tax on the first 100,000 baht of income!!

    Maybe I am mistaken about the whole thing but I do remember reading about just how straight forward it is.....

    So if anyone else is thinking of going to the tax office beware, it could open up a whole can of unwanted worms all for the sake of several thousand baht.
  4. Our Kaspersky internet security is due for renewal next week but it is not now supported in Thailand, when we click on the renew button it takes us to Kaspersky in America and a renewal price of nearly $70.... over 2,000 baht.

    Plus they have closed the Thailand support office and phone number, so now if you have a problem its a call to the USA.

    Not keen on Nortons or Mcafee as they seem to use a lot of system resources.

    Can any one recommend a good internet protection which does not use a lot of system resources and also has a Thai based help/support phone number.... and a more reasonable price

    We have thought of NOD..... any comments on this product?


  5. Just to clarify again, the white plates were supplied and fitted by our Honda main dealer and yes they do have the round seal in the bottom right hand corner.... so the plates are legal.

    We bought from one of the many car accessory shops the coloured background scene which was fitted to the original plates, covering up the white background of the original plates, just like the example posted in some of the earlier posts.

    You can still see the original seal in the bottom corner and nothing else has been changed.

    People are saying there illegal, so where does it state that in the police regulations.... if your saying they are illegal then please provide evidence to back it up!

  6. We were on our way up to Bangkok this morning and got pulled over at a police check point by one of the BiB pointing to our number plate, so when we got out he spoke to my wife saying that our number plate was illegal as it has a background picture on in our case beach and sea, he continued to say that the only cars that can have these nice background pictures are people who buy them at the Government auctions!!! you know the very expensive numbers.... now we bought these background plates at one of the many motor accessory shops and no mention of it being illegal, and we have driven all over Thailand with them on for the last two years and driven through many police check points with no trouble at all.

    They fined us 500 baht and we got a receipt and were told to remove them within 14 days replacing them with the original white background plates the car came with.

    Does anyone know if this is correct, my Thai wife thought the policeman was correct after they had a long conversation, but I am not so sure.

    Any one else got experience of this.

    I see many cars al lover Thailand with these plates on surely they can not all be expensive government bought numbers!!!......


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