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Posts posted by pontious

  1. On the off chance a TV member made a 90 day report today at Jomtien check your slip. I was given a slip today that was not my name or passport number - I got a new one with my name on it but someone has a 90 day report in there passport with my name and passport number on it. Always check.!

  2. If you have a drivers licence with your passport no on it , and get a new passport ,do you have to change your licence ? anyone know .

    I asked this some time ago at the DLT- answer - up to you. Asked is it a legal requirement to change it. Up to you.

    TIT. I would not bother. edit- if you have years left on your license I would. .

    • Like 1
  3. Go into the Bank, interact with people and no ATM fee. No brainer.

    Not many - if any- Thai banks will allow Foreign Debit card counter withdrawals anymore- They will accept a Credit Card or tell you to go to the ATM.

  4. Hi all,

    My British passport expires in May 2016 and my visa expires in Apr 2016, with the proof of address, all I have is a letter with my Thai address on, it's in English and it's from HM Customs and Revenue as I have registered my Thai address with them, would this be acceptable? Also what are the available times to book appointments.

    any help would be appreciated.

    If you read this thread from the beginning, it will tell you all you need to know, particularly the first page

    Yes the letter will be fine, but you will need to get it translated to Thai, all is revealed if you start at the beginning here on this thread

    The address has to be in English not Thai. Trendy send the application to Liverpool who speak read and write in English - sort of - You can use someones credit card - look at the instructions.

    • Like 1
  5. It took me in total 3 minutes to report my 90 day extension today . Only gave the lady my passport and that was it.

    I assume you mean you did a 90 day ADDRESS report. Not remotely the same thing as an extension.

    If you are being pedantic the report is 'for staying in Thailand more than 90 days.' Nothing to do with address reporting. ( although you write your address on the form.)

    Commonly known as an address report. Definitely not known as an extension. There is nothing in the task that relates to EXTENDING your stay in Thailand. It is completely independent of the extension process.

    Further reply discouraged. Welcome to my ignore list.

    And there is nothing on the 90 day report that relates to your address. Gosh! on your ignore list - obnoxious <deleted> .

  6. It took me in total 3 minutes to report my 90 day extension today . Only gave the lady my passport and that was it.

    I assume you mean you did a 90 day ADDRESS report. Not remotely the same thing as an extension.

    If you are being pedantic the report is 'for staying in Thailand more than 90 days.' Nothing to do with address reporting. ( although you write your address on the form.)

  7. Visited Pattaya immigration today for my annual retirement extension.

    Arrived at 11.05am with the following:

    Passport and copies

    Yellow book and copies

    Completed application form TM7

    Proof of income letter (British Embassy)

    THB 1,900

    Had to sign a couple of notices to confirm my understanding of the overstay rules/penalties.

    Nothing else required (same as the last 10 years).

    I was out of there by 11.30am and will collect my passport on Monday.

    Great service.

    Had you filed a TM30 before this? If not did they say you should?

  8. I still don't have a clue what CONDO OWNERS are required to show?!?

    Blue book? Is that something condo owners are supposed to have?

    When I apply for my next extension (in two months) I plan to take the chanote with me, and have photocopies on hand in case needed. ISTR that several years ago when I started getting retirement extensions at one point I handed over a photocopy of the chanote. I'm hoping that's adequate. Hopefully in the coming months we'll get more reports about how things actually work.

    Last year I was blindsided by being one of the first people to be denied the ability to convert a 30-day visa-exempt stamp to a Non-Immigrant O visa enroute to a retirement extension at Jomtien Immigrations. There was NO advance notice of that change, and I ended up on an uncomfortable 13-hour bus ride to Mukdahan as a result. I plan to apply for my next extension exactly 30 days in advance to have maximum time to deal with any curve balls. Last year I received my extension 52 days (I think ... going from memory) early, at their suggestion. This year folks apparently are being turned away more than 30 days early.

    Again, my experience with the front-line Immigrations Officers has been (for the most part) pleasant and they've been efficient and courteous. It's the changing processes/procedures that frost my cookies.

    I think copy of Chanote is a good suggestion. If they do not accept utility bills etc I cannot see what else ' condo owners 'can show them. When I filed my TM 30 I tried a copy of my Yellow Book - not accepted. They accepted copy of my wifes Blue Book and copy of her IC card. Pointless really because although my wife is the owner of our house the Blue Book only shows where she lives - exactly the same as my Yellow Book does for me. . For JT I suggest you ask your Condo Juristic Manager to phone Immigration and ask them what they will accept from 'condo owners'. For those wanting to file the TM30 you need the form, copy of your passport, and whatever you plan to show. See the girls at the front desk and they will direct to go upstairs to the second floor to file. No queue number given or required. They give you the bottom part of the form to attach to your passport. I asked and they told me the validity is untill you move somewhere else.

  9. The latest unofficial info from Jomtien is that they will allow 45 days early but would rather you go in 30 days early.

    I've always gone in closer to 45 days than 30 days early. Never had a problem. No one there ever expressed a preference.

    I just hand everything over without preamble or inquiry or attempts to start pointing things out to them.

    Based on your experience I went to Jomtien today to renew my extension based on retirement. I was 38 days to the actual renewal date. Like you no preamble or pointing things out to them - Got my number, waited for thirty minutes - lots of yellow highlighting and then 'Oh you are too early - the rule here is 30 days'. Come back next week.You are obviously more 'handsum' than me.They probably would if you had flight tickets etc but I did not ask. Slightly off topic they now want TM30. You need copy of your passport plus the form (and in my case copy of my wifes ID Card and copy of her Blue Book.) You see the front desk girls and ( no number reqd) they tell you to go to second floor to register. The stairs are straight ahead and on the right. No fine and no cost. I asked and the 'validity' is 'untill' you move. I started with a copy of my Yellow book but that came winging back in a nanosecond. Oh well the DLT now seem to accept them.

  10. I haven't read through all the back and forth bickering in this thread, so I may have missed this ...

    Did the O/P's bank book and manager's letter indicate that the bank balance was regularly augmented by foreign originated deposits? If there were no deposits indicated or only deposits made locally, maybe they thought the source of the money in the bank held for less than 3 months was suspicious.

    As in all things, they do have the right/responsibility to exercise discretion, so possibly this was a one-off occurrence for reasons the O/P didn't fully understand rather than some general policy shift at Jomtien.

    Quite often there are reports that imply a change in procedure which never prove to be true ... although they do tend to get certain armchair legal "experts" in a state of heightened excitement over what turns out to be nothing.

    There are only 31 replies to this topic so sorry you did not have time to read through such an enormous thread. I may have missed it but I did not notice any bickering. There are reports ( not the OPs ) that SOME offices are insisting on seasoning. As it is probably nothing you will be able to stay in 'your non heightened excitement state.'

  11. That is not a problem if - each office posts on their notice board that in 3 months time seasoning for extensions using the combo method will be required. To just change it unannounced is not fair to those who use it. Does not effect me thankfully.

    OK But now 90 day online reporting is a reality I and many others only need to visit the immigration office once per year.

    I am not going to make trips just to read a notice board.

    I would prefer that National changes be announced in the National press and local changes in the local press. That coupled with the information dispersed via TV should ensure most people are kept up to date.

    Poor wording of my post I agree - I dont expect you to go down and read the notice board. TV posters would soon announce any new changes they had seen at immigration on their visits.. National Press and even local news is highly doubtful.

    • Like 1
  12. Because the poster suggested you can just look at the website and all will be well. As an example I used the passport renewal procedure to show that not everyone reads the latest information. I don't think my post was offensive but up to the reader. Spelling cannot see an error but could be wrong. I will not bother again ,everyone will send the exact money in accordance with the website so pension income letters will never appear on TV again, Really?

  13. I cannot believe a simple post to advise UK citizens of an update of the consular fees would get such idiotic responses. (Ubonjoe and Oncearugga excluded ) I won't bother in future.

    Let individuals do their own research on current fees when they are in the process of applying for the letter. The exchange rate of 57 baht to £1 will have been set in London, the British Embassy has no control over it, and they probably have a couple of exchange rates for different classes of receipts and payments. We had 2 in the Military, a general accounting rate and a forces fixed rate, depending on the type of transaction. Only occasionally did the 2 match up.

    I disagree. If individuals did their own research there would be no reason to have Thai Visa. I did not say the Embassy had any control of the exchange rate. I just stated what it was. We still have people asking what documents to send to the Embassy or Hong Kong for Passport renewal. One poster said he had just recieved ( today ) an income letter for Baht 2260 - that is clearly wrong - prior to Oct 1 it was 2475 Baht plus 100 Baht for EMS. Actually I cant rememeber it may have been 2425 -anyway not 2260.

    People applying for the income letter have to download an accompanying form from the website, and can get the current fee at the same time, no need for Thai Visa input. You can see the outpourings a well intended post have brought about. I paid 2475 + EMS fee,in September, as you correctly state above.

    So you agree the poster who 'today recieved his pension letter for Baht 2260' was talking crap. People who want to renew their passport can just look up the website and proceed accordingly. There is no need for Thai Visa imput. The outpourings are from people with their head up there arse. You are assuming everyone on TV has a brain.

  14. I cannot believe a simple post to advise UK citizens of an update of the consular fees would get such idiotic responses. (Ubonjoe and Oncearugga excluded ) I won't bother in future.

    Let individuals do their own research on current fees when they are in the process of applying for the letter. The exchange rate of 57 baht to £1 will have been set in London, the British Embassy has no control over it, and they probably have a couple of exchange rates for different classes of receipts and payments. We had 2 in the Military, a general accounting rate and a forces fixed rate, depending on the type of transaction. Only occasionally did the 2 match up.

    I disagree. If individuals did their own research there would be no reason to have Thai Visa. I did not say the Embassy had any control of the exchange rate. I just stated what it was. We still have people asking what documents to send to the Embassy or Hong Kong for Passport renewal. One poster said he had just recieved ( today ) an income letter for Baht 2260 - that is clearly wrong - prior to Oct 1 it was 2475 Baht plus 100 Baht for EMS. Actually I cant rememeber it may have been 2425 -anyway not 2260.

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