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Pablo H

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Posts posted by Pablo H

  1. Serville,

    your best bet is to go to Hualumphong train station, buy a 2nd class sleeper (fan) for about 420 baht. The sleeper is exactly that, it has bunk beds, you will pay a little more for the lower bunk as it is more comfortable (you can open the window and gaze at the night sky if you wish).

    From my memory the train leaves Bangkok at around 4.00 pm, so you will have to hurry if you have an appointment at 3.

    When you get off the train at Surat, you will be in good company as there are usually a few people making the same trip to Ko Phan Nagn/Sumui. I am sure you can buy an all in one ticket from Huamphong (Train, bus, ferry) for 600 baht.

    If you like to chill go to Ko Pagn Nagn, if you want to go to McDonalds go to Sumui.

    have a good trip.

  2. vvvnow,

    I could be wrong, but I could be right. To contact the FCC try this tel no: 02-630 0043. The address as far as I know is FCCT, Penthouse, Maneeya Centre Building, 518/5 Th Ploenchit. Thats just down the road from the Erawan Shrine, heading east towards Soi Lang Suan. It's been a long time, so I advise you call them first to confirm that they are still there.

  3. I don't think people here should start making threats or try to act tough. That comment about the twin towers was stupid and out of order, but threating to beat the shit out of someone will not change anything.

    We all have different views and we all, I guess live in our own worlds and have our own view of reality.

    I know, Americans must get angry when they see attacks on their leader, but I think with a few exceptions the people who are knocking Bush have nothing against the American people themselves. Bush is a threat to the whole world and I think people are entitled to express their opinion about him, his government and policies.

    Tomy, I am from England, I know my history and I know you guys helped us out, and the rest of Europe for that matter in the past, it would be a shame if we all turned on each other now.

    I hope Bush goes (one way or another) soon. I think when he does the world will be a safer place and maybe, just maybe we can start to work out the problems that face us in a peaceful way without causing more suffering.

    Make love not war.

  4. I like Thailand, the people, food, Chang and climate, but to name a few.

    I needed to escape the rat race back home, working hard each week and not getting anywhere, cold dark days, grumpy people, bad attitudes.

    Here I also work hard but I can wake up in the morning, open the door and have a glorious view of the mountains with the sun rising in the background, enjoy the company of my GF, go to work and actually see smiling faces at 7.30 in the morning :o.

    After work, I like to sit in the local restaurant/bar, drink a Chang, eat some delicious food, go home and sit on the balcony, watch the sunset with my GF by my side.

    Fantastic. It just could not happen in England.

    One thing that rattles my cage is Thai T.V. never in a million years will I enjoy it, then again I never enjoy watching T.V. from anywhere I have been. I can always switch off (but not if GF is watching, if I do she always ends up giving me grief, so I break open another bottle of Chang (no, not over her head) and grin and bear it, it's a hard life isn't it.

  5. Poor kid! This guy knew exactly what he was doing. He knew the rewards awaiting him had he not been caught, although I very much doubt he knew anything about the consequences of being caught. Reading about this man reminds me of many people I have met while living in England. They scrounge off the dole (social security), their family and anyone else who will help them. They will not do an honest days work. Always in for the "get rich quick scheme". Well this lad took his chance and now he has been busted. I don’t think they should kill him, but they need to make an example of him and try to get the message across to the louts, yobs, scroungers in England and any other country for that matter, that Thailand does not want them here.

    I doubt the people who gave him the tabs will give supply him with a good lawyer, no way, in the game these people play there is no honour, only profit.

    As I say, give him the life sentence, make sure the case is well publicised in Europe and the rest of the world and then maybe idiots like him will not take the risk in future. :o

  6. SoCal, Tomy are you trying to wind people up or do you really believe the sh!**e that you spout? I have nothing against the U.S.A. but it seems you people have a chip about the rest of the world.

    Tomy "without the U.S all you european would be homeless". Tomy please stop, you are cracking up.

    Tomy "we have more oil and natural resource in reserve to last my whole lifetime, but we want to steal more, more is better, so you tell me who is the smarter one". At least you are honest.

    SoCal "Yeah, why don't you guys unite. Just do us a favor, and stand in one (less desirable) place. We will then show you how to make glass out of sand. Quite awe inspiring". SoCal are you a boy in the throws of puberty, playing war games with your pals. You certainly sound like one judging by some of your postings. Maybe you can get together with Tomy, play your war games together and wipe everyone out. In your dreams pal.

  7. I believe the drug he was caught with was Ecstasy and not Yaba.

    From what I am reading I gather that some people feel sorry for this guy, referring to him as a young boy. He is 19, I think, he is a man. I was brought up not far from where he came from and believe me you learn to grow up fast there.

    Had he not been caught, he would be a lot richer now and probably bragging about how he got away with it, then planning his next trip.

    As the saying goes "don't do the crime, if you can't do the time".

    Then again he might not have to do any time if they kill him.

  8. [soCal Posted on Wed 2003-11-12, 00:58:30

    Bitterfly & Kwiz, better get used to it. 4 more yrs in '04. Fact is the majority respect him as a leader, and don't care what a bunch of limp d*ck foreigners think.

    Our economy is awesome, and a majority of Afghan & Iraqi say that their lives are better today.

    Seeing as you are not American, Afghani, or Iraqi, what makes you think your views are important?

    So why don't you strap a bomb to your a*s, and show everyone your sick and jealous insides.


    Jealous, I dont think so. Dubya Bush is a worldwide joke who is becoming increasingly unfunny.

    I doubt that the majority of Americans support him, it wasn't the majority who made him president, as demonstrated in the last election (FLORIDA=FRAUD).

    Everyone has a right to speak out, Dubya's actions just do not affect his own or the countries he is invading, they affect us all. I pray they kick the muppet out of office next year but I very much doubt it.

  9. [ThaiAdventure Posted on Wed 2003-11-12, 04:51:13 ]

    [ don't condone what the Brit did but also don't judge...that is a job for the courts. But what is puzzling me is that "Drugs are Illegal" blah, blah. Death penalty...deserves it, blah, blah attitude which, seems only to apply to foreigners.

    The question is "Would the authorities treat a Thai in the same scenario identically?" I am not convinced that they in the light of the following article.


    No, they usually shoot their own before they can arrest them!

  10. I read this today, quite funny I think.


    FOR those of you unsure as to why Prince Charles is in India let me enlighten you.

    Like most multi-millionaire businessmen he's decided to downsize his UK operation and relocate the Firm's work to a Delhi call centre.

    Soon Indians will be paid ฃ1,000-a-year to carry out ALL royal tasks, which you can access by choosing one of the following options:

    Press One if you want to hear the Queen say, "And what does one do?"; Two to hear Prince Philip racially abuse you; Three to hear Andrew's helicopter landing at another golf course; Four to hear Edward and Sophie scratching their <deleted> in their 52-bedroomed mansion; Five to hear Charles weep for himself; Six to hear the Gloucesters and Kents counting their Civil List handouts; Seven if you would like to "feel sorry for the boys"; Eight to patronise a lollipop man...

    And if you're ringing for the identity of the senior royal on the rape tape hold to hear Princess Anne tell you to "naff orf". :o

  11. So, if we all stopped nosing around into his Private Life, and let it be PRIVATE,

    our kids wouldn't have to hear all this scandal. Then he would be seen to be a

    GOOD example, would he not?

    So you think we should all turn a blind eye and let this man represent our country?

    Shut up!

    No, I wont shut up.

    Trouble with Democracy is it always gets abused.......

    you crack me up pal............... :o

  12. Not a nice situation to be in Andrew.


    I was there once.

    Very hard, I know but my advise to you is forget about her. Work your arse off in your home country, save lots of cash, then head back and find yourself another girl or her if she loves you and can wait for you when your in a better position.

    I made a mistake of going home, sending money and then flying back to my girl after two weeks. I lasted in Thailand for a further three months and ran out of cash again. A complete nightmare!

    I went back home and did what I advise you to do (work until you drop). Saved enough cash to get back. Living and working now in LOS and lovin it.

    Think about yourself first, if you lose her remember, there are plenty more fish and all that. B)

  13. My top ten are

    1: Any Laurel & Hardy film

    2: Midnight Cowboy

    3: Star Wars

    4: Dumb & Dumber

    5: Scarecrow

    6: Agurre (Wrath of God)

    7: Life of Brian

    8: Tommy

    9: Withnail & I

    10: Nosferatu (Klaus Kinski)

    Laurel & Hardy just crack me up everytime, no matter how many times I watch them. :o:DB)

  14. Oriantal2000,

    I have a problem with my girlfriend about this, I know she loves me but it really does drive me crazy when she gets jealous all the time. I dont view porno web sites or anything like that but we are on the verge of splitting up as I cannot live with someone so obessesive anymore.

    I think you should turn a blind eye to you husbands internet "hobbies" or you will risk losing him.


  15. Chinese women are beautiful indeed. I like their looks and their way of thinking. The only downside is they do tend to be on the short side but still Very sexy.

    I thought the same way about Thai women before I began living with one. I dont know why but I am bored shitless with the whole set up now. I got involved with an Issan girl, we have nothing in common and I am surprised we have lasted this long.

    Spanish women are nice too.

    I like all women I guess, but on reflection, if I had to chose a nationality it would be Japanese. I like the quirky ones. :o

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