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Pablo H

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Posts posted by Pablo H

  1. Why anyone would want to spend one night in Had Rin is beyond me. The place is a sh#thole otherwise KPN is a beautiful island, spoiled once a month by the influx of thousands of idiots of every nationality. Wouldn't be a bad idea to move it over to Ko Sumui, maybe Chaweng, where am sure it would be a great success.

  2. GS, been reading this thread with interest as I have not long come out of a relationship which sounds very similar to the one you are in now. My advice to you is get out. Let this woman go to Ireland to meet another unfortunate guy.

    When you talk of pride, in my opinion most bargirls or former bargirls just dont grasp the concept, as for trust, is there a word in the Thai language for it. In the time I have spent there I havent seen much of this, even among the general population nevermind bargirls.

    "you too good for me", the alarm bells should have been ringing when she first said this to you. Its probably one of the true things she has said to you though, so give her some credit for that.

    Cut your losses and let her go, remember the good times, remember the bad times and find another gf. You should listen to your friends advice and try and meet a "normal" girl through introductions from other friends, Really there is very little hope of a sustaining a long term relationship with a bar girl.

    I have not long came out of a relationship with a bargirl, took her from the bar, pushed her into real work, tried to explain the meaning of pride and trust. Two years we stayed together, like any normal couple we had our ups and downs. I had to go and work in a neighbouring country for a short while, before leaving she swore her undying love for me. Found out within a week of me leaving she had already slept with two other guys. Now that is after two years away from the bar. Man, it hurt like ###### when I found out but there is only one way forward.

    You are lucky, you are young and you have got potential to do something with your life. Get the "waster" out of your life and find a woman who is good enough for you.

    good luck mate

  3. Does anyone know of any shops in the Hat Yai where I might pick up a decent spec, used Laptop or Notebook at a reasonable price. I have visited there only briefly and have not been able to find any shops that sell used PC's. Does anybody know of any?


  4. I need to get two Malaysian Nationals Non-Immigrant type B visa urgently as they need to work here from next week. I know about the slow way (visit another country) but is there a fastrack way so that i could get the visas by the end of this week? I hear one-stop visa issues visas to specialists on official business, cannot contact them though as they do not answer the phone.

    I would apprieciate if anyone can help me with this.


  5. Hi,

    Ko Pagn Nagn is a nice place to relax, yes it has a reputation for throwing wild full moon parties but thats just a small part of the island (Had Rin). I have spent many a relaxing day / night there and met some really nice people. Long Beach in Had Yao is a very nice place, good beach and not too many people there to give it that touristy feel. Ton Nai Pan is another great place to chill.

    Hope you have a good one. :o

  6. I pay for cable here in Chonburi, I think its called CTV, 150 baht a month. What makes me laugh is that they show English language movies which have Thai subtitles but they also dub the soundtrack in Thai. Cant complain though as I can watch English football on Saturday and Sundays. Apart from the football I dont bother watching.

  7. The blacklisting is indeed for 99 years. Although I have a friend who has recently been deported who has told me that they have friends here in Thailand who are going to appeal against the ban.

    Very unfair I think, but what else can you do?

    I think if you have anyone here who has the time to help you, ask them, otherwise follow the other suggestion and change your passport/name.

    good luck :o

  8. Sbk,

    having read some of your previous post's, I gather that you live and have a business on Ko Pagn Nagn.

    I spent some time there in the past and thought it was the ideal place to get away from all the mainstream tourist areas and relax. I used to like the fact that in order to get to certain parts of the island you needed to be pretty useful on a motorbike (ton nai pan) or you would need to take a longtail boat (haad Kuat), forgive the spelling please!

    Anyway just before I left the island, much to my dismay, I noticed lots of construction work taking place. They were even starting to pave the roads in the north and east. Why? I guess they were making the island more accessable to the more "high-end tourist's".

    I know the place was not perfect, but I think it was better off the way it was (plastic hippies included) than it ending up like the "gutter" which is Ko Sumui.

    What do you think?

  9. Chonobot, maybe I took your reply to Kwiz the wrong way, I thought that you were agreed with the nonsense Kwiz wrote about me being gfunk.

    Looking at the number of posts you have sent, I replied that I thought you knew better, thats all.

    no worries

    Pablo :o

  10. No worries,

    I guess Kwiz and the other fella have got it in for you gfunk. I will do my best to make that fight. I think it sould be a good laugh.

    Kwiz, I am me and not gfunk :o , Chonobot, you should know better me thinks. :D

    Gfunk, hope to see you in Pattaya on Boxing day, B)

    take it easy


  11. This is one of the oldest tricks in the book pal.

    Did you break up with her and then she announced she was pregnant?

    Don't let it drag on any further, go and get a test from the chemist, buy another one and do the test with her. Make sure she does it properly, namely its her p***.

    If she is pregnant, you are going to have to got to make a decision based on what you already know.

    Are you sure she hasn't been knockin' around while you were with her or even before you met her?

    Take the test. If it is yours and you do have the kid my advice to you is haul your arse back to your country, find work fast and start saving.

  12. If I were to start a business I would need a Thai partner or shareholders as mentioned before. I have many Thai friends/aquaintance's, however I would like to control the company myself.

    Having read the last post, the idea of having proxy shareholders sounds like the best option for me. I would not like to approach my friends about the proxy idea, although I think I would wish to go ahead with that one, who would I contact to find "proxy shareholders"?

    I am British and I am working for a company in Thailand at the moment and have a work permit. I have only recently opened a bank account in Thailand and wonder if my capital would be safe and also gain interest, deposited in a Thai bank. Which bank would you reccommend for use of transferring large amounts of capital?

    Thank's for the previous replies, hope to read some more to give me a few idea's.


  13. I am considering starting a business of some sort in the next few months. Before doing so I have a few questions that need answering. I would apprieciate it if anyone can answer the folowing questions and/or add anything which might be helpful.

    1: Can I register a business in my name only?

    2: Can I solely purchase or rent an office/shop?

    3: My intial capital will be in the form of US $ Dollars. I wish to bring this capital into the country and bank it, how much is the legal limit that I am allowed to bring in and deposit into a bank account?

    4: Can anyone reccommend a reliable and trustworthy accountant.

    If anyone could answer these questions I would be most grateful



  14. Red,

    when you get off the plane, get a taxi to Sukhumvit Soi Nana 4. Ask to go to the Nana Hotel, if it's full go the Parkway or Dynasty Inn. Keep you ATM card handy and put your passport in a safe deposit in the hotel and your away.

    You will be able to meet many people if you stay in this area and am sure you will have a fantastic time, just remember to save some cash for your trip home.

    I dont think you should be looking for a wife in your first few weeks in Thailand, enjoy what Bangkok has to offer and then if your serious about finding a wife I recommend you head "up-country", Kong Kaen, Nong Khai etc, you will find these places in that book you have been advised to buy.

    Have a good time. :o

  15. Depends on what you are looking for eg:how big, location, rent.

    You can check the Yellow pages online (www.yellowpages.th) I think, they have listings of apartments.

    If you are looking for a cheap apartment, less than 10000 baht a month you would have to consider moving to areas in Bangkok such as Soi Ngam Dulphi (not so far from Lumphini Park or try around the Prakanong area on Sukhumvit (soi 70 +), head further towards On Nut.

  16. Eastender,

    I think this is a common problem between Thai women and foreign men. The reasons for these problems are explained in earlier replies. I think you have to put your foot down. Tell her to go home, or you will leave if she continues to act the way she does now. Kwiz, I do not think it is a good idea to take your gf with you all the time. Surely you need some space.

    I have put my foot down, before I felt very bad, wanted to leave my gf because of the jealousy, I told her she was making me unhappy and told her to go home.

    This scared the shit out of her I think, as her attitude has changed now. I have my freedom back and we are both happy living together.

    Explaining the meaning of trust to a Thai gf is near impossible in my opinion. I have tried for the last two years but I might aswell bang my head against a brick wall.

    If after explaining your feelings to her, she continues, tell her to go.

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