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Pablo H

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Posts posted by Pablo H

  1. Dr P, here are the forum rules, not sure if you wrote them but you certainly dont adhere to them.

    By using this service you agree;

    1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy , or otherwise in violation of any law. Posting another members personal details or web site details is forbidden and will result in being banned. Excessive, aggressive posts against other members, moderators and admin; or flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is best defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, rants, and/or for launching personal attacks, insulting, being hateful, useless criticism, name calling, swearing and other bad behavior or comments meant to incite anger. Racial slurs or remarks, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated. Discussion of moderation issues, actions or moderation policies concerning individual cases are not allowed in the forums. Such comments should be directed to a moderator or administrator, and not discussed on the forum.

    Now I know rules are made to be broken and Ive broken many of them, just thought that as a mod maybe you should try to follow them. As for your remarks about where I come from, well Ive heard that all before and laugh it off as I do most of the time reading your banal replies.

    There seems to be a somewhat childish click in this forum whereby certain people support others whether they agree or not, Dr you seem to have a few followers of this ilk. It reminds me of my schooldays all over again. :D

    Constible Jones -

    bet Pablo H is working for a NGO saving girls from men.. Twirp. 

    On the contrary, when in Thailand I often find that I have to save myself from the girls. Please if you are going to attempt to insult me can you use a better word than 'Twirp' :o

    Its O.K. hiding behind your keyboard but I would gladly meet you so that you could insult me to my face, better all round I think.

    Im not a pc fanatic, I just think using racist words is unnecessary, thats just my opinion, agree or disagree we are all adults here, there is no need for people to fly off the handle and fling insults about.


  2. Boris boy, you are a miserable git aren't you. Why do you think you are superior to everyone else? Whats going on in your head? Are you lonely, have no friends. Had a hard life?

    Cant see that Jockstar has posted anything bad in the last 1000 but in your 150 or so posts you just keep knocking people and putting them down.

    I think its time you took a good look at yourself and find out what it is that makes you so miserable.

    Cheer up, all the best and hope you have a Happy New Year. :o

  3. Dont know the guys surname but his name is Barry, wife name Pu and son Fred, they live in Kata. Barry if your out there and have the time get an e-mail sent to your mates as am sure there are many of them who are worried about you and yours.

  4. farang24,

    thats true, same here, Crazy Dave made me chuckle when he said Paki is only offensive to middle class white people in the U.K. ! What about the upper class, do you reckon they find it offensive??? lol :D

    Just shows the mentality of this guy.

    Anyway I wouldn't want to upset Dr Patpong any further so this is definetely my last post on this thread about this subject.

    Cheers :o

  5. George,

    again if you have the time, would it be possible to start a thread about the people missing in and around Phuket. I for one and am sure like many other members have friends there who I cannot get in touch with.

    Not sure how you would go about it but it would help if there was a thread listing the peoples names etc so that we can confirm if the people there are safe.

    Cheers :o

  6. mbkudu,

    I would love to but jayenram sems to think I would be offending people with cranium birth defects, now thats the last thing I would want to do as I have heard they can be a tough bunch and I dont want to get on the wrong side of them, so I shall stick with my current avatar which I think might resemble a x-ray of the skulls of the people who use the word 'paki'. :o

  7. Oh dear, it's finally arrived in Thailand - bloody political correctness!

    I'm from Yorkshire and people call me a Yorkie. No offence (in fact I consider it a compliment - especially if you're buying the beer). So what's the difference between that and people from Pakistan being called Packies? It's the same with septics; and those criminals from down under. Jasus, where's the humour gone?

    I will always call a spade a shovel whatever.

    BTW, does anyone know where the acronimn "W.O.G." originated?

    Anyway, I'm p1ssed and going to bed.

    Its nothing to do with political correctness, I have had enough of that shit myself as its gone too far.

    I just think and this is just my opinion that 'paki' is a derogatory term, if you dont agree, no problem.

    If you see a chinese shop assistant in a shop and you needed some help would you shout "oi chink over ere". I dont think so. I think its the older generation on this forum who dont mind using these terms as when they were brought up these words were totally exceptable, so its no fault of their own when they mouth these words as thats the way they have been brought up. The same people are still calling French people 'frogs'.

    Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your view times have changed.

    Think about it, if you were from Pakistan would you like people to call you a Paki?

    Anyway this thread is about British restaurants so I will refrain from posting about this subject on this thread again. My apologies to 'theonlyway' for changing the subject. :o

  8. Always a bit of nightmare when I take my girl out for farang food, she usually plays with the food on the plate until Ive finished then I take her plate and eat what she hasn't, which is usually most of it. Afterwards she will go and get som tam bu ballah and woof that down.

    She did go through a period of enjoying english breakfasts which I cooked but went off them. Turns out she can cook farang food better than me so I let her do the work now.

    If we go out, its very rarely to a farang place, we tend to eat Thai food now, its a compromise for me as I do like to eat farang food but I am afterall in Thailand and theres no harm trying the local dishes, some of which are quite tasty but dont really compare to a good Sunday roast or fish, chips n' mussy peas.

  9. brits , aussies , japs , pakis are all abbreviated terms and not automatically racist.

    it all depends on the context in which they are used as to whether they are racist or not.

    some people have been so conditioned to racial awareness that they (want to) see racism in every nook and cranny.

    your avatar could be seen to be grossly offensive to people suffering from certain well documented cranial birth defects that lead to facial deformities

    Ok then point taken, so if someone wishes to say wop, gook, geek, coon, nigger, spade, chink, spic, its allright in the right context. Sorry, I disagree.

    Anyway, Patpong said what he said as a joke, I dont find it funny, but I guess some people do so each to their own, I am not one to start preaching and this being an open forum everyone has the right to say what they like.

    About the avatar, your dead right, I dont want to cause offense to anyone with cranial birth defects so I will change it, maybe to a golly <deleted> or something. :o

  10. QUOTE(Pablo H @ 2004-12-26 21:00:56)


    Oh yes indeedy ... we Indians and Paki's have far more British restaurants in the UK than any other food sellers. Oh my very wordy

    Oh dear! Racist admins.

    A wonderful sense of humour I see. Happy new year.

    Pat Pong if you thing calling people Pakis is humorous then thats up to you, not sure many people agree with you.

    The last time I heard that was in a schoolyard, but guess thats your type of humour though eh?

    Happy New Year :o

  11. Kat,

    sounds like youre pissed off there, not surprised, I would be aswell. Instead of moving onto another country why dont you try teaching to adults on a corporate level. You will find that these people actually want to learn and will be model pupils.

    Dont know how long youve been in Thailand but it would be a shame for you to move out just because you dont like the school your working in.

    One thing I would say is avoid Korea, I met a few teachers who were in Thailand on holiday from there, they told me its (Korea) the most boring place place they have ever been to and these people were from Canada so I guess it must have been pretty bad there.

    You just have to weigh up your options and take it from there. Personally I would give Thailand another go before moving on.

    Good luck whatever you decide to do. :o

  12. The cold is no good for me, broke a few bones and need some dental work done so am in agony when I go back to cold temperatures.

    Sure, snow looks good, but the artificial type you find in one of those glass things filled with water that you can shake up and down. Does anybody know what they are called?

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