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Pablo H

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Posts posted by Pablo H

  1. As you can see on my avatar, I do not have a mop top, admittedly it is rather curly and I must confess that it blond is not my natural coulour.

    Can anyone recommend a decent barber in Bangkok?

  2. Is it just me who seems to receive bad haircuts in SE Asia? No, it cant be as Ive seen plenty of unshapely mullets on my travels.

    Thailand has to be one of the worst places for bad haircuts. Although yesterday I had my hair cut in KL and I had to tell the lady I was not going to pay her or leave the shop until she sorted my hair out. She cut off very little at the top and left me with hardly anything on the sides, looking in the mirror I was horrified but can now laugh at myself the same time, nevertheless its still embarrising.

    Why does this happen? The last time I had a cut in Thailand, I was fed up with the barber shops 'short back and sides' so I went to a salon where a guy cut my hair. I kid you not, I walked out of the place looking like Liberace!

    Ive been to the places full of pretty girls with pink uniforms on, down Sukumvit but they to dont seem to have a clue what there doing.

    I am a simple guy, I like to go to a barber, tell him or her what I want and be in and out of there as fast as possible. I went to one place in Chonburi where the 'haircut' lasted 90 minutes. The hairdresser was a katoey and just kept taking little snips while circling around me. After he noticed I was getting extremly pissed off he quickened up and finished. I ended up with a near skinhead. After paying him, he told me he loved me and would I like to go to a disco with him. I was out of there like a shot.

    I am back off into Thailand tomorrow with another bad haircut. Maybe I should just buy one of those shear packs and do it myself. I could go for the German mullet look.

    Anyone else have similar problems?

  3. GS, if I was you I would hold out.

    If you intend to go back to the UK then you may have a problem, but since you say you love Thailand and you have work there why would you wish to go back?

    The post about surviving is quite correct, you hear people on here who seem to be disgusted with people who run from debt. These people have probably never been at 'rock bottom' financially so I wouldn't pay too much attention to them as they know f*#k all.

    Do yourself a favour, forget about the return ticket you have for May 05, keep working and try to put a little away each month for a rainy day. If the need arises you can always buy a one way ticket back to Blighty fairly cheap. It sounds to me that you want to stay in Thailand, forget about the debt and get on with it.

  4. A nine year old boy asks his mother,

    "Is God male or female?"

    After thinking for a moment, his mother responds

    "Well God is both male and female."

    This confuses the boy, so he asks,

    "Is God black or white?"

    "Well," she says, "God is both black and white."

    This really confuses the boy, so he asks,

    "Is God gay or straight?"

    Feeling a bit out of her depth, but wanting to

    be consistent, the mother answers,

    "Honey, God is both gay and straight."

    At this the boy's face lights up with

    understanding and he triumphantly asks...

    "Is Michael Jackson God?"

  5. A drunken man staggers into a Catholic church and sits down in a confession box and says nothing. The bewildered priest coughs to attract his attention, but still the man says nothing.The priest knocks on the wall 3 times in a final attempt to get the man to speak.Finally, the drunk replies: "No use knockin' mate, there's no bog roll in this one either".

  6. A lady approaches a priest and says to him, "Father, I have a problem.

    I have two female parrots but they only know how to say one thing".

    "What do they say?" the priest inquired. "They only know how to say, Hi, we're prostitutes. D'ya wanna have some fun. "That's terrible!!" exclaimed the priest, "but I have a solution to your problem. Bring your two female parrots over to my house and I will put them with my two male parrots who I taught to pray and read the bible. My parrots will teach yours to stop saying that terrible phrase and will learn to praise and worship instead.""Thank you!" the woman responded.

    The next day, the lady brought her female parrots to the priest's house. His two male parrots were holding rosary beads and praying in their cage.The lady put her female parrots in with the male parrots and the females immediately said "Hi, we're prostitutes. D'ya wanna have some fun?" One male parrot looks at the other male parrot and exclaims "Put the f***ing beads away Frank, our prayers have been answered!"

  7. The new Liverpool manager sent scouts out around the world looking for a

    new striker to replace Michael Owen and hopefully win Liverpool the

    title. One of the scouts informs him of a young Iraqi striker who he

    thinks will turn out to be a true superstar.

    The Liverpool manager flies to Baghdad to watch him and is suitably

    impressed and arranges him to come over to Anfield. Two weeks later

    Liverpool are 4-0 down to Man Utd with only 20 mins left.

    The manager gives the young Iraqi striker the nod and on he goes. The

    lad is a sensation, scores 5 in 20 mins and wins the game for Liverpool.

    The fans are delighted, the players and coaches are delighted and the

    media love the new star.

    When the player comes off the pitch he phones his mum to tell her about

    his first day in English football.

    Hello mum, guess what?" he say's. " I played for 20 mins today, we were

    4-0 down but I scored 5 and we won. Everybody loves me, the fans, the

    media, they all love me."

    "Wonderful," says his mum, "Let me tell you about my day. Your father

    got shot in the street, your sister and I were ambushed, beaten and

    raped and your brother has joined a gang of looters, while you were

    having a great time."

    The young lad is very upset, "What can I say mum, but I'm so sorry."

    "Sorry!" says his mum, "It's your fault we moved to Liverpool in the

    first place!"

  8. The picture is not my girlfriend but my ex.....nah only joking.

    Yes, I will share the Cumb Dunt method and give it a try.

    I have tried not to show my anger about this to my girlfriend as I know this would upset her, so I have talked with her and tried to be humourous but I can still see her self esteem dropping.

    Anyway, thanks for the advice Ravisher, thats why I originally posted here to try and get some advice on how to deal with such situations.


  9. Nice one Ravisher, I will try my best to remember your advice should it happen again.

    The other side of the problem was my girlfriend understood what was going on and as a result lost a lot of confidence in the process. Everyday she would bring the subject up and I had to reassure her that in my eyes she is beautiful and looks nothing like a katoey. The mental scars are there now though and I dont know how to remove them as she was a little insecure before this incident.

    You see I dont really care if someone says something to hurt me, I big enough to brush it off, but if they hurt someone who is close to me, I feel like I want to kill them. I am angry now just thinking about it. :o

  10. Too true Boo. Now I come to think of it I really shouldn't give a shit what peole think. It's just am a guy that is not used to people speaking bad either about me or my loved ones. Where I come from if you have something bad to say about someone. you either say it and usually get whacked or keep it to yourself.

    My girlfriend is quite tall for a Thai and she has the features you mentioned, the jawline and as I mentioned earlier the arms and shoulders.

    Yes, I shouldn't care what KSR idiots are saying, its just in my nature to hit out at people like that.

  11. And just to prove that am no Tom Cruise here is a picture of me taken a few years ago by my ex-girlfriend at a hotel on Sukumvit last year. As you can see its not the best picture but I was startled when my ex-girl took it as I had just woken up. I have now lost the contacts and can honestly say that am much better looking in the flesh.

  12. Chuchok seems understood what am saying.

    She is a woman, fullstop. I have seen her id card many times and she is a woman. I ve spent time with her family in the north along with her child (yes it is hers), met her friends and other relatives.

    Just pisses me off that people can make remarks like that. I am not the sharpest guy around so the one liner reply is out for me, I just tend to fly off the handle.

    Donna , your right, I shouldn't care what other people think but the problem is I feel uncomfortable if and when they do. I guess am the one with the problem and need to sort it out.

    Chingy, dont you think after three years with her I haven't seen her naked?

    I think next time (if there is one) I will just punch the guy in the gob and see what else he has got to say, thats if he can say anything with a broken jaw.

  13. I have been seeing this girl for near enough three years now. I travel in and out of Thailand maybe once or twice month. When I go to Bangkok and usually give my girlfriend a call who lives up in the north and ask her to come down and meet me.

    Now I know everyone has there own taste in women and I happen to find this girl good looking. My family have met her and said she is pretty along with some other friends.

    However, at first I thought I was just a little paronoid when on one occasion a tuk tuk driver told me I was a "very lucky man". The same thing was said to me by motorbike taxi drivers when I took her on holiday in the south. When I first heared this I thought, "yes, she is a pretty girl and I guess I am a lucky guy" as I am no Tom Cruise.

    Recently though I took a trip to Bangkok and got her a flight from the nearest city to her village. She actually works very hard and due to this she has quite a robust build, big shoulders and strong arms. I dont find this at all attractive but I can see past that as the girls overall qualities far outshine the big shoulders and arms.

    Anyway we met in Bangkok, she asked me if we could say near Banglamphu, so that we could visit the river, Kao San etc. I really cannot stand KSR but since she hadn't been before I agreed. When we checked into the hotel near the river, the receptionist seemed to be embarressed about something and would not look at the girlfriend in the eye. I noticed this and asked the girlfriend why, she shook her head, "no idea". Then one night we were walking down KSR and I fancied a bite to eat and I overheard these two guys, either from Oz or NZ talking about my girlfriend, they said she looks very nice but there was no doubting that she was a katoey. I saw red for a moment and wanted to hit them but I just turned around and asked them why they thought this.

    One guy said the walk, the other said the build. I have in my wallet a photograph of this girl, myself and her child who is a few years old. I showed this to the guys and told them they wouldn't know a katoey from their elbow and walked away still feeling very angry. I wanted to hit them but they were much larger than me and two against one I probably would have ended up in hospital!

    This girl is a girl, she has a child and has the strecth marks to prove it!

    I know I shouldn't, but since that time I now feel that people think am walking around with a katoey. I have nothing against katoeys or the guys who go with them, each to their own, but I just dont like to perceived this way by people.

    Has anyone else on this forum encountered the same problem?

  14. I have installed a firewall, know when I access my mail account there is a message saying a "kernel" has been blocked. What does this mean? Also, I got a message telling me there was "a problem accessing my account" when trying to delete messages I had sent.

    Does anyone have any idea whats going on here?

  15. Explorer,

    I know about the "timeout" and understand that if I leave the account idle for 20 mins or so this will happen, however, I logged in before, composed a message within 2 mins, then got a message to log in again.

  16. I would like to ask this question because I dont know too much about PC's, e-mail accounts etc.

    Is it possible, if someone had my e-mail address, to launch some kind of spy program that enables them to enter my mailbox or observe the contents without obtaining the password?

    The reason I ask is that I think someone is lurking in my mailbox, I am not paranoid, really Im not! When trying to compose e-mail I sometimes get messages from the host saying I have to re-login etc.

    Can anybody help me with this, is there software I can download to trace the person who is doing this?

    Thanks in advance to anybody who may be able to answer my query.

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