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Pablo H

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Posts posted by Pablo H

  1. When we first mey she was 19 I was 29, wasn't sure if things would work out at the time as at 19 she was quite immature. It was a good job that at 29 I was also immature!

    In the last three years though we have both been growing together and life in general has become much better. Not so many tantrums now, I had to stop or the relationship would never have lasted! :o

  2. Jock, you jammy b##*ard, you got me dribbling reading that post. I have to settle for a bowl of rice soup tommorrow, still beggars and all that.

    If I were in the U.K. I would probably be out right now (5.35 GMT) on the road to oblivion :o

    Last year I was working in Chonburi and yeah its was just another day there, no big deal, but still its hard to shake off if youve been brought up with it, you have to celebrate Christmas some way, whether it be in a church or a bar, since I havent been to church since I was a nipper I would always opt for the bar.

  3. Since its the season of goodwill, why doesnt someone invite Boris around for some dinner today and try and enlighten him, I would myself but I am stuck in Malaysia. I know he would not be interested but if I were there where he is or he were I was, I would definetely buy him a jar.

  4. If you would like to know more about the geography of Pattaya, I suggest you buy a map or download one. As far as remember Nakula is in the north and is quietish, central Pattaya is where most of the bars are situated (sp) and south is walking street, if you go further south you will reach Jomtien which is a great place to stay. Yeah grab a map and check it out, thats waht I did.

  5. Do members of this forum reckon this situation will esculate? If so, what will we do? I love Thailand, and am working my <deleted> off so that one day I can live there, but now im starting to have a few doubts.

    I have a house in the north but my favorite part of Thailand is near the south. I hope all parties can come together and sort things out so that we can all live in peace. Havent we all had enough of this <deleted> by now. Make love not war, sounds daft, but its got to be better than people getting shot in the back and bombs going off.

    I worry that the militants may strike somewhere which is packed with people during the holiday, similar to what happened in Bali. There isnt much we can do, but I for one just hope the government can give the people something (not paper aeroplanes) solid and tempt the majority away from the extremists.

    Thailand is a great country (I know we all like to have a moan now and again) but its better than living in our own countries, otherwise we wouldn't all be living over there or working hard to get another ho;iday there. The government need to invest in the south heavily as I think the root of the problem is neglect. Give peace a chance, its got to be better than the alternative. :o

  6. 2000, flew in from Heathrow to Phuket, booked the guesthouse before I left, was met at the airport by a driver who took me to the guesthouse, quick shower, bite to eat and straight to a load of beer bars with the driver, some fun with the girls, permanent smile on my face then off to a Thai Karoke place, two girls, the driver and myself. Listened to the girls singing, I might aswell have been a million miles from home and in a way it was a great feeling just to forget about everything and find myself in this paradise. Woke up next morning thinking it was all a dream but no it wasn't, this was just the begining of the time I have spent in the magical kingdom of Thailand. I had booked a three week holiday there but ended up staying for three months. I cant say I look back and cringe at my first trip, although Ive had my moments.

    Boris, why dont you lighten up mate, weve all been there or thereabouts, havent we?

  7. Got to say am with Mig on this one, it dosen't matter about nationality, although my girl is Thai, she is a pain in the arse sometimes but aren't they all? As for looks I prefer Asian women to any other but thats just my taste, each to their own in it.

  8. Jockstrap, :D

    you forgot to put Lao Kao on the list, nah its paintstripper really, if I were to choose I would be happy with a beer Chang but I do like a drop of Remi on special occasions. JD is fine, as is Sangsom, Mehkong.

    But overall make mine a Babycham.

    Cheers :o

  9. I third it.

    I am stuck in Malaysia, my passport is now invalid (stamped out), I have very little cash to my name and my missus is up in the north with her family.

    Its times like this that makes me apprieciate the good times. Fortunately I have a friend here who has taken good care of me tonight (yes am pissed), just wish I could be in the viilage right now with the family, downing Lao Kao, fish on the barbie, maybe next year.

    Merry Christmas to all members and moderators, this site is worth more than people give it credit for in my opinion. Oh well off to bed, waiting for my cash to arrive and hopefully I can make it to see my tilac sometime in the next week or so.

    Have a good one guys and girls

    All the best to the lot of ya :o

  10. Reading some of the previous posts I have come to the conclusion that I must be a sex tourist and my girl is bad.

    What a load of crap.

    Ive been with this girl for near on three years, she is not a prostitute nor am I a sex tourist. To be honest, I dont really care about holdng hands, my girlfriend does though as she has told me that she feels more secure when we do. So I oblige, its no big deal.

    Admittedly, if I am walking around Soi Nana and I see a 60 yr old guy with an 18 Yr girl I presume he is a sex tourist, but so what. The industry is here, its not going away (not yet anyway), the guy has money, the girl needs it. End of story.

  11. I would rate Asian women as the most beautiful but am not so sure about Thai women. As mentioned earlier in the thread if you live in a village you will see plenty of heffa's around.

    Chinese women are sexy as are Japanese and Vietnamese.

    I guess it really depends on your own experience, where you have been and who you have seen.

    I met a stunning blonde from Switzerland, and stunners from Scotland, Spain and Israel but to name a few.

    Im not too fussy to be honest, I will take almost anything, but if I could take the pick of any based on looks only I would probably go with a tallish, slim, dark haired woman from Bangkok who I noticed sitting at a bus stop a couple of months ago, she was tasty......I have to stop writing now as I am dribbling on the keyboard. :o

  12. 1: Roast Dinner (Beef, Yorkshire Pudding and all the trimmings)

    2: Full English Breakfast

    3: Fish & Chips with mushy peas or/and with curry

    Thai food, not a big fan to be honest but dont mind Kapow Kai dow, Moo Pad kalam plee and ratna mee krorb aint too bad.

    Probably spelt them wrong but thats how I pronounce them, maybe thats why I get the funny looks from the waiter/waitress

  13. Try Emporium department store many of the hair cutters have education in America or Europe.

    Emporium charge around 1.000 Baht up to 1.500 Baht for hair cut.

    Local hair cutters charge from 50 Baht up to 200 Baht.

    “You get what you pay for”.

    Thats true. However am not really concerned about the price, though I would never pay 1000 baht for a haircut, hair replacement maybe, but not for a cut.

    I just like to use a traditional barber and am not into the salons where people are fussing over you. Just like to go in, get a cut, maybe a quick massage and then get out.

  14. I would choose to live on Ko Pagn Nagn. Apart from the monthly folly of the full moon party it really is a nice place. Not so commercial (although sadly it looks like its heading that way), yet still has everything there you could need.

    I like the weather there, some of the storms the place gets are fantastic. I know its not everybody's idea of a good time but I like to lie on my hammock, read a book and relax while watching the skies open up.

    The people there are friendly (most of them) and if you behave yourself you will not find any trouble.

    Over the last four or so years Ive been there countless times, staying from one week to six months at a time. I would love to settle there but I have a slight niggle about the commercial aspect, sadly I think its only a matter of time until it starts to mirror Ko Sumui which is in my opinion is like Blackpool (UK) only with the sun. Enough said.

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