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Posts posted by DefaultName

  1. 25 minutes ago, seancbk said:


    It's comments like that which explain why the world is so over populated. 

    She might be a nice person but I'm sure your implication was that he might have considered having sex with her, and no matter how pleasant a person she might be, why on earth would anyone choose to see her naked (let alone choose to have sex with her!).  

    She's 50, I doubt if she'll be contributing to the world's population again.

    • Haha 1
  2. 12 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

    The Phillippines get the vaccines in August, delivery in eight weeks, why is Thailand delaying again??

    They aren't delaying. 

    There is no vaccine to buy. 

    They are trying to buy future production. not something sitting in a warehouse ready to ship, and it doesn't matter if you're buying a vaccine or a new Mercedes, any manufacturing process can have unexpected delays. 

    The main issue is that that furure production is already allocated to countries/companies who ordered earlier.  Thais and Thailand being so obviously superior people who should go instantly to the front of the queue doesn't seem to matter to the manufacturers for some reason.

  3. 21 hours ago, mattk1 said:

    Hi Martin, thanks for your reply.


    We will be staying for the full 60 days. I did think about just going in on visa exempt 45 days then extending, but I think I will hit issues when applying for Certificate of Entry or on arrival if immigration want to see our return flight which will be in more than 45 days time. 

    When I used to come as a tourist on visa exempt, I never had issues with my return flight being after the end of that.  I can only remember being asked once, I just said I'd go to Jomtien immigration and extend.  No issues with that, I think the fact that I obviously knew what I was doing and had no record of previous overstays helped.


    Of course, that was pre-Covid and visa exempt was shorter for me.

    • Like 1
  4. I like Lazada and probably order something at least twice a week, it's a lot easier than trudging round shops hearing "mai me".  Which likely means that they can't instantly tell what you want, and they can't be bothered to try and find out.


    There is a lot of copy merchandise on there, usually I don't mind if the price is right and the item isn't critical. 

    If I need the genuine item though, I go to one of the manufacturers shops within Lazada.  I've used Samsung (for a phone), Kingston (memory cards), Honda (bike parts), and there are many others.  Prices are a bit more, though still less than physical shops, and you get the convenience and security of the Lazada platform. 


    As to paying, they seem to have stopped letting me pay by card, it's Lazada Wallet only now and the rules have changed to allow foreigners to use it.  Registration was easy on my phone (impossible on my PC!).  I don't need the hassle (to and fro's to my bank app) needed to pay every time, so I just transferred a couple of thousand in and top it up every so often.


    Any use?

  5. We keep coming back to the same thing; whether or not you agree with it, re-opening won't happen until a lot of the population, native or otherwise, is fully vaccinated.  But the vaccines aren't here to do that.  They aren't anywhere, we're waiting on future production, most of which has already been bought and paid for by other countries or institutions. 


    Those getting vaccinated now are being given second jab dates in September.   So, 2 weeks after that, they're presumed safe.  That's October.  First dose in July, second in November, etc.

    October 1st?  No, I doubt it unfortunately.  I just want to sit in an outdoor with a beer in my hand again, watching the world go by while chatting with mates, I miss that so much.  December is more likely IMO.  I hope I'm wrong.

  6. 10 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

    balcony?....they should be outlawed in LOS, as they seem deadly from news feeds...or are farang specific?

    Farang specific.  The height of the rails is often below the centre of gravity for farangs, but fine for the shorter Thai's.


    In this case though, she fell only 4m, I don't go to WS much, but I can't remember any residential balconies there, certainly none that low.  It does seem like a short fall for serious injury.

  7. 1 hour ago, ChipButty said:

    People are definitely looking at coming to Phuket from our own property listed on the OTA's people viewing is up over the last 30 days where they are from I dont know it doesn't tell me that

    I'm sure they're looking.  But are they booking?  Hopefully they'll do their research on what will be available.  If they don't, there are going to be a lot of arguments when they find how little of the holiday that they expect is open and how much their movements are controlled.   

    Unfortunately, judging from the "normal" tourists, some will be very clued in, but some will have done about the same checking as they do to go to their corner shop.   

    At least we'll get some fun videos out of this.  ????

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