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Posts posted by DefaultName

  1. My wife has emergency access to my card, but not regular.  I can't trust her with money; have money, spend money, next week will look after itself is the attitude.  I keep telling her that when it's gone, it's gone (not strictly true, but......  ????).


    I've started paying spending money (she doesn't work) into her bank account monthly instead of putting it in her hand, and pushing her to leave something in there each month.  I'm hoping that actually having some money and seeing it grow may help.  Not counting on it though.  ????

    • Haha 1
  2. My take is that only vaccines will get us through this.  Every country that's coming out the other side has a high percentage of the population vaccinated.


    The government needs to get out of the way of private hospitals buying vaccines - if they can find them now.

    The government needs to stop re-inventing the wheel; if something - vaccines, drugs, etc. - has been tested and approved in the more advanced countries, accept that, don't waste time re-doing the research.


    And for any God's sake, if you don't have the expertise to design a website that works - and first time at that - employ someone who does.  These continual fails and new sites look amateurish and do not inspire confidence.

  3. On 7/31/2021 at 3:36 PM, eisfeld said:

    Hm interesting, seems like in 2013 the class for trikes was changed to be in A and a few countries will allow a holding of a B license after having it for at least 3 years to ride trikes so they add a limited A to the drivers license. The DLT probably ignores the restrictions column. So what they actually should have given you is a Thai TukTuk drivers license ????

    If we Brits don't understand our own licences, how do we expect the Thais to?

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    It might also be more professional if they responded to messages. I sent two questioning if there was a technical problem and they were ignored. I was just about to raise it as a topic and then found this thread. My problem mirrors others. Very erratic delivery, if at all, and I like others have received nothing at all, one delivery a day instead of two or two newsletters the same. Today, nothing at 17.06 Thai time.

    I have to agree.  On a user forum, we put up with a lot.  On a professional, money-making forum, we expect professional behaviour.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Just now, CharlieH said:

    That was done before but was removed as it defeated purpose of the email ,why sign up for it when its there to click etc.




    I was wondering why that was important, then I thought of advertising revenue.  Ah well, money wins again.  ????

    • Like 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    Its been reported.

    Got one now. 

    If Asean Now is planning to be a resource across Asia, then need this sort of thing to not happen.  Like many, I've been a user for years and won't go away for a minor issue, but new users may well consider it unprofessional and leave.


    A suggestion would be to put the Newsletter in a set place on the forum and give us a permanent link.  That way if it doesn't turn up, we can go and get it.

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