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Posts posted by DefaultName

  1. If AZ don't supply the foreign customers who have placed orders and paid for the vaccines, they leave themselves open to being dragged through the international courts. 


    Yes, I want the vaccine to stay here, but it's wrong to cover up our mistakes by taking from others who were faster to order than we were.  


    I'm using "our" and "we" because everyone within the borders is in the same boat.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, sambum said:

    Here's a more radical thought - let's get enough vaccines to inoculate the people!

    Good idea, how please? 

    The vaccines are leaving the makers as fast as they roll off the production line. The next few months production is ordered and paid for already.

    Yes, a big mistake was made in not ordering sooner, but that doesn't currently matter.  The problem for now is how to get them fast, and I don't see an answer in the short term.

    The only ones that seem to be readily available are the Chinese versions, but they're pretty much useless against the newer strains.


    Does anyone have an answer - not a moan or a recrimination, but an actual answer?

  3. 1 hour ago, Alanmel said:

    A compressor will give you "Air" which contains 21% oxygen if you want oxygen you need to get it refilled from a gas supplier, or a dive supplier. Either of which is probably where you bought the tank anyway.

    I've just read up on these concentrators, they work by removing the nitrogen, which is the main component of "air", leaving a gas that is much higher in oxygen - up to 90% is claimed.  I won't be buying now, but it's good to know that these are a reasonably cheap option.

  4. 12 minutes ago, csmith said:

    In Chiangmai you can get a Covid test for Baht 1,800




    But if you fail, it'll cost you a lot for 2 weeks in hospital, even if you have no symptoms.  I think that, because of that, many foreigners - including me - will be passing on tests unless we have symptoms and need hospital.

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