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Posts posted by DefaultName

  1. I wonder who was with her. 

    Surely no one, male or female, hikes into unfamiliar hills on their own, even in their home country.  Way too much can go wrong even without something like this; snakes, falls, taken ill, even a bad sprain or turning an ankle, can put you in danger.  About the first thing you learn about hill walking is; don't be alone.  A Swiss would have known this.


  2. I've seen this too, thankfully not for anything urgent.

    Chrome, yes, there's an issue there.  I often get a "suspicious activity" warning and have to slide a bar to continue.  The "code" bit, yes, every month or so. 

    Whether all this is Chrome or my ISP (TOT) I don't know though; I also had a problem on an IRC chat channel and that isn't on Chrome at all.

    • Like 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, Guderian said:

    What risk? It's a certainty at the moment!

    At the moment yes, but it wasn't when they booked.  They were promised some openness that they haven't had.  TAT always misses that tourists don't book today and arrive tomorrow, most book months in advance and expect things to be as they were when they booked.

    Though why anyone in their right mind would leave their home country for a holiday at the moment beats me.  Way too much changes too fast to have a reasonable chance of things going as you expect.

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  4. I doubt this one, the government still controls the army, hard to do much against that.


    I actually don't have much of an issue with this government.  OK, not ordering vaccines early enough was a big error, but before Covid things seemed to be working well. 


    The continual exaggerated claims are just to keep us amused; nobody takes them seriously.  ????

  5. 1 hour ago, BobinBKK said:

    I wouldn't really put much faith in their knowledge of how to use a DBMS and detecting pervious vaccinations... Example: The Online 90 Day Reporting system thinks many of us are on overstay including myself.


    Two different systems yes I know, but pulling employee talent from the same "gene pool"...

    Yes, well, I may have accidentally filled in this new one.  I'm getting older, my memory isn't what it was.  ????

  6. I was speaking to an English farrang the other day who goes to these places - and there are many.  He was saying that he just can't stay in his condo all the time and what else is there to do?  Me, I like my condo, I spent a little more for a place I was happy in and, with food deliveries, UK TV, internet, and a Kindle, I'm happy enough. 


    I do miss the bars and the "interaction" of course, but I want to be alive and healthy enough to go to them when they eventually re-open.  Whether I'll still be young enough is another question.  ????

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