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Posts posted by FarangCravings

  1. Charlie makes the best fish & chips and is the most welcoming host in Chiang Mai.

    The food, atmosphere and friendliness are top quality. Farangs actually speak with each other at Charlie's.

    Others may try to copy, but Charlie has a wealth of experience and that can't be beaten.

    Totally agree with you here. Unfortunately the people who vote for Piggy's and others are not British (nothing wrong with that) it's just they do not understand what F & C should be.

    Im British and know what I am talking bout as I used to own a chippie and Piggys is GREAT the best in CM in my opinion and the best value.

    considering they have only been open a very short time they are doing fantastic in this poll

  2. I have tried several restaurants in Chiang Mai over the years that serve fish and chips, but for me it has to be Cheerful Charlie`s.

    Poor ole Charlie hasn`t been in the best of health lately and had to close for a while.

    He will be opening again next Monday (17th).

    I will be there in the evening and looking forward to a fish and chip meal, plenty of booze to wash it down with and a good ole laugh again.

    It's seems to me that Charlies is more like a social club for the older fraternity, have a drink, have a chat and the food is secondary.

    You don't go to a chippy in the Uk for a chat so why here.

    I for one don't want to go to a F&C shop and hear a load of old codgers rambling on about nothing :)

    For the record Piggy F&C are 60 baht cheaper than charlies for Thai fish and a bigger piece of fish at Piggy's.

    Mate, have you even been to CC?

    If you haven't, you can't compare

    the quality and size of the portions,

    let alone what goes on there.

    You mentioned in a previous post

    Piggy's was more like a chippy in UK.

    If you have that's ok, fair call.

    And you need to pull your head out of your

    clacker and look around. You're not in the

    UK now so it's no point saying "you don't go

    to a chippy in the UK for a chat so why here".

    You are in Thailand!



    Well will I have eaten at both and I like CC's but also like Piggys I will frequent Piggys way more often because its WAY cheaper for the SAME quality just a matter of economics

    both good both serve good portions but Piggys cheaper simple as that

  3. Nice try.

    As far as I can see - apart from the plain ROYAL blue background the cross of St George is the most prominent feature.

    Please remember to stand up for both your anthem's. :)

    Hmmm. I'm working on a response.

    My mate went to Australia and felt when he was called a Pom or Pommie by a Aussie it was meant as an insult anyone else see it that way if so maybe we will have to start calling them Crims :D

  4. I tried to go to Piggy's today for lunch. It was closed. Someone on this thread mentioned that they were there drinking for 8 hours. Not exactly what I want to do, but if they're not open on a Saturday afternoon at 1:30, they're missing out on business. Are they ever open for lunch?

    btw, Pinky's was open and had customers.

    They are deciding whether to open in the day or open later around 4-5 till 3am when its likely to be busier dont think there initial hours opening at 10am was working like I said previously new business working out the kinks and tweaking things

    had there cheese burger the other day very tasty bun was small but home made burgers very juicy and tasty I requested the vintage cheese for 10B extra which was delicious

  5. I think I've said all I need to say.

    The bouncer and his friends please post away.

    Most haunted is on Starworld and I have missed most of it because of this thread. I'M ANNOYED AND HARD.

    :):D:D not sure i understand loadeds last comment is he saying he is a Hard Man LOL

    he sounds the thug LOL

    On another note if the guy on the door is who I think it is its a FRENCH guy who happens to sound english. speaks fluent Thai. fluent english and without a french accent. and of course his native language French

    not a fan of the french but this guy is stella a real nice guy

  6. Just left Piggys after 8 hours of drinking and eating (yes Im a fat bastard but lets not talk bout that right now) and i was one of the first to get fish and chips and since i owned a chippie in the uk i gave them a few tips and watched them get better and better throughout the day and I believe they are the best chippie in chiang mai they have a ways to go with take away and a few other additions but i really enjoyed the meal there and the fish and chips are crackin not to mention cheese on toast with HP sauce (not at the same time LOL)

    ITS THERE FIRST DAY ( yes i am shouting) meaning they are still sourcing the best pies currys etc therefore before you chavs slag them give it a couple of weeks to sort things out.

    Yes the boss's hubbie has more tats than the average GEEZER

    Charlies is good i have eaten there many times but this place is cheap as chips (pun intended) 120 baht for Fish and Chips if you want COD 170 baht but the regular fish is kicken and the beer batter is very tasty.

    try it out give them a little breather for a couple of weeks till they get things in order but if todays meals as an indication of whats to come Im there

    Cheap tasty and very authentic

  7. I know an excellent Farang builder here in Chiang Mai he has his own contruction company and can provide lots of reccomendations from past customers

    Benefit of dealing with a fellow farang is no miscommunications, top quality work no skipping corners less headaches and peace of mind that you are getting the same build quality as back home

    if you interested drop me a Pm and I will give you his contact details

  8. ok, I think we have established that the food is very good and reasonably priced.

    Now, onto the important stuff...

    Was Marco a French tw@t? And were the waitresses hot?

    Awaiting your replies...(and my post being deleted)


    Yes I can confrim the first comment and the waitress is Hot but NOT Marcos girlfriend maybe just a Gig but thats another thread :D

  9. Isn't Marco half-French, half Japanese? Or am I thinking of someone else?

    It is not impossible, but he looks like a typical farang to me.

    By the way, he certainly doesn't seem dangerous in his own domain - lots of smiles and helping customers and such. His place was packed to the rafters last night and he helped the staff without any yelling or screaming - very professional. Compared to many of Thai Visa's angrier posters, he seems to be a real pussycat. :)

    Your right UG thats why I did not hit him LOL :D:D cant go round beating up pussycats LOL

    On a serious note I never slagged his restaurant down I always see its busy and that indicates it must be good I have never tried there and probably wont just because of his attitude and its quite normal for someone to be on his best behaviour when running his business its in his best interest to do so however after closing I guess its time to let his hair down and let his true personality shine.

  10. hey , the guy saying he is possible competitor ... he wishes , maybe in the next life.. this marco is a master chef ,the food is out of this world so to think you can compete is laughable.. how pompous to think you are a competitor , to compete you have to be in same leaugue and since we know there is no good food only common basic same same on loy crow other than Marcos.. ... secondly marco is french speaks french his english is basic at best so to imply i am marco..... it seems you are just barking at the wind

    and finally marco is open for lunch and stays open sometimes to12:00 midnight-1:00a.m. cooking the finest ,most wonderful southern french food in the world closing only on sundays .. so he is too busy to even think about thai visa .com ... and being french would not bother anyway.

    he is too busy turning out the best southern french food in the world.. not chiang mai, not thailand... the world! I have taken friends from aspen there from california from qatar ,,, everybody was amazed,in disbelief that such fine food so cheap could exist here.

    i get out of there for 200-300 baht tops, tip the beautiful waitresses 50-100 baht. did i say beautiful waitresses .

    hey you wish you had wonderful food like marcos but you certainly do not. impossible ....but maybe in the next life but probally not....

    This is flagrant boot-licking!!! :)

    my above post is a reply to moronic previous post and states exact truths . clients i have taken there to eat have raved about food comparing it to places in aspen,ca. for aspen people. my super rich client from qatar dining there for lunch every day after I took him there for dinner (spending 550 baht between the two of us!!) then him comparing it to other french restaurants in his home country of qatar telling me it was superior to the best there that cost 10X ++the money or more!these are simple facts ,no more no less...

    so now maybe i have opened the door for you street fighting spicy guys to rag on the arabs of the world too.

    :D:D:D your wonderful chef is the only fighting spicy guy THATS THE TRUTH

  11. yes i too have had problems with him on the streets of chiang mai, where his arrogant 'hollier than thou' attitude caused me and many friends to avoid his place. I was thinking of trying the food but his attitude left me and many other locals avoiding the place, unwilling to support his venture. You would think that when moving into a new restauarant you'd want to be friendly with the locals, not try to start fights. Sure fire way to ruin a business, and what a shameless way to advertise, times must be tough.... wonder why!!

    more BS from another ,now we have a french chef on thai visa as a street fighting man... truely a posters BS paradise.

    secondly if you do attempt to dine at chez marcos you beter make reservations he is msot times packed even at midnite...

    Guess your the only person who does not bullshit :):D:D and knows it all huh LOL sounds like Mr Marco could do with staying in a bit more sounds like its not just me but my guess is if loads of people put the same thing up about him you would still be jumping up and down having a tantrum saying its all BS also you must know the guy to actually be saying we are wrong (previously ti has been indicated he does not now him) the guy is full of himself and not a plesasant guy when drinking simple as that.

    Now its your turn for some more B.S

    P.S you will see on one of my posts I have heard good things about the food but he is a <deleted>

  12. Well he IS French in'he? Par for the course. :) Besides I'd be looking for someone to make me some food, not chat in front of a derelict nightlife hel_l hole. I know of cuter people to do that with. :D

    Spot on winny :D

  13. :)

    what a <deleted>...?? to u what a no class peasant!!

    so you always want to "knock people out right there and then??full of hate ...? huh?? CM needs less of your kind... <deleted> master .seek help or go home where your agresive sick nature will be more in tune and accepted..

    :D LOL I am afraid it was your love Marco who was the violent one wanting to start a fight I restrained myself, just wanted to but since i am a mild mannered man I chose non violence nothing to do with his language he stuck his nose in what was non of his business thinking he was the king of chaing mai

    the more you post the more you sound a little unstable you do not know me yet call me a no class peasant Hmmm because I posted my experince with your marco well my frined his food might be wonderful as you say but he is still a <deleted>

  14. Good food at reasonable prices! And Marco's personality is second to none!!! spudly u right on this part of your post .... but dead wrong to think or even dream you could possibly have food in the Marco ballpark....if in fact you really have anything to do with food to begin with many people it seems post stuff on thai visa not really knowing anything ,just like to post....

    but dream on ,dream on.... dream as far as wishing you could possibly compete with fine southern french food at Marcos....

    Yet another advert this becoming a right joke

  15. hey , the guy saying he is possible competitor ... he wishes , maybe in the next life.. this marco is a master chef ,the food is out of this world so to think you can compete is laughable.. how pompous to think you are a competitor , to compete you have to be in same leaugue and since we know there is no good food only common basic same same on loy crow other than Marcos.. ... secondly marco is french speaks french his english is basic at best so to imply i am marco..... it seems you are just barking at the wind

    and finally marco is open for lunch and stays open sometimes to12:00 midnight-1:00a.m. cooking the finest ,most wonderful southern french food in the world closing only on sundays .. so he is too busy to even think about thai visa .com ... and being french would not bother anyway.

    he is too busy turning out the best southern french food in the world.. not chiang mai, not thailand... the world! I have taken friends from aspen there from california from qatar ,,, everybody was amazed,in disbelief that such fine food so cheap could exist here.

    i get out of there for 200-300 baht tops, tip the beautiful waitresses 50-100 baht. did i say beautiful waitresses .

    hey you wish you had wonderful food like marcos but you certainly do not. impossible ....but maybe in the next life but probally not....

    Wow you really love him I mean really really love him :):D and a great additional advert

    Well come on mods this is BLATANT advertising and against forum rules do what needs to be done

  16. Never tried his place but heard good things.

    I have met Marco, outside spicy what a <deleted>, full of himself and thinks he owns chaing mai, lucky I did not knock him out right there and then.

    Best place for him in a kitchen

  17. G'day,

    We are moving out of a property and would like to seek your opinions.

    We paid 2 months' deposit at the start and at the time of signing, the landlord told us to give her a month's notice and that we will not have to pay the last month's rent. Stupidly we didn't read the contract carefully enough and it mentioned no part of the deposit is to be used as rental payment.

    So we tried to ring her but she would not answer the call, citing all sorts of excuses. She is now using her husband as a shield, absolving herself from all responsibilities.

    Going by the past few months she has handled our rental, there is no chance she is going to return us the deposit. So we are planning not to pay them the last month and lose that 1 month at the worse case, cutting our losses.

    What can the landlord do in this case? Can they forcefully evict us? Have you done anything like this in the past?



    Did you give them the months notice if you did and there is no damage to the house they have to give you your deposit back at this time you do not know if she is going to refuse you only think based on her actions I would be candid with them and advise should there be a problem refunding your deposit you will go to the Tourist Police.


    Wiser words have not been spoken.

    That's why you never want to go for a girl who is in a relationship. If she cheats on him to be with you, she will cheat on you to be with whoever is next... see above quote... :o

    She's a GOAT

  19. Hmmm I am farang male and I get Som Tam Cravings , maybe I just been here too long. :o

    Yep me too I eat it every day and love it minus the shrimps/crab if i dont eat it every day I crave it

    Heard that the heat of the chilli releases endorphmyes in the brain which give great pleasure

  20. I just read about it in newsletter. I never used them.

    With a glut of travel agents it might be worth giving this one a wide berth.....on the other hand if it cannot be substantiated I guess it's not fair.

    Up to individuals to make up their own minds.

    And if they lose money or are screwed in the process "som num naa" :D:D

    Would be nice if someone spray painted MAU TOURS BEWARE on the new establishment in the dead of night :D Just joking in case anyone thinks its a good idea :o

  21. hi all, i will be staying in chiang mai next month, for quite a while. and was wondering if anyone goes fishing there, im not really interested in the big fishing parks, but would like to try a lake, or river. if anyone could give me advice, on what tackle i would need or if there is any good free\ cheap fishing places in chiang mai? i would like to hear from anyone about there fishing experiences!


    I have gone fishing multiple times to a place called Bo Sang it is a fishing park and it has HUGE Mekong Catfish in the 50lb UP range and there are some monsters in there you will need strong tackele like a beachrod, I also went to the resevoir and while I saw loads surfacing I was not equipped well enough to catch them.

  22. My view is that this is not a vital topic :D

    Up until coming out here, I used to attend the Pioneer run/Ace Cafe(real one) runs to Brighton and Scooterists(as they are now known) and (real) Bikers get along together. Both have examples of works of art and are equally admired.


    Dave (Biker)

    Used to be a MOD when I was a youngster but these days I am a Biker but I still love the look of Vespas and Lambrettas

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