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Pink Mist

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Everything posted by Pink Mist

  1. OP Topic has been moved to the https://aseannow.com/forum/13-jobs-economy-banking-business-investments/
  2. A troll post with misinformation about the drive from HH to Suvarnabhumi Airport in BKK has been removed.
  3. The US passports can no longer have additional pages installed into the book at the Embassy here in BKK or anywhere else for that matter. "The U.S. Department of State will no longer be adding pages to U.S. passports beginning January 1, 2016. Previously, U.S. passport holders had the option to pay for the insertion of 24 additional passport pages when valid passports lacked adequate space for entry or exit visa stamps. The decision to discontinue this service was made to enhance the security of the passport and to abide by international passport standards." To mitigate the impact of no longer providing additional passport pages to frequent travelers, the Department of State began issuing 52-page passports to all applicants outside the United States starting October 1, 2014, for no additional cost. Applicants within the United States may choose a 28-page or 52-page book.
  4. A post with misleading information and baiting of another poster has been removed.
  5. A trolling off topic post has been removed. Once again this is not about experiences with the Pink card, what is on the back of a posters pink card, foreign workers, or whether a yellow book is needed at the bank or DLT. Continue and you will be suspended from posting. The OP is: Lost Pink ID foreigners and replacement experience
  6. Reported Troll posts have been removed along with a Post using a veiled reference to Thailand's Monarch. A unsubstantiated video post has also been removed. 4. You will not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or any member of the Thai royal family whether living or deceased. You will not criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments or discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing His Majesty The King of Thailand or the Thai royal family. You will not link to or discuss any website which breaches this rule.
  7. Off topic posts have been removed. The OP is not about conspiracy theories. The OP is: World's temperature likely to break key 1.5C warming threshold for first time between 2023 and 2027, scientists predict
  8. Trolling Off-topic posts have been removed. Continue trolling and you can expect a posting suspension.
  9. Personal attacks and Troll posts have been removed. 9. You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages. You will respect other members and post in a civil manner. Personal attacks, insults or hate speech posted on the forum or sent by private message are not allowed. 10. You will not post troll messages. Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing forum members by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other members into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.
  10. A personal attack and a troll post advocating harm to others has been removed. Continue and face suspension. 14. You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, Thai people, Thai culture, Thai institutions such as the military, judicial or law enforcement system or specific locations within Thailand.
  11. An unsubstantiated, unsupported misinformation post and replies have been removed.
  12. Off topic post about CNN removed. A post referencing Thailand's Monarchy has been removed. 4. You will not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or any member of the Thai royal family whether living or deceased. You will not criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments or discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing His Majesty The King of Thailand or the Thai royal family. You will not link to or discuss any website which breaches this rule.
  13. Of topic posts and replies removed. This OP is not about being a farang or a tourist.
  14. Folks are waking up it appears. You cannot deny the truth and the stolen election rhetoric any longer it appears. Folks want to move along and move forward and not lok back in the rearview mirror. Just my opinion.
  15. Off-topic, Troll posts, and an unsubstantiated and unsupported claim post have been removed.
  16. A posted link without information about the link has been removed. 27. You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Only post a link, the headline and three sentences from the article. Content in the public domain is limited to the same restrictions.
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