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Pink Mist

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Everything posted by Pink Mist

  1. A reported inappropriate racial post as well as an unintelligible post have been removed.
  2. A reported racially inappropriate post has been removed.
  3. Comments regarding the Monarchy have been removed. 4. You will not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or any member of the Thai royal family whether living or deceased. You will not criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments or discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing His Majesty The King of Thailand or the Thai royal family. You will not link to or discuss any website which breaches this rule.
  4. The bickering between posters needs to stop. Stay on topic or posts will be removed.
  5. Bickering posts between two posters have been removed.
  6. A troll post baiting another poster, and designed to hijack the thread off-topic has been removed
  7. A troll post baiting another poster has been removed.
  8. Off-topic post reported and removed as well. The OP is not about President Biden.
  9. A post baiting another poster has been removed as well as the quoted post in a response. Stay civil.
  10. All the places we have visited so far this month are pretty much empty of anyone except locals. Restaurants around us are now closing from Monday to Thursday and only opening up Fri-Sun. A waiter, at one of the places we go to, has said he now has a 2nd job during the days as a gardner. Luckily he said it is in a housing development to help make ends meet as he replaced a gentleman who went back to the university.
  11. A post discussing another poster has been removed.
  12. Low season is now here. I do not think Thailand will be seeing the same numbers the next 4 to 5 months.
  13. A post delving off-topic has been removed as well as a troll post and reply. This OP is about Title 42: Biden admin touts 70% drop in migrant encounters post-Title 42, bucking predictions
  14. Off topic posts have been removed. This OP is not about the US, or the UK, nor is it about bad drivers on the Thai roads.
  15. Posts with an unsubstantiated claim have been removed.
  16. He could apply for the LTR visa for working from Thailand if his company has the correct financials. https://ltr.boi.go.th/
  17. I use my Driver license to check into hotels. My DL does not have my passport number on it anymore as last year when I renewed my 5 year licenses for both my motorbike and private vehicle the DLT tied them all together using my Pink ID card number which is the same number as in my yellowbook. All addresses are the same as well. Never in the past 10 years or so since I bought my Condo and house have I ever needed to do a new TM30 for immigration upon returning from a Long trip out of the country or the many trips we take around Thailand or from returning.
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