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Pink Mist

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Everything posted by Pink Mist

  1. Off-topic posts have been removed. This OP is not about alcohol, the Queen of England, nor about tourists buying alcohol it is about: Thailand’s experiment with weed goes up in smoke
  2. Trolling off-topic posts have been removed. The OP is: Selling a house The OP poster has also laid out the specifics as to location.
  3. A troll post baiting another poster has been reported and removed. 10. You will not post troll messages. Trolling is the act of purposefully antagonizing forum members by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other members into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion. 11. You will not troll or stalk other members by misusing forum posts, private messages, reactions, emojis or by any other means.
  4. A Baiting personal attack has been removed. Stay civil. More comments like the one removed will result in a posting suspension.
  5. Post closed this is Asean News not the BP.
  6. A reported Baiting troll post and the same post posted over and over again have been removed along with replies indicating such. Continue reposting the same post and it will be removed without warning. If this continues the topic will be locked. DO NOT USE A MODERATORS POST ON REMOVED POSTS AS A QUOTE TO CONTINUE YOUR TOPIC POSTING.
  7. An off topic troll post has been removed. The OP is not about Asia. OP is: Lake Nona Middle School teacher resigns after ‘offensive’ student presentation
  8. A reported Baiting troll post and the same post posted over and over again have been removed along with replies indicating such. Continue reposting the same post and it will be removed without warning.
  9. A multitude of off-topic, trolling, baiting posts as well as posts with posters bickering with each other have been removed. Stay on topic.
  10. Off topic posts have been removed. This OP has nothing to do with the US
  11. The OP poster is asking about obtaining a WISE card not any other types. Nor sure if this helps @Neeranam https://wise.com/us/travel-money/thai-baht-card
  12. A derogatory name calling post for the Attorney has been removed.
  13. Off topic baiting and trolling posts have been removed. The topic is not about alcohol, or other drugs or driving. Stay on Topic which is Thailand’s experiment with weed goes up in smoke Should you decide to post off topic, trolling and baiting posts again those posts will be removed without a notice being given by the moderation team.
  14. If you have a current extension of stay for any reason, the day the new LTR Visa is stamped into your PP here in BKK, the IO will place a notation inside the passport. That notation will then cancel the current extension of stay thus making the new LTR Visa valid.
  15. The money in the bank is not needed for this class of Visa as an individual qualifies for it based upon an annual pension or income which is verified. What is done at the 5 year renewal is only a reverification that the original information which you provided at the original application which was approved by the BOI is still relevant.
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