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Pink Mist

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Everything posted by Pink Mist

  1. Off topic posts and replies about Biden have been removed.
  2. A reported misinformation post claiming the vaccines were never given human trials before release has been removed.
  3. Your talking about this one on the bottom right below all of the posts correct? That is part of the programming for the page so that you may tap it and be taken back to the top of all of the posts. It should not have anything to do with the emoticons unless its covering the section of emoticon's. If that's the case then just scroll down further.
  4. A post using profane language has been removed: 8. You will not post vulgarities, obscenities or profanities. Additionally, an off-topic post has been removed, not once but now twice. Post it again and face a suspension.
  5. An abusive reported personal attack has been removed. Continue and a suspension from posting is next.
  6. Off topic posts and replies removed. Stay civil and on-topic. The OP is: Myanmar junta says it will rethink relationship with Thailand
  7. A reported Baiting troll post has been removed
  8. Off topic flame posts and posts about moderation have been removed.
  9. A misinformation post regarding vaccines and more has been removed
  10. A post discussing the monarchy has been removed. 4. You will not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or any member of the Thai royal family whether living or deceased. You will not criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments or discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing His Majesty The King of Thailand or the Thai royal family. You will not link to or discuss any website which breaches this rule.
  11. A post going off-topic has been removed. The OP is not about AOC, but is about: Ron DeSantis will launch his presidential bid with Elon Musk
  12. A misinformation post, a troll post and a false information post have been removed.
  13. Off-topic deflection posts have been removed. The Op is not about Trump, The definition of Woke, or the Worlds fair. It is about: Ron DeSantis will launch his presidential bid with Elon Musk
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